How to glue a skirting board to a stretch ceiling

How to glue a skirting board to a stretch ceiling
How to glue a skirting board to a stretch ceiling

Skirting boards can be used to hide the gap between the wall and the stretch ceiling, as well as to emphasize the elegance of the design. How to properly glue lightweight foam, plastic expanded polystyrene, practical plastic or original wooden fillets, read below. After finishing work, remove the plastic from the ceiling.

Installation of a foam molding on a stretch ceiling

Glossy stretch ceiling with foam gel
Glossy stretch ceiling with foam gel

When choosing a foam fillet, give preference to those products with a wider vertical part. This is necessary to increase the area of adhesion to the wall.

This fillet can be glued directly onto the wallpaper. However, special attention should be paid to the selection of glue, since some compounds can destroy the structure of the foam. Titan glue is optimal for this purpose.

In the process of fastening, we adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Mark the lower level of the plinth with a steel meter and a pencil.
  2. Lubricate the lower part of the product with glue and press it against the wall, starting from the corner. If the surface is slightly uneven, then you need to press as hard as possible.
  3. Remains of glue, if they are squeezed out from under the skirting board, immediately remove with a clean and dry cloth.
  4. We fix the second element, lubricating with glue not only its inner surface, but also the side joint with the previous fillet.
  5. At the corners we cut off both elements at an angle of 45 degrees using a miter box. In order not to waste time and effort on measuring angles, you can immediately purchase ready-made corners in a hardware store.
  6. In the process of work, be sure to watch so as not to stain the material.

If necessary, you can build a miter box yourself. To do this, we knock down three identical planks in the form of a tray. Next, we make cuts diagonally at an angle of 45 degrees using a protractor or a square.

Fixing skirting boards for stretch ceilings made of polyurethane

Polyurethane molding on a stretch ceiling
Polyurethane molding on a stretch ceiling

When choosing skirting boards, keep in mind: the heavier the model, the wider its vertical part should be. Such a fillet can only be glued to a surface that has been cleared of wallpaper. It is worth noting that it is notable for its considerable weight.

We carry out the work in the following order:

  • We measure the same distance from the ceiling, corresponding to the width of the plinth, along the perimeter of the room and make marks immediately on the wallpaper.
  • Using a metal or wooden meter and a pencil, mark the bottom line.
  • Using a thin stationery knife, draw a line along the marked contour, removing the wallpaper from level to the ceiling.
  • Apply a layer of primer to the cleaned surface to strengthen the plaster and increase the adhesion strength.
  • We fix the skirting boards by applying the composition to the product itself.
  • We make 45-degree cuts in the corners or use ready-made corners.

If small gaps remain at the fillet joints, you can further putty them with acrylic compound.

Fastening a wooden fillet on a stretch ceiling

Wooden ceiling plinth for stretch ceiling
Wooden ceiling plinth for stretch ceiling

This type of molding is less commonly used due to its high weight and high cost, but such skirting boards can be easily installed on any wall surface. For fixing, fasteners are used - self-tapping screws or heels made of wood. When buying or manufacturing a wooden ceiling plinth for a stretch ceiling, please note that the wood must be sanded with high quality.

In the process, we adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. We mark the installation site of the fillet and draw the outline of the lower level with a pencil.
  2. We are preparing triangular bars on which the plinth itself will be attached.
  3. We hammer the bars into the wall in increments of up to 50 cm.
  4. We attach the plinth to the triangular bars with self-tapping screws. The fastener heads must be sunk into the wood.
  5. Using a miter box, a small hacksaw and a file, we cut the corners at the desired angle.
  6. We putty the places of fasteners with a putty of a suitable tone.

If painting is required, it must be done prior to wall mounting. Otherwise, you will have to protect the ceiling and walls from paint with foil.

How to glue a plastic molding to a stretch ceiling

Plastic fillet on a stretch ceiling
Plastic fillet on a stretch ceiling

The plastic skirting board can be attached to liquid nails or putty to a previously cleaned surface.

We act according to the following instructions:

  • We take measurements from the tension cloth to the lower level of the fillet in accordance with its width.
  • We cover the ceiling with plastic wrap to protect it from damage or dirt.
  • If putty is used for fastening, then it is more convenient to apply it from the corner of a dense plastic bag.
  • We attach the first element from the corner.
  • Lubricate the next part and the butt of the one glued before with adhesive. Please note that if less than seven centimeters remain until the next corner, then the skirting board needs to be trimmed.

You can leave a small gap between the skirting board and the stretch fabric, into which you can later mount the LED strip for backlighting. It will look especially impressive in combination with glossy film ceilings.

How to install a skirting board for a stretch ceiling - watch the video:

Having familiarized yourself with the general recommendations and types of fillets, you can figure out how to choose skirting boards for stretch ceilings and fix them as securely as possible without damaging the material of the canvas. Knowledge of all the nuances of working with skirting boards will help to complete the work promptly and competently. The main thing is to make sure that the adhesive composition does not get on the stretched canvas under any circumstances. If all the work is done correctly, then further dismantling of baguettes, ceiling or wall decoration can be carried out without damaging the material.
