How much can you make from shells with your own hands! Candlesticks, paintings, flowerpots, decorate the cake with a mastic shell, sew a toy of the same shape. Summer holidays are over. Many of those who visited the sea brought seashells with them from there. We offer to make original things for the house out of them, which will remind you of a sea vacation and will allow you to make the necessary household items. They can be made with your own hands and from purchased shells.
DIY shell crafts for a stylish home
See how to make beautiful candlesticks from old ones.

For such stylish things you need:
- old candlestick;
- glue "Moment";
- various seashells.
If you've collected the shells yourself, wash and dry them first. Lubricate on one side with glue, attach to the surface of the candlestick. Glue the larger specimens first, then cover the space between them with small shells.

Such a candlestick, made with your own hands, will become an exquisite table decoration, like the next one.

It will be a pleasant addition to a romantic evening. This is what the exclusive accessory is made of, from:
- wide glass;
- sand;
- seashells;
- candles.
If you don't have a suitable glass, you can replace it with a glass vase, another clear, refractory jar. Place a candle in the center of the glass so that it holds well and for decoration, pour a layer of sand on the bottom of the vessel. Place a starfish shell next to the candles. Pour small shells on the sand.
Almost according to the same principle, you can make crafts from shells with your own hands. For the next one you will need:
- gypsum or sand and cement;
- water;
- seashells;
- glass vase;
- wooden box;
- candle.
A children's cube can be used as a box. By removing one of its sides. Place the vase in a wooden cube. Make a cement mass, consisting of 1 part of cement and 3 - sand and water, or gypsum by mixing gypsum with water until creamy. Fill the gap between the cube and the vase with this mass. Wait for the solution to set, hold its shape, but will not completely solidify.
Then take the cube out of the mold, frame a cement or plaster candlestick with shells. It remains to wait until the mass has completely dried, and then you can put a candle inside and admire how the shell stone turned simple things into an elegant creation.

And here's another candle you can make with your own hands. For her you will need:
- vase;
- seashells;
- sand;
- candle.

Place a candle inside the vase. Pour sand around the candle. Place seashells on it beautifully.

Looking at these shell crafts, you will think of the sea. To brighten pleasant dreams, place a photo inside that will remind you of a great vacation. But first, pour in a jar with a wide mouth of sand, and on it - some seashells.
You can decorate this imitation of the sea shore by cutting algae out of green paper.

How to make souvenirs from shells with your own hands
They will also help you make shells. Photos will allow you to see interesting ideas. Such a network will be an excellent attribute of a pirate party, home decoration.

Take for her:
- wooden sticks - 2 pcs.;
- strong rope;
- seashells;
- drill with a thin drill.
If you have a ready-made network, use it. If not, then make 8 holes with a drill on one stick at the same distance. Cut 8 strands of equal length from a skein of rope. Thread each through the corresponding hole, tie a knot here. Fasten the other ends of these ropes in the same way, but in a different stick. Drill holes in the shells.
Before tying the edge of the thread on a stick, thread it into the shell, and then fasten it to the knot. Shape the ends of all the ropes in the same way. Cut several identical ropes. Pass the first one through the shell first, then twist this horizontal thread with the vertical one. Also design the entire decorative net.
Next, you will find a very interesting way of decorating a dish with shells.

For him, take:
- a dish or plate;
- flat seashells - valve halves;
- sponge;
- hammer;
- a bowl;
- white acrylic paint;
- water.

To see how the shells will be positioned on a platter, place them on this container. Some, large shells, can be broken with a hammer to place them between the shells and fill the voids in the mosaic.
- If the putty is in powder, dilute it with water according to the instructions. If you have one ready to use, then place it on a plate and place the seashells on top.
- Soak a sponge in water, wipe the surface of the shells to remove the solution that has got on them.
- Let the putty dry. To prevent cracks on it, sometimes lubricate these places with water.
- It remains to cover the putty with acrylic paint. When that one dries up, you can give the original gift to the addressee or put it in your apartment in the most conspicuous place, like the following crafts from shells.

To make this amazing shell ball, take:
- shells of different sizes;
- ball preparation;
- PVA glue or for ceramic tiles;
- putty knife;
- sand;
- soft cloth;
- sponge.
Follow these instructions:
- Mix some sand and tile glue. Take this solution with a spatula, lubricate the ball generously with it.
- Walk over the solution with a soft cloth, smoothing the edges of the adhesive.
- Glue the large shells first and then the smaller shells. You can attach glass pebbles between them.
- Wait for the glue to "set", then wipe off the excess from the shells with a slightly damp sponge.
For such a craft, you can use sea shells of the same shape and size. Then you will have such a decorative ball.

To craft the following creation, you will need:
- thick cardboard;
- scissors;
- seashells;
- glue or glue gun.
Cut out a triangular blank from cardboard, twist it with a cone, glue it on the side. Starting at the bottom, glue the shells to it. You can make such an original Christmas tree for the New Year. Then decorate it with small colored balls, tinsel.

But what kind of pictures from shells, a frame for a photo you can easily create.

If you glue the largest pieces on the wall, and nail the hooks just below, you get beautiful towel racks. You can place this group in the hallway. It is convenient, when you come home, to hang a scarf, a bag on such beautiful hooks.

Needle case-shell with your own hands, decor items
The marine motif is also reflected in the following textile works. They can be placed on a table or used as a pin cushion.

Transfer the details of the pattern to the fabric - there will be two of them for each piece. Consider how to make a pin cushion using a starfish as an example. Fold both canvases for this pad right sides, stitch to the edge, but leave a gap to turn the needle bar through it, and then stuff it with padding polyester or cotton wool.
If it is a needle bar, fold the tape into a loop. Take its ends into this hole on the pad, sew. Now you can hang the necessary item of needlewomen on the wall and always have it at hand.
And here is how such a needle case is created with your own hands in the form of a Monomakh hat.

For her, take:
- dense white fabric;
- threads;
- synthetic winterizer;
- artificial pearls;
- beads;
- compass.
Draw 2 circles with a compass - small and large. Fold them facing each other, stitch to the edge, leaving a gap. Turn the product through it, fill it with filler, sew up the remaining hole with a blind seam.
Now decorate the needle cushion with pearls, beads, stitching them on a large circle, which became the top of an improvised hat.
You can sew a pillowcase onto a pillow by sewing on a shell applique. Place the soft piece on the chair. On the wall, a picture will look great, the elements of which are made in the form of sea stars.

If you want to sew toys from pantyhose so that they resemble large shells, then take note of the next master class.

For work are taken:
- thin tights;
- synthetic winterizer;
- wire;
- insulating tape;
- pliers;
- pearl;
- eyes;
- needle and thread.
From the wire "bite off" 2 pieces with pliers. Roll each one the same - this is the basis of the future toy.

Connect them with electrical tape and wrap with padding polyester.

Wrap both parts of the shell with a long piece of padding polyester, put one part of the tights on them.

Thread the needle. Use this tool to pull together the edges of the hole in the pantyhose.

Without breaking the threads, make large, tight stitches to indicate the flaps of the shell. First you need to make the main stitches, and then the additional stitches.

After that, we sew the shell in a circle.

It remains to glue the eyes, the pearl and color the surface of the product with dry shadows.
Here's what you got a shell, the price of which is incomparably less than the cost of a ready-made store. This toy is made from old tights and leftover materials.
The shell bag will add to your collection of marine-themed personal items.

Do-it-yourself knits are also very cheap.
For hats, sweaters, sweaters, you can use the shell pattern, the diagram and the photo of the sample will simplify the task.

- 1 and 5 rows, as well as 2 and 6 knit stitches, 3 row we perform as follows: * from 5 loops we form five, then - 1 front *, from 5 loops we form five.
- 4 and 8 rows - knit purl. 5 row - 3 front, * from 5 loops we form five, 1 front *, 2 loops are made with front.
- To form five of 5 loops, pass the right knitting needle through five loops, grab the working thread, pull it through the same loops. For now, leave the loops on the left knitting needle, and make a yarn on the right knitting needle, knit the same loops again. Yarn over again on the right needle and knit these 5 stitches.
Shell shaped baking decoration

If you have baked a cake for a girl, decorate it with an excerpt from the cartoon "Ariel" using mastic. You can buy it or make it yourself from marshmallows or powdered sugar. Use food coloring to give the color you want.
- To make the sea, add blue food paint to a piece of mastic, mash, roll into a circle. Use a rolling pin to transfer it to the cake. It will also help to attach the mastic so that there are no air bubbles left.
- Form starfish, shells from red, yellow mastic. After wetting the "sea" areas with water, attach the shells here. Pictures will show you how to make other elements of the sweet creation.
- Blind Ariel's body and arms from flesh-colored mastic, and her tail from green. Attach each of its scales separately or cut them with a knife on a strip of mastic and attach these tapes directly to the tail.
- It remains to make a shell out of white mastic. Check out this process.
For her you will need:
- round shape with jagged edges;
- rolling pin;
- skewer;
- mastic.
The shape can be chalky or coarse-toothed. Take the one you have.

Having rolled the dough into a layer, cut it out with a mold, give it an oval shape with a rolling pin.
Using a skewer, draw a pattern in the form of straight lines on the workpiece.

Cut a triangular notch with a knife at the bottom, roll the blank in the form of a shell. Place on a rolled-up piece of foil to dry. Also make the second half of the sink.

When the blanks are dry, fasten them with a backing cut out of mastic, moistening the joints with water.

Let dry for 12 hours, after which it's time to place the sink on top of the cake. You can put a pearl inside or several. Then such a cake will be very appropriate for a pearl wedding.

As always, in conclusion, we suggest watching a selection of interesting videos on the topic: