Should you wear a bandage during pregnancy?

Should you wear a bandage during pregnancy?
Should you wear a bandage during pregnancy?

What is a bandage, when it is imperative to use it, in which case the bandage cannot be used and how to put it on correctly. Content:

  1. What is a bandage
  2. Types of bandages for pregnant women
  3. How to put on the bandage

What is a bandage?

A bandage is an orthopedic product that performs medical and cosmetic functions. He is able to fix the fetus in the correct position, protecting the muscles of the abdominal wall from overstretching. It also helps to reduce the load on the spine and internal organs, relieves pain in the back.

The bandage must be used if:

  • There is a scar on the uterus.
  • There is a threat of termination of pregnancy arising in the 2nd and 3rd trimester.
  • Plurality, polyhydramnios, large size of the fetus.
  • Changing the presentation of the fetus from the pelvic to the head position.
  • Low location of the placenta.

The use of a bandage is desirable in the case of:

  • Re-pregnancy, in which the abdominal wall can stretch harder and faster.
  • Weak muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.
  • If there is osteochondrosis.
  • If the pregnant woman is experiencing strong physical activity (cleaning the house, walking, exercising, cooking).

When should a bandage not be used?

The bandage is contraindicated when the fetus is in the wrong position: in the transverse or legs down.

Types of bandages for pregnant women

Types of bandages for pregnant women
Types of bandages for pregnant women

There are three types: universal, prenatal and postnatal. By cut, they are also divided into bandage-belt and bandage-pants.

  • Due to the fact that the bandage pant has a dense weave of the material, it has a supportive effect and is very easy to use, since it is worn both over and instead of underwear.
  • The bandage belt can be worn over outerwear or underwear, it also supports the abdomen due to the main rigid tape.
  • Universal bandages got their name from their use both during pregnancy and after the birth of a child. They have narrow and wide parts that are used in different ways. During pregnancy, a wide part of the orthopedic product should be on the lower back, and after childbirth - on the abdomen.

How to put on the bandage?

  1. Start using the bandage from the 20th week of pregnancy due to the increased growth of the fetus.
  2. Put it on in a supine position for correct fixation of the fetus in an upright position and even distribution of the load. But not standing or sitting.
  3. You cannot be in the bandage all day, you need to take a break for half an hour after 3 hours, and take off at all at night.
  4. In the event that you begin to feel pain in the abdomen or the baby begins to actively push, loosen the bandage or remove it, after which be sure to visit your doctor.
  5. Put on the bandage from week 39 as needed (long walks or doing homework) when the belly begins to sink and the baby begins to gradually prepare for birth.

If, immediately after childbirth, you start using a postpartum bandage (the first days and weeks), this will allow you to quickly restore the tone of the muscles and skin of the abdomen, help to cope with the stress on the back and improve the silhouette in the waist, abdomen, hips and buttocks.

Related video - how to properly put on a prenatal and postnatal bandage for pregnant women:
