Making a piñata for the holiday with your own hands

Making a piñata for the holiday with your own hands
Making a piñata for the holiday with your own hands

The birthday will be held in an unusual way, if in the midst of the holiday you call the children, who are waiting for the game of piñata. The main accessory of the holiday can also be made for adults. In our country, not everyone knows how to make a piñata, and what it is. We offer you to plunge into the fascinating world and learn the intricacies of simple needlework.

Pinata game - fun fun for kids

Zebra pinata
Zebra pinata

Pinata is a spectacular game. She came to us not so long ago, and at children's parties in America, Mexico, some European countries - this is traditional entertainment. You might have seen the Piñata if you watched the movie "Difficult Child". There, a redhead tomboy, in revenge for the fact that he, an orphan, was not accepted into their circle by children with parents, figured out how to take revenge. Among other minor mischiefs, he decided to fill the piñata with water. When the birthday girl hit that stick, instead of sweets, a stream gushed out of the hanging toy, and the girl got wet.

By the way, candies, nuts, confetti are traditionally placed in a figurine made of papier-mâché. The piñata game has the following rules: a large toy filled with sweets is hung up. A child (usually a birthday boy) is blindfolded and then twisted around its axis, released. Children nearby speak loudly, showing him the way. The driver must find a piñata, hit it with a stick so that it falls apart, and a treat, festive confetti, falls on top.

But the driver is not always shown the right path. If the children want to laugh, they take the birthday boy in a different direction. But if the guys want to quickly taste the sweets, then, shouting over each other, they direct the driver's voice so that he and they quickly achieve their goal.

Let the holiday be even more interesting. Make a piñata for the kids and there will be no limit to their delight. It doesn't matter that it will be broken. Shoot a video and enjoy watching this game as much as you like. Next, you will find several options for piñata. Pick the one you like the most and see how easy and fun it is to make this party attribute.

Children's party decoration - we make a crocodile, a star

See how such a piñata is made with your own hands.

Pinata in the form of a crocodile
Pinata in the form of a crocodile

For her you need:

  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • Scotch;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • rope.

Draw the side of a crocodile on a piece of cardboard. Please note that it consists of a body, mouth, tail, two legs.

Cut out this blank, attach it to a sheet of cardboard, cut out another one exactly the same, steam room. Now you need to connect them. To do this, cut 3 strips of cardboard. Attach one, short, to the crocodile's mouth, the second to the back, and the third to the belly of the reptile.

Cutting a crocodile from cardboard
Cutting a crocodile from cardboard

Attach the bottom cardboard tape first to the crocodile's jaw, then to its front legs, belly, and hind legs.

Bonding parts of the crocodile base
Bonding parts of the crocodile base

To make a beautiful piñata for a holiday for children, we decorate it like this: cut a strip out of colored paper, cut the edge of one of the long sides into narrow strips with scissors. Glue to the underside of the crocodile, fringe down.

Bonding colored paper fringes
Bonding colored paper fringes

To make the animal's teeth, cut triangles out of white paper. Fold them in half.

Making animal teeth
Making animal teeth

Glue these 2 edges together. Peel back the bottom and attach the teeth to the mouth of the animal.

Attaching teeth to the base
Attaching teeth to the base

Glue the strips, fringe down, onto the muzzle.

Decorating the face of an animal with paper fringe
Decorating the face of an animal with paper fringe

Attach a rope to the top of the animal to hang it from. Now you know how to make a piñata with your own hands.

Attaching hanging ropes to the pinata
Attaching hanging ropes to the pinata

If you want a multi-colored star to shine over the heads of the audience, make such an attribute of a merry holiday.

Pinata in the form of a multi-colored star
Pinata in the form of a multi-colored star

To create it you need:

  • a pack of newspapers;
  • a large balloon (preferably 2 - one in reserve);
  • PVA paper glue;
  • construction tape;
  • wrapping or corrugated paper;
  • cardboard;
  • wire;
  • rope;
  • birthday caps - 7 pcs.
Materials for making a star-shaped piñata
Materials for making a star-shaped piñata

The piñata will begin with the fact that you, holding the ball with your hands, inflate it. Then you need to tie his "tail" well with a rope.


Cut the newspapers into strips, smearing each one, glue them over the ball, first with one, then with the second and third layers.

Wrapping a balloon with newspaper strips
Wrapping a balloon with newspaper strips

In order for the workpiece to be ready for work as soon as possible, it is better to let each layer dry well, only then glue the next one. If you plan to put heavier items in the piñata, then there should be more layers.

When all the glued newspapers are dry, cut the “tail” of the balloon and remove it from the blank. In it, cut a small round hole with scissors, fill the piñata with sweets, toys or other small products through it. Then glue this hat in place with paper tape.

Filling the resulting papier-mâché mold with toys and sweets
Filling the resulting papier-mâché mold with toys and sweets

Now you need to make a pinata mount. To do this, cut a strip out of thick cardboard, glue tape in the center. Make a small hole with an awl, insert the wire here. On the wrong side, fasten it in the form of a flat loop, on the front part, bend it in the form of a hook. Tape this blank to the top of the ball.

Making a pinata mount
Making a pinata mount

Now we are going to talk about how to make a star. To do this, glue the holiday caps evenly to the ball with strips of double-sided tape. If you don't have ready-made ones, cut the cardboard into triangles, roll each into a cone, and then glue it to the ball.

Making piñata caps
Making piñata caps

In this case, place 5 pieces in a circle, the sixth in the center, the seventh also in the middle, but on the other side.

Ready-made piñata base
Ready-made piñata base

In order for the game of piñata to be remembered for a long time, in addition to the internal content, you need to think about the external. The star should be colorful. To do this, cut strips from wrapping or corrugated paper, make a fringe with scissors on one side.

We begin to glue these tapes from the junction of the ball with the base of the caps, gradually moving towards their end. Or, first paste over the ball, and then the rays. The strips are overlapped so that the newspapers do not shine through.

Decorating the piñata
Decorating the piñata

Here's how to make a star shaped piñata. This can decorate not only a children's party, but also an adult. In the latter case, you will put in souvenirs that are interesting for this age category.

How to make a chicken?

But this will not be just a baby chicken, but another attribute for playing for the holiday.

Finished chicken-shaped pinata
Finished chicken-shaped pinata

Before making your chicken, prepare:

  • yellow paper (tissue or corrugated);
  • cardboard or orange foam intended for creativity;
  • PVA glue;
  • moving eyes;
  • newspapers;
  • white paint;
  • tape;
  • balloon.
Chicken Pinata Materials
Chicken Pinata Materials

Then follow the instructions:

  1. We start as in the previous case. First, inflate the balloon, cover it with strips of newspaper. You can put pieces of newspaper in the glue or use a brush to brush the surface of the ball with glue, and then apply these paper strips to it.
  2. Leave the upper part, where the "ponytail" is, free. We hang the ball behind it so that the glue is high. After that, we burst it with a needle, take it out of the container.
  3. Put surprises in the remaining hole, cover it with cardboard.
  4. Make 2 cuts in the cardboard, pull the tape through them, through which you will hang the piñata.
  5. Paint the workpiece white and let it dry.
  6. From tissue and corrugated paper, folded several times, cut out semicircular petals. Glue them like fish scales.
  7. Cut a diamond out of creative foam or cardboard, fold it in half to make 2 triangles - the mouth of the chicken.
  8. Each eye consists of an oval and a moving part - attach them in place.
  9. If you want, glue the legs of the bird, but even without them, the piñata will be wonderful.
Chicken-shaped piñata decoration
Chicken-shaped piñata decoration

You have learned how to make a chicken by gluing yellow petals to it. But you can design the body in a different way, like a star. With terry stripes like this, this pinata looks great too.

This can be done for Easter or any other holiday. If you are wondering how to surprise your significant other for Valentine's Day, wedding anniversary, make a heart-shaped piñata.

Prepare for her:

  • medium box or thick cardboard;
  • thermal gun;
  • paper tape;
  • corrugated, wrapping or plain colored paper;
  • packing or satin tape.

Draw a heart on a box or sheet cardboard, cut it out. Attach it to the cardboard, cut out another exactly the same blank.

Blanks for making piñata
Blanks for making piñata

The sidewalls need to be made from the same material. We cut them out in the form of a tape that needs to be bent. To do this, you can wrap it around a jar, another similar object.

Folding and stapling the heart-shaped workpiece
Folding and stapling the heart-shaped workpiece

Glue the sidewalls between the two heart blanks, connecting them in this way.

Attaching the side walls to the bottom
Attaching the side walls to the bottom

See where to leave the side hole through which you will fill the piñata.

Heart-Shaped Ready-Made Piñata Base
Heart-Shaped Ready-Made Piñata Base

Glue the tape on top, or make 2 holes, thread that through them. Fill the piñata with nuts, candy. Cover the hole with paper tape. Check the product for strength, taking the tape, you need to shake it. We proceed to the registration.

To do this, glue the piñata with strips of paper with notched edges at the bottom.

Decorating a heart-shaped piñata
Decorating a heart-shaped piñata

The accessory is ready. But if you do this for children and the child is small, he may not have enough strength to break such an object, and the piñata game will be ruined. But for adults, this is perfect.

And for children, it is better to do it according to the above method - on the basis of balls, which can be decorated in the form of heroes of your favorite cartoons.

Piñatas in the form of cartoon characters
Piñatas in the form of cartoon characters

We suggest watching helpful videos on the topic that will show you how to make a piñata.
