Parquet covering with mastic

Parquet covering with mastic
Parquet covering with mastic

What is parquet mastic, what it is intended for, what types of this product exist, how to properly apply a water-based, wax, turpentine, water-soluble composition to the floor. Covering the parquet with mastic is an excellent solution that allows you to extend the life of such a floor and keep its original appearance unchanged. In addition, using this product will help to quickly restore the shine of the wood surface.

Appointment of mastic for parquet

Parquet floor mastic
Parquet floor mastic

The use of parquet for finishing floors in residential buildings dates back to the Middle Ages. However, only rich people could afford it. That is why parquet has long been associated exclusively with luxury and prosperity, but today such flooring is available to anyone.

Parquet has many advantages. Among them are the preservation of heat in the room, environmental friendliness and safety for humans, long service life, ease of maintenance. At the same time, the parquet has an excellent appearance and a unique texture.

In order to keep the parquet in its original condition, it is recommended to protect this flooring with the help of special means. To do this, it is covered with mastic or varnish. The use of the first tool will allow you to favorably emphasize the texture of the wood, to reduce the unfavorable influence of external factors, such as moisture and mechanical stress.

In addition, there are varieties of parquet mastic that have excellent bactericidal properties. This prevents bugs from penetrating into the tree and the planks from rotting. Moreover, the mastic itself is a natural material: it is completely safe for humans and animals. After it dries, a protective film is formed, which is highly durable. It is very easy to care for parquet that is treated in this way.

The main varieties of parquet mastic

Assortment of mastic for parquet
Assortment of mastic for parquet

There is a huge assortment of mastics for the maintenance of wooden floors on the market. You need to choose the right product based on the type of wood from which your parquet is made. Consider also how long ago it was laid and what goals you want to achieve.

The mastic is ready-made and soluble. The first product is sold in a sealed package, which is simply removed before use. The instant product needs to be diluted with hot water to a certain consistency. In order for the quality of the mastic to be appropriate, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions for its use.

According to the condition of the parquet polish, it happens:

  • Hot … The basis for this product is a mixture of bitumen with rubber or rubber. This mastic is used for arranging parquet planks when laying them. Among the advantages of this material, it is worth highlighting the fast solidification and the possibility of using the floor immediately after its installation. However, this type of mastic is used less often due to the complexity of the application technology (very high heating temperature of the agent) and the need for a special place for the heating operation.
  • Cold … This mastic is made on the basis of white spirit, gasoline and other solvents. After laying the parquet and treating it with this product, you need to wait a couple of days. During this time, the solvent base evaporates, and the parquet becomes ready for further procedures or operation.

The mastic can be colorless or in a specific shade that will enhance the beauty of the wood planks.

Composition of parquet mastic

Parquet mastic
Parquet mastic

The composition of the parquet mastic can include rubber, bitumen, various resins, both natural and synthetic. This tool is usually divided into several groups, depending on the components present.

Varieties of mastic in composition:

  • Based on water emulsion … This type of mastic is excellent for all the most popular types of wood - cherry, pine, maple. It can be sold in the following forms - liquid, pasty and solid. It contains special active substances that additionally clean the surface to be coated.
  • Water soluble … For this mastic, the basis is water, in which it is diluted to a certain consistency. It is recommended to use the product on oak parquet. Oak wood best tolerates moisture. But beech and birch react badly, so this mastic should not be used for such parquet. But if you wish, you can use it for other breeds - it is enough to make the consistency of the product thicker. If your parquet has just been laid, then you need to apply the mastic in two layers, but if it is old, do only one.
  • Wax based … The composition of such a mastic includes various additives, a solvent and wax-containing substances. This product is great for maple, beech, birch, juniper, pine, ash wood. When this type of mastic is applied, the parquet surface becomes smooth and shiny. The substance has high protective properties.
  • Based on turpentine … This mastic is sold only ready-made. It is recommended to use it on beech or birch parquet floors. It perfectly protects wood from external moisture. It is quite rare on sale and is more expensive than other types.

Technology for applying mastic to parquet

If you choose between varnish and mastic, then you should give preference to the latter option. The natural composition will protect your parquet floor best of all. In addition, mastic, unlike varnish, does not have an unpleasant odor, does not require preparatory work and dries quickly. Within a day you will be able to use the premises. The lacquer coating, especially on old parquet, requires preliminary sanding. And it is allowed to operate the room only after 1 week. The technologies for applying all types of mastics are similar to each other and differ only in nuances.

Rules for applying water-soluble mastic

How mastic is applied
How mastic is applied

This type of mastic is sold dry. In order for the finished product to have the desired consistency, you must carefully follow the attached instructions and the ratio of water and material.

The main stages of applying mastic:

  1. In a special container, stirring thoroughly, we dilute the dry substance with water.
  2. The floor surface must be thoroughly cleaned of dust.
  3. Using a wide, medium-hard brush, apply the resulting product as evenly as possible.
  4. After application, it is necessary to leave the composition until completely dry for 4-5 hours.
  5. Now, using a cotton rag, remove the remnants of the mastic.
  6. Dry the treated surface for another 2-3 hours.
  7. After complete drying, apply another layer of mastic and repeat all the previous steps. After a day, the surface can be actively exploited.

Features of applying turpentine mastic

Application of mastic
Application of mastic

The advantage of turpentine mastic over others is the finished form of this product. The main stages of its application are no different from the technology of floor covering with water-soluble mastic.

At the preliminary stage, the floors must be dedusted. Then the first layer of mastic is applied using a roller or wide brush. After it has dried well, a second coat should be applied.

When both layers are completely dry, you can start rubbing the floors. For this you need special brushes. It is necessary to rub the surface until a smooth shiny protective layer appears.

Be careful when working with turpentine mastic: if it comes into contact with exposed skin, it can cause burns. Therefore, it is important to use gloves and avoid eye contact.

Procedure for applying water-based mastic

Parquet mastic
Parquet mastic

This product is easy to apply and absorbs quickly. To distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the floor, it is better to use a roller with a long handle or a wide brush.

After an hour, the mastic is completely dry. If necessary, apply a second coat of the product. If there is no need for this, you can start rubbing the floors.

A soft fabric (flannel, bike, cotton cut) is perfect for this. Some people prefer to use special brushes to polish the parquet. After receiving a protective film on the floor, you can operate the room.

Recommendations for applying wax paste

Floor polish
Floor polish

Wax mastic differs from other types in high consumption. Therefore, it is worth preparing in advance for significant financial expenses.

The sequence of applying such mastic:

  • Before covering with the agent, the floor in the room must be thoroughly cleaned of dust using special equipment, for example, a vacuum cleaner. You can additionally wash the floor and wait until it dries completely.
  • Using a medium-hard wide brush or a long roller, apply the product evenly to the floor.
  • Remove the remnants of the mastic with a dry brush. If you do not do this, after hardening you will get an uneven and ugly surface.
  • 5 hours after the first layer has hardened, apply the second one. Thus, you will get a dense film that will protect your parquet from wear, chips, etc.
  • After complete hardening, you should start rubbing the parquet with mastic. To do this, you can use special brushes or a soft cloth. The procedure stops after the floor starts to shine.

Features of the preparation of mastic for parquet

Wax mastic
Wax mastic

You can prepare parquet mastic, which will be in no way inferior to store-bought mastic, at home. These homemade board rubbing agents are made from beeswax.

We follow this technology:

  1. We take three hundred grams of natural beeswax, grind it and melt it in a water bath or low heat.
  2. Pour hot water into a three-liter jar and dissolve a couple of tablespoons of baking soda in it.
  3. Pour the melted wax slowly into the soda solution, stirring thoroughly. This will make the liquid look like milk. Thus, the saponification of the wax takes place.
  4. We leave the solution to cool. After which it will be possible to see a crust on the surface. We remove it and put it aside.

Before using such a mastic, prepare the floor - wash it with soap and water and wipe it almost dry. Keep in mind that it is recommended to put homemade mastic on the floor that is not completely dry. The product will lie evenly on damp boards. Therefore, if necessary, it is better to additionally moisten the parquet in the process.

Apply a thin layer of mastic evenly and leave to dry. We rub the dry floor with a brush or an electric polisher and go over the parquet with an additional piece of felt or felt.

You can replace natural beeswax with this analogue: 225 grams of paraffin and 75 grams of rosin. The rest of the procedure for preparing and scrubbing the floor is exactly the same as when using wax.

The crust that forms during the preparation of the mixture can also be used for business. It will come in handy in order to refresh previously rubbed parquet. To do this, the floor is cleanly swept, the crust is crushed and the powder from it is scattered on the floor. Next, you need to grind it with a floor polisher. Collect excess product with a broom or vacuum cleaner.

Useful tips for applying mastic to parquet

Floor polished with mastic
Floor polished with mastic

The process of applying mastic is not particularly difficult. To perform this operation, you do not need to have special knowledge or purchase expensive equipment.

However, there are a number of points that you need to pay attention to before rubbing the parquet with mastic:

  • Whichever type of product you choose for your room, it must be thoroughly mixed before using it.
  • Sometimes the mastic is thicker than necessary. It should be thinned with solvent. It is recommended to choose a product of the same brand and manufacturer as the mastic you purchased. Otherwise, you will spoil the material, and it will be impossible to apply it in the future.
  • Medium-hard brushes are best suited for applying mastic. They allow you to apply the product as evenly as possible on the floor.
  • If you are looking for an economical option for scrubbing your parquet floor, then wax mastic is not for you. This tool is characterized by increased consumption during application.
  • If you cannot determine the type of wood on your parquet, buy a water-based mastic. It is versatile and suitable for any tree.
  • Renew the mastic on the floor every six months. Thus, you will extend the life of your parquet for many years.

How to cover the parquet with mastic - watch the video:

Parquet processing with mastic is not a complicated process, but laborious. However, the result obtained and the admiring glances of the guests compensate for the efforts made. The main thing is to choose the right type of mastic and apply it evenly.
