How to cure a plant and flowers from a disease?

How to cure a plant and flowers from a disease?
How to cure a plant and flowers from a disease?

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The article provides several effective tips to help treat the disease on a home or garden plant or flower.

Flower diseases and treatments:

Powdery mildew

(first photo). Preventive measures are spraying the plant with sulfur in the summer 3-5 times, feeding the plant with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, frequent airing, and avoiding sudden temperature changes. Leaves and flowers affected by powdery mildew must be removed.

To combat the defeat, spraying the plant with potassium permanganate (diluted in a ratio of 2 g of powder per ten liters of water), 0.5% solution of copper oxychloride, 1% solution of colloidal sulfur, a mixture of soap and soda (dissolve fifty grams of soda and soap in ten liters of water). From special biological products, you can use "Topaz", "Vectra", "Skor".



To prevent the disease, you need to resort to frequent airing, changing bushes, disinfection, and avoiding high humidity.

Control measures: removal of lightly affected leaves, spraying with Bordeaux liquid - 1% solution. From biological drugs used "Oxyhom", "Kuproksat". It is better to start treatment when the initial signs of damage appear. Carefully working the underside of the sheet.



Avoiding excessive watering, high humidity are the main preventive measures against this lesion. If, nevertheless, the disease has struck the plant, then it is necessary to cut off the affected parts of the plants. Spray with "Topaz", "Vectra", "Strobi", "Kuproksat". Spraying is carried out four times after ten days.



Preventive measures: frequent ventilation, disinfection of tools and pots before planting, loosening the earth. To combat the disease, the destruction of the affected plant is used together with the ground. Copper sulfate and bleach are used to disinfect pots. If an insignificant part of the plant is affected, then they resort to processing it with Vectra and Benomil.



Prevention: avoid high humidity, sudden changes in temperature, excessive accumulation of plants, excessive watering, darkened rooms.

Fighting the lesion: cutting off the affected part of the leaf with the capture of healthy tissue, and then burning the cut leaves.

Use the following preparations for spraying: "Vectra" (add three ml of the product in water, volume 10 l), "Storby" (use 4 g of the product in ten liters of water), "Abiga-Peak" (dilute with running water, volume of ten liters 40 - 50 g of substance). Bordeaux mixture, colloidal sulfur, copper sulfate also help in the fight against mycosis. Processing must be repeated after seven to ten days.

Late blight
Late blight

Late blight

Avoid over-watering the plant, it is imperative to disinfect the equipment and pots when working with plants susceptible to late blight (violets).

Protection measures: with a slight damage to the plant, it is removed and sprinkled with charcoal. If most of the plant is affected by late blight, then it is better to burn it. You can try to treat with Bordeaux mixture, colloidal sulfur or cuproxate.

Gray rot
Gray rot

Gray rot

To prevent this disease, before planting, you should add "Trichodermin" or "Zaslon" to the soil. When the initial signs of damage occur, the diseased parts of the plant are removed, sprayed with solutions: "Topsin - M", "Fundazol". The treatment is repeated every ten to twelve days.

Sooty fungus

Destroy pests. When affected areas appear, treat with soap and copper solution and solutions for pest control.
