Find out which vitamins must be used by each athlete without fail, and which must appear sporadically, depending on the load. Vitamins are involved in all chemical reactions in our body. These substances cannot be synthesized, and people often have to take special complexes to meet the body's need for these important trace elements. Like all nutrients, vitamins under the influence of physical activity are consumed much more actively. Today we will tell you about the most essential vitamins in sports. More often than not, even the correct nutritional program is not able to meet the body's needs for vitamins.
The value of vitamins for the body of athletes

Thanks to vitamins, the athlete's high performance is maintained, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the training. In addition, vitamins are used in regenerative processes and when their deficiency is created, the body's recovery is delayed. First of all, vitamins are used in the synthesis of various enzymes and thus have a great effect on metabolism.
If a deficiency of vitamins is created, then the enzymes cannot be synthesized and will not fulfill their function. This will stop many processes, including the production of protein compounds in muscle tissues. In any sports discipline, the body's need for vitamins increases by at least one and a half times in comparison with an ordinary person. Thus, athletes will not be able to avoid taking special supplements.
All vitamins are usually classified into two groups: fat-soluble and water-soluble. Already from the name of these groups it becomes clear that the vitamins belonging to them have the ability to dissolve in fat and water. Water-soluble substances cannot be retained in the body, and when their excessive concentration is created, they are simply excreted from the body with the help of the kidneys. Fat-soluble substances, in turn, accumulate in tissues and, at high concentrations, can become toxic.
The most essential vitamins

Let's take a look at the most essential vitamins in sports.
- Vitamin A. This substance takes an active part in the processes of glycogen production and the creation of new cellular structures. Due to a sufficient concentration of the substance, collagen synthesis is possible, which leads to an acceleration of tissue repair. Vitamin A is able to increase the overall endurance of an athlete and also affects muscle density. If there is little vitamin A in the body, then the recovery time after training increases significantly.
- Thiamin (vitamin B1). The substance contributes to the improvement of food processing processes, increases the glycemic index and is necessary for the normalization of water balance. Thiamine also helps to improve human intellectual activity. At a low concentration of thiamine, the rate of absorption of carbohydrates is significantly reduced.
- Riboflavin (B2). It is extremely important for the metabolism of protein compounds. Under the influence of physical exertion, the consumption of this substance increases sharply, which can lead to the formation of its deficiency.
- Niacin (B3). This substance is involved in all metabolic processes, which makes it very important for builders. With a deficiency of niacin, the rate of reduction of body fat is sharply reduced.
- Pyridoxine (B6). Pyridoxine is used by the body to create new tissues. With its low concentration, the processes of muscle tissue hypertrophy slow down sharply. The substance is also required for the synthesis of blood and neurotransmitters. With the direct involvement of pyridoxine, the body produces transport proteins that are used to deliver nutrients to targeted tissues. A low concentration of B7 can cause a decrease in the efficiency of the myocardium, an increase in irritability, as well as the accumulation of toxic substances in the body.
- Vitamin B7. B7 is essential for the production of amines and takes an active part in energy production processes. At a low concentration of the substance, the rate of mass gain is significantly reduced.
- Cobalamin (vitamin B12). Substances are actively used in the production of amines and protein compounds. This fact alone makes cobalamin one of the most essential vitamins in sports. He also takes part in the creation of a network of nerve fibers in the spinal cord. In addition, among its main tasks, one can single out the production of DNA and RNA, the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and an increase in the conductivity of nerve fibers.
- Vitamin C. Promotes the assimilation of protein compounds and iron, and is also used in the synthesis of the male hormone. In addition, with its direct participation, the process of collagen secretion and regenerative reactions in the muscle tissues occur.
- Vitamin D. Accelerates the absorption of calcium, thereby contributing to the strengthening of the skeletal system. At a low concentration of the substance, the physical parameters decrease.
You will learn more about pharmacy and sports vitamins from this video from Denis Borisov:
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