How to create a serious training program

How to create a serious training program
How to create a serious training program

Our article will help a beginner to create a universal training complex, and an experienced athlete to adjust the program in order to force the result. Content:

  • Reducing break
  • Connecting into sets
  • Weight drop series
  • Reverse drop set
  • Drop superset
  • Up down
  • Rest-pause
  • Negatives
  • Forced repetitions
  • Chitting

Tired of endless gym visits using a standard workout set? Are you looking to create a real serious exercise program for yourself? Let's see how to diversify and complicate a routine workout for an experienced bodybuilder. Beginners need to gain experience.

Reducing the break time between exercises

Dumbbell exercise
Dumbbell exercise

To increase the intensity of the training complex, it is necessary to reduce the break time between exercise series. For example, a two-minute break should be reduced to a minute and then to a 30-45 second break. Accordingly, the weight of the load must also be slightly reduced.

Reducing the break time between exercise series contributes to the accumulation of fluid in the muscle tissue and a rapid increase in its volume. It does this by reducing the outflow of blood from the muscles that are being trained.

Combining exercises into sets

Strength exercise
Strength exercise

In addition to reducing the break time between series of exercises, they also practice combining several types of exercises into sets, with the performance of sets almost without interruptions.

Types of combined series:

  • Super series (superset) - the performance of two types of exercises aimed at different muscle groups.
  • Combined series (set) - the performance of two or more types of exercises aimed at a specific muscle group. Often the first and second concepts are combined under a single name superseries (superset).
  • Triseria (triset) - performing three exercises most often aimed at one muscle group.
  • Giant series (set) - performance of four exercises aimed at one muscle group.

Exercises in the types of combined series described above are performed almost without interruptions, and between the series, the break is slightly increased until they reach about 2-3 minutes.

The main goal of the combined series is to shorten the break time and increase the depth of working out a certain muscle group. For example, when performing trisets, the exercises used can combine different starting positions and positions, and the number of repetitions also often changes.

Weight Loss Series - Drop Sets

Exercise dumbbells
Exercise dumbbells

Whenever you perform a series of exercises, you start with a certain load, it can be free or weight-load on an apparatus or machine. It is necessary to perform a series of exercises until the observance of the exercise technique is no longer possible.

Your next step is to reduce (drop) the weight of the load by a quarter of the original, repeat the exercise to the limit. This is what a "classic" drop set looks like. You can reduce the weight of the load by another quarter - this is a triple drop set. You can repeat the decrease in the load again - in this case, you will already be performing a quadruple drop set.

There is a concept of a progressive drop-set; during its execution, the first series of exercises is performed as a warm-up. This is followed by the execution of the usual drop-set with a preliminary increase in the weight of the load. After a short break, increase the weight of the load again and perform a triple drop set. And the final quadruple drop set is performed with another increase in load.

Professional trainer Charles Poliquin offers his own interpretation of drop sets, which he uses during hand training. First, perform one repetition with a barbell on which the highest weight that a bodybuilder can lift is exposed. Take a break for 10-15 seconds, reduce the load by 3-5% and perform one repetition. Repeat a break for 10-15 seconds and again reduce the weight of the load by 3-5% and again do one repetition.

The total number of repetitions should be between 5 and 8. Take a long break for 3-5 minutes and repeat the drop set from the beginning.

Performing a Reverse Drop Set

Lesson with a trainer
Lesson with a trainer

A reverse drop set is very similar to a triple drop set, in which the weight of the load is halved in one set. Their only difference is that in the first, the load increases with the transition to the next series of exercises, and in the second, it decreases.

The reverse drop set is done like this. The first series of exercises is performed with a small load weight, and the number of repetitions reaches 20-30, take a break for 10-15 seconds. Next, a series of the same exercise is performed, increasing the load and reducing the number of repetitions to 6-8 times. The break is repeated for 10-15 seconds. The final series of exercises is performed with maximum load and a decrease in the number of repetitions up to 1–3 times.

While triple reverse drop sets are considered optimal for the calf muscle group, they can be used to train any muscle group. This type of series has a lesser effect when training the muscle groups of the chest and back.

Features of the execution of a drop superset

Kettlebells, barbell and pancakes to it
Kettlebells, barbell and pancakes to it

The mix of drop sets and supersets is pretty tricky. During the execution of the superset, the weight of the load is reduced with each subsequent exercise by 15–25%. The breaks between sets are 10-15 seconds, then the superset is repeated.

Thus, the superset is performed three times. Then take a break for 2-3 minutes and, if necessary, repeat this drop set one more time.

Vince Gironde's Up-Down Method

Up-Down Method for Hand Training
Up-Down Method for Hand Training

Professional trainer Vince Gironde described and applied the up-and-down method for hand training. Initially, the weight of the load is taken small and 3-4 repetitions of the exercise are performed, then the load is increased by 20-25% and 3-4 more repetitions are carried out, the weight of the load is increased again by 20-25% and again 3-4 repetitions are performed. The exercise is continued until the bodybuilder is unable to withstand the exercise technique.

Take a short break and gradually reduce the weight of the load with each set by 20-25% when performing 3-4 repetitions. The exercise is continued according to this scheme until the initial load weight is reached.

Coach Matt DuVell, when performing a barbell curl exercise, uses this scheme slightly modifying it. He spends an increase in the load 1-2 times, and a decrease in the load is done little by little to the minimum load on the bar.

Scheme of sets "Rest-pause"

Rod for traction
Rod for traction

It is optimal to follow this pattern when training with high volumes, as a result such training will give better results. The load weight should be 65–75% of the maximum at a time, and the number of repetitions in a series of exercises is 10–20, and an increased number of series for a specific muscle group.

If your ultimate goal is to increase the volume of muscles, the use of this scheme is not entirely advisable. The "rest-pause" scheme is performed in this way: 10–20 repetitions are performed, it is possible to achieve failure or almost to failure. Take a break for 10-15 seconds without a projectile, then, taking a projectile, if possible, repeat the set 5-8 more times.

Again, leave the shell, take a break and, if possible, do another 2-4 repetitions. Take a break for 2-3 minutes and start the set from the very beginning. For one muscle group, it is permissible to perform 3-4 sets according to the "rest-pause" scheme.

How the negatives scheme is performed

Negative repetitions
Negative repetitions

The main feature of this scheme is that the concentric phase is removed from the movements, and attention flows to the eccentric one. This allows bodybuilders to carry out training with high loads, since the muscles in the eccentric phase develop great efforts.

The training is carried out according to the "negative" scheme with the help of an assistant, which will help the bodybuilder to minimize the load on the muscles in the concentric phase, directing all efforts to the eccentric phase. Of course, you can do without an assistant.

Charles Polikvin developed a scheme for performing "negatives" when training biceps, it looks like this. Perform 3-4 repetitions when bending the arms for biceps using a barbell, set the average weight on the bar.

The next step is to increase the weight of the load on the bar by 20-25%, again perform 3-4 repetitions. The lifting of the bar is carried out with the participation of an assistant, the projectile is lowered on their own, the slower the better. Repeat the series 1-2 times, take a break for 3-5 minutes and carry out the series again. The entire workout consists of 2-4 series of exercises using the negative scheme.

Forced repetition method

Forced repetitions
Forced repetitions

The main "trick" of forced repetitions is to combine the advantages of drop sets and the "negatives" scheme. In this technique, in the concentric phase of the exercise, the assistant is minimally involved, and the athlete should receive assistance in the event that he is unable to perform normally technically with a load. In a series of exercises, there should be a maximum of 1-2 forced repetitions, and a series of such in the course of training - only 2-3.

The use of forced exercises in the bench press is considered optimal, at the same time, they can be used for any muscle group. Partial repetition technique The technique is very effective for many muscle groups, and the maximum effect is obtained by using the technique in training the arms, back, calves and deltas.

Cheating technique

An example of a cheating technique
An example of a cheating technique

Chitting is used when it is necessary to continue training a certain muscle group, but there is no longer any strength for this. Cheating is performed by throwing the projectile upward, without including weak muscle groups in the work. The projectile is lowered as expected.

Chitting is practiced when doing curls with a barbell or dumbbells in a standing position. In other types of exercises, cheating is much more difficult to apply. How to create a training program - watch the video:

To create a serious workout complex for a forced result, carefully follow our instructions and you will succeed.
