Gentian: growing herb for outdoor use

Gentian: growing herb for outdoor use
Gentian: growing herb for outdoor use

Characteristics of a gentian plant, planting and care in a personal plot, advice on reproduction, difficulties in the growing process and ways to solve them, curious notes, types.

The gentian (Gentiana) belongs to the plants that are part of the rather extensive gentian family (Gentianaceae), which contains up to 87 genera. You can meet representatives of the gentian genus in any part of the world, but they mainly grow on the lands of the Northern Hemisphere with a temperate climate. Asia is considered their true homeland. Many of these plants are characteristic of meadows in the alpine and subalpine zones. In the genus itself, botanists have up to 359 species, but only 90 of them grow in natural conditions on the territory of Russia.

Family name Gentian
Life cycle Annual or perennial
Growth features Herbaceous, semi-shrub
Reproduction Seed, cuttings or dividing bushes
Landing period in open ground Seedlings are planted in early May or October
Disembarkation scheme Leave 20-25 cm between seedlings
Substrate Directly depends on the type of plant
Soil acidity Depends on the variety
Illumination Well-lit place or partial shade
Moisture indicators Regular watering, especially at the beginning of the growth and flowering period, stagnant water is harmful
Special Requirements Unpretentious
Plant height 10cm to 1.5m
Color of flowers Blue, light blue, purple, yellow or snow white
Type of flowers, inflorescences Singles or in groups of several
Flowering time Spring-autumn
Decorative time Spring-autumn
Place of application Decoration of the edging of flower beds and borders, group plantings, rock gardens and rockeries
USDA zone 4–8

The genus of these representatives of the flora is named after the Illyrian king Gentius, who lived in the 2nd century BC. According to Pliny the Elder, the ruler used the rhizome of yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea) to cure his subjects from the plague, and in some sources released in pre-revolutionary times, the plant was referred to under the term - bitterness. The name in Russian comes from the rather bitter taste of the roots and foliage, which is provided by a large number of glycosides, characterized by bitterness. Occasionally you can hear how the plant is named in accordance with the transliteration in Latin - gentian.

Gentians are found as annual herbaceous growth, and perennial dwarf shrubs. The height of their branches varies in the range of 10–150 cm, while the shoots grow straight and, as a rule, shortened. The rhizome is thick, also short, with root processes extending from it, resembling thin cords.

The leaf plates are located on the branches in an opposite order, there are no petioles, they grow sessile, the edge is solid. The foliage is simple oval, with a sharp point at the top. The color is rich green, the surface is glossy.

When flowering, single flowers are formed, sometimes they are placed in inflorescences in pairs, forming in the leaf axils. The corolla consists of five, sometimes four members, its outline is in the form of a funnel or a bell, in rare cases it takes the form of a saucer. The color of the petals in flowers is usually a deep blue, blue or purple hue, but there are varieties with snow-white or yellow flowers. The flowering process depends directly on the variety: there are plants that bloom in spring, others have buds in summer or autumn.

After pollination occurs, gentian fruits ripen in the form of a box with a pair of valves. The capsule, filled with small seeds, originates from the ovary, which has a single nest.

The gentian plant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, and if the flowering process occurs in the summer, then it is customary to form spectacular cascades of them. They are planted next to the retaining walls to decorate the edges of curbs or flower beds. In the spring months, the bright blue flowers are eye-catching in any floral arrangement. If the height of gentian is small, then they are planted between stones in rock gardens and rockeries. The plant, with its stems with foliage, forms dense clumps and when flowering occurs, then all the leaves hide under closely spaced blooming goblet flowers.

Gentian: planting and care in the open field

Gentian blooms
Gentian blooms
  1. Choosing a landing site. Well-lit flower beds, rock gardens, or a small partial shade, which will be formed by the openwork crown of tall trees, are most suitable for the plant. The direction for planting must be chosen western, since on the southern ground during the day it warms up strongly. If cereals with low stems are planted nearby, then for gentian they will become the best neighbors, since in nature these representatives of the flora coexist in meadows. The place should not have proximity to groundwater and suffer from flooding by melt snow or rains. In strong shade, gentian stems begin to stretch ugly, but mountain species will need to be protected from direct sunlight.
  2. Planting soil gentian directly depends on its variety. Lime substrates are suitable for Gentiana dinarica and Gentiana clusii species. Before planting under each bush, it is recommended to add about a handful of crushed limestone (crushed stone) or bone (dolomite) flour. If a species of stemless gentian (Gentiana acaulis) is planted, then a soil with a slightly acidic reaction (pH 5-6) is selected for it. The plant will also be comfortable on the scree. More acidic soil will prefer the kind of Chinese-decorated (Gentiana sino-ornata). Dusts from rocks, crushed to the size of sand grains, are also suitable for planting gentian septemfida (Gentiana septemfida). If we talk about other types of gentian, then for them it is recommended to use a soil mixture with neutral acidity (pH 6, 5-7). Gentians such as spring (Gentiana verna) and yellow (Gentiana lutea) will grow well on a rich and loose substrate, with the former preferring wetter soil.
  3. Planting gentian held in early May or mid-autumn. Basically, for this, ready-made seedlings are used, which are placed in separate holes in a flower bed. There should be 15–20 young plants per 1m2. Before planting, it is necessary to dig up the soil twice, loosen it and lay a drainage layer (expanded clay or crushed stone) on the bottom of the hole, then bone meal or lime is added there. Saplings are not subject to strong deepening, the root collar is placed flush with the soil.
  4. Watering. When caring for a gentian, it is important that the soil does not dry out, therefore it is regularly moistened, especially when there is an increase in growth or flowering. If the weather is rainy, the soil may become waterlogged, so it is recommended to often loosen it next to the bush. When planting gentians in acidic soil, the bushes are watered only with rain or settled water.
  5. Fertilizers for gentian it is not necessary to make it, since in nature the plant grows on poor soils. Once a year, a mulching layer (about 3-5 cm) should be poured under the roots, consisting of peat, river sand and horn shavings, in small quantities. If mineral fertilizers are used, this is necessary in order for Gentiana to adapt to the soil environment in which it is planted. If care is taken for species that prefer acidic soil, then fertilizing intended for rhododendrons and azaleas can be used.
  6. General advice on care. Although the plant can tolerate winters without shelter, with a small amount of snow cover, freezing is possible, therefore gentian bushes are covered with spruce branches in the fall. If the height of the stems is more than 50 cm, then it is recommended to cut off the discolored peduncles in a timely manner.

Gentian breeding tips

Gentian grows
Gentian grows

In order to get such an unpretentious plant with bright flowers on your site, you can sow seeds, cuttings or divide overgrown bushes.

After collecting gentian seeds, they can persist from six months to a year without loss of germination properties. In this case, the seed should be in a paper bag. If the temperature is low, then their activity will drop slightly. Before planting, it is necessary to carry out 1-3 months stratification, when the seeds are kept at a temperature of 5-7 degrees on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The aging period in moderately humid conditions directly depends on the variety of gentian: for some plants, a month is enough, and up to three are kept from those coming from high-mountainous regions. If the period of stratification is not correctly determined, then the seed goes into a dormant state until the next spring. Since the seeds are very small, for ease of sowing, they are mixed with river sand, or you can use peat in granules, at a ratio of 1: 3.

Sowing in autumn or before winter is possible. In this case, the bed must first be prepared - the soil is sifted and leveled on it. The seeds are spread on the surface of the substrate, only slightly pressing into it. Larger seeds must be sprinkled with the same soil mixture. It is better for such sowing to use seeds that have just been harvested after the bolls have ripened.

If the gentian bush has grown very much, then with the arrival of spring or after the flowering process (in autumn), it can be divided. However, it should be noted that some species very poorly tolerate a change in the place of growth, therefore, it is recommended to transplant by the transshipment method, when the earthen lump is not destroyed. With the help of a shovel, the plant is digged in a circle, and then, using a garden pitchfork, it is removed. With a sharpened knife, the root system of the bush is cut, trying to leave a sufficient number of both roots and stems with renewal buds on each part. To prevent infection, all slices are sprinkled with crushed charcoal or pharmacy activated ones are taken. The distance between the divisions is maintained up to 25 cm. After planting, abundant watering is carried out.

Reproduction of a species with ground cover shoots is possible by rooting daughter rosettes. With the arrival of autumn, new soil with a mulching layer is poured under the mother gentian bush. The stems with the dried peduncles on them are cut off and only with the arrival of spring they carry out the division. Some species do not require a complete digging of the bush, you can cut off the part of the plant that is on the edge with great accuracy and transplant it to a prepared place.

If it is decided to propagate the gentian by grafting (which, by the way, is not suitable for some species), then it is better to cut the blanks from the tops of the shoots even before the buds begin to bloom. The length of the cutting will be 10 cm, it is planted in a container filled with moist and loose soil. It is important to create a greenhouse environment - put a cut plastic bottle or glass jar on top. They take care of the cuttings in such a way that there is daily airing, and the soil in the pot does not dry out. After a month, the cuttings develop root shoots, they can be planted in a prepared place in open ground.

Difficulties in the process of caring for gentian and ways to solve them

Gentian bush
Gentian bush

If we draw an analogy with other garden plants, then gentians are rarely affected by both harmful insects and diseases. But while the rooting of cuttings or seedlings takes place, young plants cannot resist diseases provoked by fungi. In this case, discoloration of the foliage occurs and mottling begins to cover it. Unopened buds are also damaged by fungi, which can lead to mold growth. In addition, pests sometimes gnaw them. Usually, all difficulties in growing gentian are due to a violation of the rules of planting or care. Among such diseases are:

  1. Gray rot (Botrytis cinerea), which is provoked by Botrytis fungi. She's the hardest to control. Most of the symptoms of damage are seen on the surface of flowers, in the form of grayish-brown specks. In the rainy season, the size of the spots grows rapidly. Often, gray mold appears on the surface of old marks. The disease is provoked with poor ventilation in greenhouses or alpine houses. If it is found that the shoots are affected, then they are immediately removed. For the prevention of gray rot, it is necessary to spray with fungicide solutions. But the best prevention is to air the plantings.
  2. Leaf spot (Septoria), manifested by the formation of spots of yellowish-brown color with a purple edge on the tops of the leaf plates. The most effective remedy for the fight is Bordeaux mixture or any compounds that include copper.
  3. Gentian rust (Puccinia gentianae), which is provoked by a rust fungus, which has a high resistance to chemicals. Symptoms are the formation of dark brown pustules on the foliage. If the lesion has spread to most of the bush, then this will inevitably lead to the death of the gentian. All parts affected by rust are cut off and burned so that the disease does not spread to other plantings in the garden. The soil in this place is also contaminated, and after processing it with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, it is better not to plant anything in this place for several years.
  4. Fusarium or basal rot. The pathogen is the fungus Fusarium oxysporum, which is activated during warm weather and high humidity. Species originating from Asian lands and hybrid varieties of gentian blooming in autumn are especially affected by this disease. To protect the planting, it is recommended, for prevention purposes, to spray the aboveground part of the bushes with a Tsineb agent. The main harm is caused by this mushroom to young, immature seedlings of gentian at high humidity and warmth. Although when growing seedlings, conditions with high humidity are necessary, protection against falling water drops from the shelter, which is used to create a mini-greenhouse, is important. It is best when the glass, plastic bottle, or plastic wrap is placed at a slight angle.
  5. Viral diseases. A small number of viral infections of gentian plants were recorded. And until now, botanists have not come to a consensus whether this virus is special for this representative of the flora, or is it capable of infecting other plants as well. Only with seed reproduction is it possible (but not 100%) to avoid the occurrence of a viral disease of plantings. Its sign is the formation of a colorless spot on foliage or stems. Also, these symptoms can occur with other diseases, activation of microorganisms, or if the agrotechnical conditions of growing are violated.

Among the pests that can ruin gentian bushes are:

  • Slugs and snails eating not only foliage, but also buds. To get rid of them, both beer traps and chemicals such as "Meta Groza" are used. They are also collected by hand.
  • Ants, which are not so harmful to gentian as they are simply annoying to flower growers. You can use the old method of flooding ant nests with boiling water, but there is a possibility of destruction of the plants themselves. It is recommended to use chemicals: "Muratsid", "Anteater" or "Thunder-2", others with a similar composition are possible.
  • Thrips, sucking juice from leaves, buds and flowers. When they are affected, discolored areas or specks appear. The activation of these pests occurs in warm weather; to combat them, it is recommended to spray with insecticides, for example, Aktara or Aktellik.
  • Caterpillars, as well as the larvae of butterflies and beetles, which spoil not only the seedlings, but also the sown seeds. Apply insecticidal treatment (Fitoverm, for example) with a repeat after 10 days.
  • Nematodes, which harm the root system and are manifested by deformation of the foliage at the tops of the shoots. They provoke a slowdown in plant growth or curvature of its branches. It is recommended to spray three times with a break of 10 days with anti-nematode agents - BI-58 or Dimethoat, Rogor is also suitable.

Curious notes about the gentian herb

Gentian flower
Gentian flower

Even the healers of ancient Egypt knew about the properties of the gentian. On its basis, decoctions and tinctures were made, which helped with stomach diseases. Doctors of Ancient Rome used the plant to relieve pain with severe bruises, relieve cramps. Gentian helped if bitten by a poisonous snake, but this representative of the flora was of particular importance during the plague in II BC, during the reign of Gentius, for which he received the name in Latin associated with this figure.

In the Middle Ages, healers prescribed gentian-based drugs for tuberculosis, fever, diarrhea relief, or to get rid of worms. It is curious that in the same hours, alcoholic drinks with a bitter taste - digestifs - were prepared from the rhizome of the plant.

Today, medicinal preparations containing gentian are used to normalize the gastrointestinal tract. They also have the ability to stop blood, remove excess bile and fight inflammation.

Gentian species

Since there are many varieties of the plant, the most popular of them are presented below:

In the photo, the lush gentian
In the photo, the lush gentian

Lush gentian (Gentiana ampla)

can reach a height of 3–7 cm. Foliage with awl outlines, green. The flowers appear singly, the corolla is funnel-shaped, the color is pale blue, there are dark narrowed stripes at the base of the petals. Flowering is observed from early summer to September.

Lawn gentian (Gentiana praticola

). The height of the bush does not exceed 5–11 cm, the foliage is oval, its color is dark green or purple. Flowers are collected in several units in groups coming from the leaf sinuses. The shape of the flower is in the form of a bell, the corolla is painted in a pink shade with burgundy stripes at the base of the petals. Prefers meadows in the mountainous zone (1200–3200 m above sea level). Flowering - September-October.

In the photo, the gentian is yellow
In the photo, the gentian is yellow

Yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea)

- perennial, not exceeding 40–120 cm in height. The root is in the form of a rod, its shape is cylindrical, the color is brown, but when broken, the core is yellow. Stems are erect, without branching, bare, with grooves at the top, hollow inside. The foliage is opposite with a bare surface, painted in a bluish-green tone, the reverse side is lighter. The leaves are elliptical and ovoid-elliptical in shape with a pointed tip. Blossoming in the middle of summer with numerous flowers that gather in bundle-shaped inflorescences of 3-10 pieces. They begin in the leaf axils at the tops of the stems. The calyx is pale yellow, golden yellow corolla is twice its length. The fruit is an oblong-lanceolate capsule with small seeds inside. Fruits ripen in September.

In the photo, the gentian Sino-decorated
In the photo, the gentian Sino-decorated

Sino-decorated gentian (Gentiana sino-ornata)

The plant does not exceed 10–15 cm in height, its stems are covered with narrowed styloid foliage. When blooming, buds bloom with a bright blue color and with a whitish base of petals, decorated with stripes. Flowers grow singly, flowering takes the period from late spring to August.

In the photo, gentian capitate
In the photo, gentian capitate

Capitate gentian (Gentiana cephalantha)

its shoots reach 10–30 cm. Large-sized leaf plates are long, pointed at the apex. At the ends of the shoots, during flowering in September-October, large buds bloom, collected in groups of several pieces. Flower buds are laid in the leaf axils. The flowers are mauve in color, stripes of darker specks form at the base of the petals, the same dot pattern is found along the jagged edge of the corolla. The species prefers to grow on forest edges and slopes in the sun, at an altitude of 2000–3600 meters above sea level.

Video about growing gentian:

Photos of gentian: