Entertaining tricks and their secrets

Entertaining tricks and their secrets
Entertaining tricks and their secrets

Do you want your children to enjoy school? Experiments for children will help to love physics, chemistry. From the article you will learn about magic tricks and their secrets. The child will be able to feel like a real illusionist if he learns to show tricks with coins, water, oil and other auxiliary materials. The secrets of these miracles are pretty simple. They are based on the laws of physics and chemistry. By telling and showing your child how to make spectacular numbers, you will help him become the soul of the company among his peers, and better master school subjects.

Tricks with water

If you want it to turn into ice right in front of your eyes even on a hot day, then pour water into a plastic bottle, put it in the freezer. The liquid should cool well, but not have time to freeze. Watch the water periodically, as soon as it is close to freezing, take it out.

It is optimal to put the liquid in containers in the freezer for 1, 5 hours, setting the temperature to -18 ° C. Even earlier, you need to pour an incomplete bowl of water, freeze the liquid well. Take out this container at the same time as chilled water. Pour cold liquid on ice, and this substance will freeze before your eyes.

Cold liquid is poured onto ice
Cold liquid is poured onto ice

Let the children make their own rainbow water. As a result, there will be a multi-layered liquid in a transparent glass.

Here's what you need to do this kind of trick with water:

  • 4 glasses;
  • sugar;
  • tea spoon;
  • water;
  • paints;
  • large transparent wine glass.

Leave the first glass empty for now, pour half a spoonful of sugar into the second, add a whole spoon to the third, and 1.5 tsp into the fourth.

Spreading sugar in glasses
Spreading sugar in glasses

Now add water to each glass, stir the sugar with a spoon or brush. Dip the brush in scarlet paint. Dip it in a container that does not contain sugar, stir. In the next glass, drop a drop of green watercolor into the water. Color the liquid in the third glass with black gouache, and the water in the last glass with yellow.

Coloring water in glasses
Coloring water in glasses

Now draw the red liquid into the syringe, pour it into a transparent glass.

Red liquid is poured into a glass
Red liquid is poured into a glass

Then fill the syringe with green water, also pour it into the glass. After that, in the same way, add black, and most recently yellow water to the glass.

Yellow liquid is poured into a glass
Yellow liquid is poured into a glass

See how beautiful rainbow water you get.

The secret of the trick is that the more sugar there is in the liquid, the denser the solution is, and the lower it sinks.

Rainbow water in a glass
Rainbow water in a glass

Such interesting tricks with water are shown with pleasure by children, whom they distract from gadgets, computers and give the opportunity to spend time interestingly.

The next water trick is quick and easy. For it, you only need 3 components:

  • transparent plastic bottle;
  • water;
  • small bag of ketchup.

Roll the bag into a roll so that it goes through the neck of the bottle into the container. Fill it up with water, but not to the top. Make passes with your left hand, following it, the bag will either go down or go up. In fact, you will lightly squeeze the bottle with your right hand, and the flow of water will regulate the movement of the bag.

Empty ketchup bag in bottle
Empty ketchup bag in bottle

Other water tricks are just as interesting. Fill it in a transparent plastic bag, pierce it with a pencil on one side so that it comes out on the other. This prevents water from spilling out of the bag.

This trick will help the child to get carried away with chemistry. After all, this science explains that water does not flow out because the deformed molecules of the package create a semblance of a seal, sealing the area between it and the pencil.

Pencils pierced through a bag of water
Pencils pierced through a bag of water

You can pierce the bag with not one, but several pencils, or use long nails instead.

Tricks with coins

For some of them, water was also used. Surprise your child by saying that you have a magic jar that will multiply money. Pour water into it and toss a coin. Then cover the neck with a napkin, move your hand over it, casting a spell. Remove the napkin, ask the child to look through the top of the jar. He will see that there is more money.

Coin in a glass
Coin in a glass

These coin tricks are based on the laws of physics on the refraction of light. Before the illusion begins, place three coins under the jar. If you look at the container from the side, they will not be visible, but you can only contemplate the coin that you put inside the transparent container.

Coin mirroring scheme
Coin mirroring scheme

And at the end of the attraction, ask the child to look into the bank through its top, and then he will see that there is more money.

Other coin tricks are no less interesting. Place the following items on the table:

  • a plate;
  • paper;
  • matches or a lighter;
  • a glass that is a third or a quarter filled with water;
  • dry glass;
  • coin.

Put a coin in a plate, fill it with water from a glass. Tell those present to get the money out without getting their fingers wet. To do this, you can use only those items that are on the table. The plate should not be taken by hand, turned over.

If the congregation does not know how such a trick with coins is done, impress them. Crumple the paper, place it in a glass, and light it on fire.

Get a coin from the plate using the items on the table
Get a coin from the plate using the items on the table

Take the glass with your gloved hand, quickly turn it over and immediately lower it as it is on a plate of water. Soon, the liquid will flow into the glass, and the coin will remain nearby. Wait a little for it to dry, then remove it without getting your fingers wet.

Water collected in a glass
Water collected in a glass

Tricks and their secrets reveal the secret of this attraction. The water in the glass was made to move by atmospheric pressure. When the paper burned, the air pressure in the glass increased and forced part of it out. After the glass was turned over, the paper went out, the air cooled down. The pressure eased, air began to enter the container, which drove the water inside with it.

Coin tricks can turn into real performances. To arrange one of them, you will need:

  • Matchbox;
  • map;
  • two exactly the same coins;
  • a glass of water;
  • cocktail straw;
  • magnet.

Place three matches on the table in a triangle, tell the audience that this is the "Bermuda Triangle", in which all sorts of miracles take place. Place a coin in its center, put a card on it, and put a glass of water and a straw on top.

Now say any spell, while saying that you turn a coin into water. To do this, take some water from a straw into your mouth, and then put a coin, which supposedly turned from water into money, on the back of your hand and demonstrate it to those present. Show the audience that there is no coin in the old place. Remove the box of matches from the card, pick it up. Apart from three matches, there will be nothing there, including money.

Focus scheme
Focus scheme

Such magic tricks with coins are admirable. Not everyone will understand how this trick is done. In fact, everything is simple. Even before the start of the focus, the coin must be put in the mouth by the cheek, hold it with your tongue.

It is better to take a large amount of money so as not to accidentally swallow it. With this part of the focus, you need to be extremely careful so that the coin lying in your mouth does not lead to trouble. Even before you show the tricks with the coin, put a flat magnet on the very bottom of the box. Lay out the matches on top. When you place the box on the card, the coin underneath will be magnetically attached to the card.

When you pretend that you have turned the coin into water, drank it, take the money out from behind your cheek and demonstrate to others that the money, allegedly in a liquid state, went up a straw and ended up in your mouth. Next, pick up the box of matches along with the card, holding it. Demonstrate to the audience that the coin disappeared from the matches in the Bermuda Triangle.

Show them the back of the card so they can see, there is no money there either. Now you need to take a red herring to hide the coin. To do this, take your time, open the box of matches by taking it out of the case. Hold the money discreetly. Put the matches in the box, slide the coin from the bottom of the case under the bottom of the box with your finger. Place the cover over the matches.

Now you can show the viewers the boxes from all sides to make sure there is no money. Here's how to do coin tricks to impress those around you.

For beginners, you can also advise other manipulations that will delight the audience. Despite their simplicity, they are very effective and will make a splash.

Easy tricks

Arrange a spectacular volcanic eruption. To implement your plan, you will need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • tray;
  • vinegar essence;
  • plasticine;
  • 1 tsp dishwashing liquid;
  • 2 paper clips;
  • red gouache.
Essential ingredients for focus
Essential ingredients for focus

Cut a circle out of cardboard, use scissors to make a cut on the side, roll up in the form of a cone. Secure it at the top and bottom with paper clips. Cut a round hole at the top, this will be the mouth of the volcano. Put the workpiece on a tray, stick it on the sides and top with plasticine. Pour baking soda into the vent, pour dishwashing detergent or liquid soap, paint.

After these preparations, you can start doing light tricks, which, despite their simplicity, are very effective. Pour some vinegar essence into the mouth of the volcano and watch it erupt, foam beautifully.

Attention! Acetic essence is a highly concentrated acid. You need to be extremely careful with her. Do not let the children do this trick, show it to them yourself.

Erupting volcano
Erupting volcano

The magic trick continues with an interesting egg trick. Since matches will be used, you also need to be extremely careful in implementing a spectacular action. Here is a complete list of everything you need:

  • Glass bottle;
  • boiled egg;
  • paper;
  • matches.

Crumple a piece of paper, set it on fire, and immediately put it in the bottle. Without hesitation, place the egg on top of the neck and enjoy the spectacle of how it gradually ends up inside the vessel.

Egg in a bottle
Egg in a bottle

And here's another interesting egg trick. You will learn how to make a pliable rubber-like substance out of it. To do this, you only need three things:

  • egg;
  • vinegar 9%;
  • mug.

Put a raw egg in a mug, pour vinegar over it, leave for a day. After this time, carefully drain the vinegar, pour cold water over the egg. Get it out. You will see that within 24 hours the vinegar completely dissolved the calcium shell of the egg, and it became slightly transparent and looks like rubber. But you need to handle such a toy carefully, since the yolk is liquid inside and when piercing the shell, it will simply pour out through the hole.

A raw egg, kept overnight in acetic acid
A raw egg, kept overnight in acetic acid

Experiments in chemistry

We would like to draw your attention to a few more spectacular tricks that are based on the laws of chemistry. If you show your child the fascinating transformations of water, liquid soap and other ingredients into magic foam, children will surely love this science, and they will be much more interested in learning this subject at school.

To make magic foam, you will need:

  • water - 100 ml;
  • liquid soap - 5-6 tbsp. l.;
  • flavoring such as cinnamon;
  • dye.
Making magic foam
Making magic foam

All these ingredients need to be poured into a bowl, mixed with a blender. The result is a beautifully colored, aromatic foam that is so pleasant to play with. It can be transferred to various containers, build castles in the air. Children will surely find a use for colored foam.

If you want the foam to stay stable for as long as possible, add a drop of glycerin to it before whipping. Interesting experiments in chemistry help to admire volcanic lava at home. For the next experiment, you need:

  • a glass filled not to the brim with warm water;
  • sunflower oil;
  • dye;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • effervescent aspirin tablet.

You need to pour vegetable oil into a glass of water, it is lighter in density than water, so it will not mix with it, but will rise up.

Water and vegetable oil
Water and vegetable oil

Now add the dye, stir. Add salt, stir too. Since its density is greater than that of oil, it will carry it to the bottom.

The salt in the glass carries the oil to the bottom
The salt in the glass carries the oil to the bottom

As the salt dissolves, it will lift it up again. As a result of this chemical experiment, you will see lava boiling violently if you throw an effervescent aspirin tablet into a glass.

Boiling lava in a glass
Boiling lava in a glass

Such tricks for beginners look even more spectacular if you turn off the light and turn on the flashlight at the moment the liquid is bubbling. Such a spectacle is truly magical. The following experience will help you make clever plasticine or space slime. For him you will need:

  • PVA glue - 100 g;
  • brilliant green;
  • sodium tetraborate - 1 bottle.

Pour glue into a bowl, add sodium tetraborate and brilliant green.

Making smart plasticine
Making smart plasticine

Stir the mixture until it thickens. You have got smart plasticine, which children love to play so much.

Smart plasticine in hands
Smart plasticine in hands

Here's how much fun you can see by applying chemistry experiments at home. Many tricks with water, with other subjects are also based on the sciences that take place in school.

The following stories will help you see other interesting experiences you can do at home with your children.
