How to glue ceiling tiles

How to glue ceiling tiles
How to glue ceiling tiles

The technique of pasting the ceiling with foam tiles, different methods and schemes of fastening, the selection of suitable materials and useful tips for installation. The tile can be glued even on the whitewash, if the ceiling is even, but it is important that the whitewash layer does not crumble or crumble. In addition, the whitewash will need to be primed before gluing to improve adhesion to the adhesive.

Types of ceiling tiles for the ceiling

Varieties of ceiling tiles
Varieties of ceiling tiles

In the process, we need the ceiling tile itself and the glue with which we will fix it to the surface.

According to the production method, tiles are:

  • Pressed … This expanded polystyrene ceiling tile is made by stamping. Its thickness is usually 6 to 8 mm. Elements of this particular type are most often found defective.
  • Extruded … Produced in blocks. In the manufacturing process, a film-coated polystyrene strip is used, which is intensively pressed. Products are distinguished by a higher density compared to pressed tiles, a smooth and shiny surface, and their thickness is usually 2.5 mm. There are models that imitate wood, marble and other natural materials. Such tiles can be pasted over the ceiling in the bathroom, since it has increased moisture-resistant characteristics.
  • Injection … Products are produced by sintering raw materials in special molds. The pellets are not destroyed during production. Therefore, in the end, a tile of the correct geometric shape with a deep pattern is obtained. Thickness - from 9 to 14 mm.
  • Seamless … Such a coating looks as aesthetically pleasing as possible, since it has no visible seams. This material will cost more, but it looks more aesthetically pleasing.

Having decided on the type of ceiling tile, pay special attention to its quality. To do this, when buying, consider the following features:

  1. Each element should be geometrically correct, the sides should be even, the corners should be 90 degrees. Otherwise, when gluing, there will be uneven seams and rows.
  2. The finer the grain in the polystyrene foam tile, the better it is. However, make sure that the product does not crumble or crumble around the edges.
  3. The pattern must be uniform, free from defects, and the pattern must be clear and symmetrical.
  4. Traditionally, tiles are produced in sizes 50 * 50, therefore it is not difficult to calculate the required number of elements, knowing the area of the ceiling. Rectangular models of extruded tiles with dimensions of 100 * 16.5 cm are much less common.

Please note that it is important to purchase the material with a 10-15% margin. Otherwise, you will have to buy from the next batch, and it may differ in shade or other details.

The choice of adhesive for tiles on the ceiling

Ceiling tile adhesive
Ceiling tile adhesive

As for the adhesive for ceiling tiles, its selection must be taken no less seriously than the choice of tiles, because the durability of the finish, the reliability of fastening, and ease of use depend on it. It is important that it does not have a too thick or too liquid structure. Only in this case it will lie down in both a thick and a thin layer, which is very important if the ceiling has slight irregularities.

For gluing the ceiling with tiles, different compositions are used: putty, drywall glue, liquid nails, polyurethane or acrylic glue.

First of all, the choice of the composition depends on the type of surface. Tiles can be fixed to a leveled ceiling with liquid nails, polyurethane and acrylic glue. But if the surface is uneven, then it is better to use a putty. It will be evenly distributed over the surface and will provide secure fastening.

When purchasing materials, do not forget about skirting boards for masking joints with walls, a socket for a chandelier and other decorative elements.

Creating a drawing and marking a ceiling for tiles

Ceiling tile mounting options
Ceiling tile mounting options

Before starting work, you need to draw up a scheme according to which the tile will be fixed. The most common location options are: parallel, diagonal, combined (staggered, snake, perimeter).

Depending on the chosen method of placing the tiles, you need to make a ceiling marking. To do this, you need a tape measure, a laser level and a chopping cord.

We carry out work according to the following instructions:

  • For parallel fastening, the marking lines are applied from opposite corners. They should intersect in the center.
  • For diagonal fastening in the center of the ceiling, we beat off the lines connecting the centers of the opposite walls with a paint cord.
  • Parallel to the two axial lines over the entire surface with a step of 0.5 meters (the standard size of the ceiling tile), we draw lines.

Do not rely on the eye and start gluing without marking, as uneven gaps will completely ruin the result.

Parallel fixing of ceiling tiles

Parallel installation of tiles on the ceiling
Parallel installation of tiles on the ceiling

You need to start gluing the tiles using this technique at the wall opposite to the door. Better yet, from the most visible angle.

We carry out the work in the following sequence:

  1. We apply glue along the perimeter of the wrong side of the tile and in the middle with a cross. It is not recommended to lubricate with an unnecessarily thick layer. Otherwise, sloppy marks will appear along the edges, and the seams between individual parts will become much more noticeable.
  2. Press the tile tightly to the surface and smooth it in one plane. This is necessary for the adhesive to adhere evenly.
  3. We first join the next element with the previous one and only then press it against the coating. Please note, be sure to pay attention to the symmetry of the pattern.
  4. In this way we glue the entire ceiling to the edge.
  5. Having reached the extreme row, measure the distance from the seam of the previous tile to the wall with a ruler and cut off the desired part with a clerical knife. It is not recommended to cut off several at once. It is best to take a new measurement for each row as the walls may be uneven.

At the end of the tile gluing process, you must close the gaps with decorative skirting boards. They are usually made of the same material and sit on the same adhesive.

Diagonal installation of ceiling tiles

Fixing tiles to the ceiling diagonally
Fixing tiles to the ceiling diagonally

It is more convenient to start fixing diagonally from the center of the ceiling. If a lighting fixture is planned to be installed in this place, then the edges of the tiles will have to be cut off. In the future, the hole can be closed with a decorative plug.

In the process, we adhere to the following instructions:

  • According to the markings made, we attach the first tile in the center so that there is a line in the middle at each corner.
  • We fix the second part along the axes marked on the ceiling.
  • We glue the tiles along both axes from the center to the walls.
  • We attach the rest of the details.
  • For installation on the extreme row, we cut out a suitable element, having previously measured the required distance with a ruler.

After the ceiling is completely pasted over, you can remove excess glue near the seams and pencil marks, if any, with a damp cloth.

Block gluing of ceiling tiles

Fastening polystyrene tiles to the ceiling
Fastening polystyrene tiles to the ceiling

The essence of this method is to fix four elements at once and align them along one plane. It is most often used when pasting an uneven ceiling with a putty.

We carry out the work in the following order:

  1. Using a notched trowel, apply the adhesive to the ceiling under the area of the four slabs. Using this tool allows you to immediately apply a layer of the desired thickness.
  2. We attach four parts at once and join them together.
  3. Using a two-meter level or rule, we align all elements with respect to the ceiling and with each other.
  4. Along the marked line, we lay a row of two tiles to each wall in sequence. In this case, the parts must be positioned so that their joint passes exactly along the axis.
  5. We attach the rest of the elements according to the markings applied.
  6. We make the extreme row from the prepared segments.

Please note that during the process of pasting the ceiling with irregularities, be sure to use the building level. This method is a little more complicated, because beginners are recommended to initially level the coating with putty, then proceed to gluing the ceiling tiles.

Useful tips for installing tiles on the ceiling

Styrofoam ceiling
Styrofoam ceiling

The technology of fixing tiles to the ceiling is not particularly difficult, and with the right approach, even a beginner can cope with it. However, some tricks will help you avoid mistakes and make your work much easier:

  • Before starting work, leave the tiles in the room where the installation is planned for a while. This is necessary to adapt the material.
  • The combination of tiles of several colors looks original. Such a combination can be placed in a rhombus, in a checkerboard pattern or in another pattern, depending on your preferences.
  • A small arrow is usually applied to the seamy side of the slabs. Make sure that on each part it looks in one direction.
  • To prevent the formation of teeth on the coating and the seam to be lost, it is not recommended to interrupt the process in the middle of the row.
  • If it is necessary to wipe the gaps in some places, then this should be done only after the adhesive has dried. It is best to do this using a putty or sealant. If the grout comes into contact with the tiles, immediately remove it with a wet brush.
  • The tile will press more tightly against the ceiling if it is not held with your hands, but with a wooden block to evenly distribute the load.
  • In order to save money for pasting, you can use transparent compositions on a liquid "rubber" basis. Their consumption is much less, however, in order for the part to be fixed securely, after applying the glue to the tile, you need to wait a little until it dries.
  • It is not recommended to install high-power lamps at a distance of less than 20 cm from the covering, as the polystyrene foam can melt when exposed to high temperatures.
  • If you prefer foam tiles, then keep in mind that water-based paint for its finishing will not work, since it will begin to flake off in a year. The best option for these purposes is a dispersion composition based on acrylates.

Watch a video about installing ceiling tiles:

We figured out how to glue ceiling tiles in several ways. With the help of step-by-step instructions, you can independently prepare the surface, select the material and perform the fastening in any way you like. Properly selected and fixed tiles will not look like a budget finish. Coloring or combining several colors allows you to create an original ceiling design.
