See how a squirrel feeder is made from wood, plastic, and even from a helmet and a plate. Make a two-story house for squirrels so that these animals can not only eat here, but also winter.
In anticipation of the onset of cold weather, the following topic is especially relevant. After all, feeders for squirrels will help them not to starve in winter. Make these animals happy by making such canteens for them.
DIY tree feeders for squirrels
If you have a nearby forest or park where these funny animals live, we suggest making the following feeders for them. You will be able to craft these items from the leftover material. After all, very little is needed.

Pay attention to the presented diagram.

It shows the dimensions of the parts of this product, as well as the diameter of the holes. In total, you will need to make 4 notches. Then several animals will be able to feast on from this feeder at once. Having made templates according to the presented scheme, you will saw off the boards of the desired size.

They need to be properly sanded so that the animals do not get hurt. For this tree feeder, you will need to make 4 round holes in two boards at the same distance with a miter saw.

Place the two planks vertically, parallel to each other. Using self-tapping screws, attach the central and lower shelf, two halves of the walls to them. And the roof should be larger than the floor so that precipitation does not flow inside.

This wood feeder will be more durable if you then cover it with a special compound that protects the wood. But it must be harmless to animals.
On the basis of a glass jar, a tree feeder can also be created.

Proteins? flexible animals, they will get food from this container. This container can be removed and washed at any time, and dirt and precipitation will not get inside. You will be able to see through the transparent walls how much food is left and, if necessary, replenish it. It is also interesting to watch a fluffy mischief who will feast on this food.

For such a feeder, you need a few details. It consists of:
- 2 rectangles with round holes of different sizes;
- one rectangle bottom;
- sidewalls;
- two loops;
- banks.
A small circle will hold the neck of the can, but a large one? bottom. By the size of this lower square, you need to make another one, which will become the lower part of the feeder. You will attach a square with a large hole to this square. At the top, attach a square with a small hole. These parts are fixed on a large rectangle that will become the side of the tree feeder. To be able to reach the jar at any time, fix the upper rectangle with a hole on the window hinges.

Align the solid rectangle and square with the hole. Glue them together.

Now drill small holes in the large rectangle to insert the screws here. Connect the parts.

Further, this is how a tree feeder is made. Attach the loops to the top piece with the cut out circle, and on the other side, fix them to the wooden rectangle.

You will now be able to lift the top piece of wood, add food to the jar, then close the lid again.

But use a jar large enough to allow the protein to flow in and out unhindered. It is better to put nuts there in time so that the animal does not have to reach the very bottom.
You can make a similar tree feeder with a glass jar, but in such a way that the squirrel also has a house where it can warm up in the cold.

The following feeder scheme will allow you to determine its size.

In the upper triangle, you will need to cut a hole into which the can will be inserted.

This will be the front wall. Attach it to the three main ones, and make a hole in the side wall, which will become the entrance to the dwelling. This house is mounted on two boards. The lower one will become both a floor and a platform, and the upper one? lid and visor.
Attach a metal strip to this structure, which will be fixed to the tree. Pour nuts, seeds into the jar from time to time, you can put an ear of corn here. Squirrels will love this treat.

It is interesting to watch through the glass walls of the jar, how the fluffy beauty enters the house, takes a tidbit.

You can attach a large, faceted jar with a wire to a wooden block and put a treat here.

For such a good deed, a rectangular bottle with a large neck is also useful. Fix it in the house and hang it on a tree.
If you want such a train to decorate it, then construct one of the planks, cut out round parts that will become decoration and wheels.

And the next tree feeder looks like a small village house. Make a wall box with straight branches. From the same you will make a platform in front of the bank. Make a gable roof and paint it.

If you need to quickly make a feeder for squirrels, then simply tie a glass jar with a large neck to wooden supports or to a tree with wire.

You can use two cans, which will be attached to the house, then you can put more food in them or feed two animals at the same time.

You can make a kind of arch out of three branches, fix the front of the can on them, and attach the bottom to the bars that make up the next platform for the feeder.

If you have small blocks of small section left from the construction, fold the frame of the house out of them, make a round window-entrance on the side, on the other side? a larger hole to attach a jar here.

Such feeders not only for birds, but also for squirrels can be of a simple design. If fluffy animals live nearby, then use a wire to attach a horizontally located jar to the fence, and attach a spoon to the bottom so that the squirrel is convenient to enter. But if you use such a structure in cold weather, then attach a wooden one instead of a metal spoon.

If you know how to carve wood, then you can cut out these two funny squirrels from plywood, which will make up the sides of the next feeder. And you will also start pouring food into a glass container.

Having shown diligence, you can make a feeder in the form of a machine, please your children and squirrels with this at the same time.

You can use a lighter or more complex design, depending on your skills.
And if you have a wooden container for bulk products with a lifting lid, you can make a wooden feeder out of it. Drill a hole in the front where you want to insert the can. Also make a hole in the side with a miter saw, where the invited guests will run in.

How to make a house for squirrels from a log with your own hands?
- log;
- wooden planks;
- self-tapping screws;
- roof ridge;
- saw;
- face saw;
- screwdriver.
Saw the log to the desired length. This fragment must be at least 40 cm. Hollow out the cavity, leaving the walls 3 cm thick. A hole must be made in the upper part of the house. Make a gable roof from slats and planks. Boards need to be nailed, starting from the bottom, so that each top row goes into the bottom one.

Do not forget to grind and sand the hole near the entrance so that the animal does not get hurt.
If you want to cheer up not only yourself, but also those who see such a house made of wood, then we suggest paying attention to the following option.

You will also make such a house for squirrels from a log, but take one that has a knot in the right place. It will become the nose of a funny figurine. Saw out 2 holes that will simultaneously become the pupils and windows of the house. Peel the bark around them in a circle. This cleared area will become the eyes of a funny character.
Saw out your mouth, and to make it smile, mark the teeth on the wood. This will be the entrance for the squirrel. Cover the hole in the log with a piece of wood from above. Of course, do not forget to choose the inside of the log, leaving the walls.
And if there is chaga on the log, do not remove it, then it will be convenient for the squirrel, leaning on it, to climb into the house.

You can make several wooden houses for squirrels, then you get a whole composition. Make a ladder out of branches, which will become a decor and a convenient accessory for these fluffy animals.

DIY original feeders for squirrels with corn
You can make another interesting item by first drawing such a train on plywood, then you will need to cut it out and paint it. Attach the pin on the side, on which you will put on the cob. Just remember to change this feed periodically when the grains are eaten.

Squirrels are happy to feast on the cobs of corn. You can make the next feeder by hanging 4 ears at once. This design is easy to reproduce. It consists of a central circular axis to which 4 metal pins are attached.

The next squirrel feeder is made in the form of a chair. It also has a metal pin attached to it, on which you will put on the cob. It seems that the squirrel sits importantly in this chair, like a forest boss.

You can use a wooden spinner with three blades, each of which will be strung on the cob.

The feeder can be made in the form of benches and a table. Fix a couple of cobs on it, hang this structure with metal chains.

The next squirrel feeder is fixed in much the same way. You attach two chains to a horizontal bar, which you attach to a vertical one with an inclined plank.

And if you want to see the squirrels sitting at their desks, then construct the following tree feeders for them.

Little pranksters will gladly sit on the chairs made for them and enjoy a treat.
You can make two chairs for them at the same time and a house in which they will live. And between these chairs, you will place a treat.

Another original squirrel feeder is made in the form of a cafe. Saw out the bases for benches from plywood, stuff narrow boards on them. Make a small table and fix a metal pin on it, on which you will slide the corn cob.

You can fix it on a small stump that you make from a branch with bark.

Place a small wicker chair next to it to help the squirrel sit comfortably. The next tree feeder for squirrels is made of plywood. It needs to be cut into rectangles and chairs put together. For one you will need:
- one large sidewall, which at the same time will become the hind legs;
- one plywood that you turn into the front legs;
- and one rectangle of this material will become a seat.

The table is made from the same material. And in the fixed pins is on the cob of corn.
You can make a rocking chair shaped feeder and secure the treats here.

You can turn a tree on the outskirts of a forest or in a park into a real Miracle tree. You will make here at the same time a locomotive, and a typewriter, and a table with benches, and an airplane. All these items will also treat the tailed pranksters with corn.

Another original squirrel feeder can be made from half a coconut. From it you will make two feeders at once.

If you have a construction helmet and a plate, this is another great squirrel feeder. You need to drill one or two holes in the helmet and attach it to the plate with self-tapping screws.

This design is good because, even when wet, it dries quickly. And you will make such a feeder from scrap materials.
If you have plastic or rubber animal masks, you can attach them to trees and fix a squirrel treat there. It will be very funny to watch how the squirrels take food from there and for a while turn into more amusing animals.

How to make a simple do-it-yourself squirrel feeder?

Children will be happy to make this together with you. You will need:
- toilet paper rolls or cardboard and glue;
- ribbon;
- peanut butter;
- grains, seeds.
If you have bushings, then use them. If you want to make blanks from cardboard, then first twist it into tubes, fixing it with glue or stapler safe for squirrels.
Lubricate such a tube with peanut butter, then roll in the mixture of grains and seeds. Make several of these blanks, then tie them together to form a kind of rope ladder.

The squirrels will enjoy treating themselves with pleasure, and the kids will enjoy not only the manufacturing process, but also watching the results of their work.

You can attach grains and seeds with peanut butter to toilet paper sleeves, then simply string them onto branches that are complex and fixed in a cross pattern. In the center, you need to thread a rope and tie it to a support.

You can also make a simple squirrel feeder out of a cardboard box. For example, it is suitable for household appliances. Cut holes on one or more sides. Make a gable roof out of cardboard and attach it on top.

Or you can use a box that already has a semblance of a gable roof.
A plastic bottle feeder should also not be difficult to manufacture. A container with a capacity of 5 liters is suitable.

Make a slot in it so that the animal can freely penetrate inside. Fold back the cut part so that it is not sharp at the fold. To prevent the animal from getting hurt, you need to singe the edges of the cut.
You can use a plastic canister, it is convenient to hang this device by the handle. You will frame the incisions with tape in a contrasting color. Then there will be an additional decoration, and the animals will not get hurt.

If you want a visor over the entrance, then cut off the place of the door so that the remaining part is at the top. Fold it up and wait for the invited guests.

If you want to make a solid structure so that the squirrel not only feeds, but also lives there, then watch the next master class.
Two-story house for squirrels - master class and step by step photos
It can be two-story, so that the animals have enough space to comfortably settle here.

- a board 3 m long, 30 cm wide, 2 cm thick;
- saw;
- drill with a nozzle for inserting locks;
- self-tapping screws.
Disclose the following details:
- for the back side, a rectangle measuring 55 by 30 cm;
- side walls in the amount of 2 pieces measuring 25 by 45 cm;
- internal partition 25 by 20 cm;
- details for the bottom and roof.
Saw out a round hole with a diameter of 8 cm on the front wall, sand the edges. Attach the roof and bottom. From two narrow boards, placing them perpendicularly, make a porch.
A two-story squirrel house can be very different. If you want such an openwork porch to separate their two floors, make it.

You can make a squirrel house so that there are stairs, holes for doors and windows.

To make it easier for the squirrels to climb from the outside of the wall, secure several planks here.

Simple options for squirrel feeders
You can make the following squirrel feeder.

To do this, you just need to make a gable roof from 2 planks and from a ridge at the top, and at the bottom, attach each wall with triangular slats to a wide floor.
If your coffee machine breaks down, it can no longer be repaired, then it will also make an excellent squirrel feeder.

Take a large spring, stretch it, and put a variety of dry squirrel food in the middle. You can use peanut butter to hold the ingredients together so that it doesn't pop out.

If you have a metal mesh or such container, you can put a treat for furry animals here.

And if you string a treat on a string, then hang it on a tree, and the animals will gladly come running here to have a snack.

To make this type of beads, you will need:
- strong thread;
- scissors;
- dry breakfast ringlets.
If you don't have a suitable rope, then use a wire. And instead of dry breakfast, you can take regular bagels.
String such a treat on a rope or wire, tie the ends and hang the treat on a branch.
This is how to make a house for squirrels, and also a squirrel feeder is being made. You can see how to somehow build a dwelling for these animals from a log by removing the core from it.

Another squirrel can also be made with your own hands. Such a two-story house for squirrels will surely please them.