Bath with a gazebo: construction technology

Bath with a gazebo: construction technology
Bath with a gazebo: construction technology

A dacha or a house with a clean yard, a neat garden and well-groomed flower beds pleases the eye of any person. But the choice of ideas for the arrangement of the site in our time is very diverse. One of them is the construction of a beautiful and cozy bathhouse with a gazebo. We will talk about the technology of its construction today in this article. Content:

  1. Advantages of combined baths
  2. Types of gazebos
  3. Bath design
  4. Construction of a bathhouse with a gazebo

    • Building materials
    • Foundation device
    • Erection of walls and roofs
    • Finishing features

Few will doubt the fact that a bathhouse with a gazebo can not only ennoble the backyard with its architectural forms, but also turn it into a home resort. After all, it is very pleasant, after taking a steam bath, to relax and have some tea with friends, not in a cramped dressing room, but against the backdrop of snow-covered pines or summer lush greenery. With enough diligence, the presence of artistic taste and natural ingenuity, such a bath can be built independently.

Advantages of combined baths with a gazebo

Combined bath with a gazebo
Combined bath with a gazebo

Combining a bath with a gazebo is very beneficial both financially and during the operation of the entire complex. After all, this approach makes it possible to conduct the construction of two structures on a single foundation with a common piping and under one roof. This contributes to significant savings in materials for the installation of supports and fasteners.

In addition, you can get:

  • Maximum comfort when using the bath;
  • Saving space on the site;
  • Combined building, alternative to the guest house and summer kitchen;
  • The high selling price of a summer residence with such a bath.

Types of gazebos for a bath

Closed gazebo in the bath
Closed gazebo in the bath

The bathhouse with a gazebo is a multifunctional complex. Depending on the configuration and size of the site, the gazebo can be combined with the bath or separate, located near the bath.

If the main structure is made of brick, timber or logs, then any of these materials are suitable for building a gazebo. Moreover, both buildings from the same materials and in a combination of materials of the complex that are distinguished from each other look quite harmonious. For example, a carved wooden gazebo is perfect for a stone bath. Regardless of the material, the gazebo should create a feeling of openness, lightness and transparency.

According to the construction option, gazebos can be open and semi-open structures, as well as closed pavilions:

  1. Open gazebos … They have a common roof and floor with the bath building, but the gazebo itself is made with supports, which are united by handrails or curbs, denoting its boundaries. Economically, this is the most profitable type of gazebo, since there is no need for the construction of main walls and glazing works; at minimal cost, you can get a large area with a roof. True, this version of the gazebo is not very suitable for the winter use of the bath.
  2. Semi-open gazebo … Provides for the construction of one or two main walls, which they try to position against the prevailing winds for coziness and comfortable rest after a bath.
  3. Closed gazebo … This is a capital structure with walls and large glazing. In the presence of a fireplace, such a gazebo can be used even in winter, since in fact the extension is a full-fledged bath room. Often one or two walls of the gazebo are made removable, turning it into an open-type building in the summer.

By design, the gazebo can be defined as:

  • Rotunda - circular domed structure;
  • Belvedere - a summer building without walls with a roof on pillars in the form of pillars;
  • Terrace - an extension to the bath, which is the entrance to it.

According to its purpose, the gazebo can serve as a decorative element of a bath for a short time or a pavilion with a barbecue for a long rest, feasts and other things.

The interposition of the gazebo and baths can also be very different. They can be separated from each other, but connected by a covered walkway. The bathhouse and the gazebo can have a common wall, but their roof and floor will be separate. And finally, the gazebo can be a continuation of the bath and have a common roof and logs with it for flooring. The latter option is somewhat similar to a building with a terrace, but it usually has a formal fence. In our case, the gazebo is of a closed type.

When the site is located on the shore of a lake, river or pond, it will be convenient to build a gazebo right next to the water. At the same time, it is better to exit the bath directly into the gazebo, because from it it is pleasant to dive into the water in the summer, and in the winter - into the ice-hole. Typical projects for every taste and photos of baths with a gazebo can be found on the websites of construction companies on the Internet.

Designing a bath with a gazebo

Bath project with a gazebo
Bath project with a gazebo

Before the start of construction, it is necessary to develop a project for a bath with a gazebo. Well-prepared documentation guarantees:

  1. Correct calculation of the required building materials to eliminate their cost overruns;
  2. Determination of the required time for the construction of the complex;
  3. Choosing a suitable location on the building site;
  4. Correct step-by-step work plan.

It should include graphic materials that display a general view of the building, floor plans with their dimensions and a specification describing the main elements of a bath with a gazebo: type of foundation, material for walls, type of roof and ceilings, materials for roofing and basement finishing, finishing materials, water supply, heating, ventilation, electrical wiring and sewerage schemes.

When designing, it is necessary to be aware that a bath with a gazebo is, first of all, a bath, and only then a complex for recreation and entertainment. After all, the organizing and semantic center of the entire structure is a steam room. Therefore, the rest of its elements must be adjusted to the steam room in terms of their improvement and special mode during operation. First of all, you will need to protect the structures of the gazebo from penetrating dampness using a well-thought-out ventilation system.

Before starting construction, it is necessary to study the project and decide on the terrain with the location of the bath and its orientation to the cardinal points. The entrance is located on the south side - there are fewer snowdrifts in winter, and windows on the west side will save energy in the evening. It is also necessary to strictly adhere to fire safety rules and sanitary standards. Materials for the production of works are purchased by the list according to their specification for the project.

Construction of a bathhouse with a gazebo

We will consider the technology for the construction of a combined building using the example of a wooden frame for a bathhouse with a gazebo. The work is carried out in stages: foundation arrangement, wall erection, roof installation, interior decoration. Now let's talk about everything in order.

Materials for building a bath with a gazebo

Foam concrete for the construction of a bath with a gazebo
Foam concrete for the construction of a bath with a gazebo

For the construction of combined structures consisting of a bath and a gazebo, there is a fairly wide range of materials:

  1. Foam concrete … It is a lightweight material that does not require a special foundation. It is easy to cut with a hacksaw and has an affordable price. When used in the construction of baths, foam concrete blocks require an internal vapor barrier and preliminary treatment with a water-repellent compound, which is due to their porous structure.
  2. Brick … It perfectly tolerates high humidity, temperature drops and has a solid service life. Structures built of bricks need thermal insulation.
  3. Wood … This material has become a "classic" for the construction of baths, saunas and decorative buildings. It is environmentally friendly, has a unique structure and a healing aroma. With its low thermal conductivity, wood does not need additional protection with insulation.
  4. Stone … Durable and durable material. Unlike wood, it gives a slight shrinkage - about 5% (wood - 13%). Stone baths require attention to their thermal insulation and supply and exhaust ventilation.

A stone combined building, for example, having a bathhouse with a gazebo made of lumber under one roof, will significantly save money on the construction of an additional foundation. The only drawback of its design is the need for the simultaneous construction of the entire structure.

Foundation device for a bath with a gazebo

Column foundation for a bath with a gazebo
Column foundation for a bath with a gazebo

For wooden buildings, a columnar foundation is usually used. Before starting work, it is necessary to remove the vegetation layer of the soil from the location of our combined building. After making sure that there are no roots and debris, you can start laying out the site.

Based on the project data, at the construction site, the locations of the support pillars of the foundation for a bathhouse with a gazebo are marked. These points can be marked with pegs driven into the ground. As a rule, foundation supports are placed at each corner of a bath with a gazebo and every 2 meters along its perimeter. This allows the weight of the building to be distributed evenly across all the pillars.

Each row of them includes four bricks or blocks, and the height should be 20-30 cm above the ground level. Proceeding from this, holes are dug under the supports below the freezing level of the ground and with a margin of 10 cm in width for the convenience of its laying.

At the bottom of all the pits, a sand cushion is poured, which is then carefully compacted. The next layer is concrete, which is pre-reinforced with a metal mesh. The thickness of the base for the supports should be 15-20 cm.

After the concrete is cured, a columnar foundation of clay bricks or blocks with dimensions of 200x400x200 mm is laid on its surface. A cement-sand mortar is used as a binder. Each row of masonry is reinforced, and its verticality is controlled by a level rail.

After polymerization of the seams of the foundation supports, the surface of the pillars must be covered with bituminous coating waterproofing, and the sinuses of the pits must be covered with soil and well tamped. All parts of the foundation must have the same height marks.

Such a foundation has a service life of more than 50 years and can withstand several storeys of wood.

Erection of walls and roofs for a bathhouse with a gazebo

Bathhouse with a gazebo on the shore of the reservoir
Bathhouse with a gazebo on the shore of the reservoir

The process of assembling a log house with a gazebo begins after waterproofing the upper part of the support pillars of the foundation. To do this, you can use roofing material or bituminous mastic.

Then work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Installation of the flare. For its stability on the foundation, the lower part of the logs is cut down until smooth edges are obtained. The first two crowns are often made of larch, as it has a high density, hardens in a humid environment and is resistant to fungi and insects due to the resin properties of its wood. The rest of the crowns are made of pine.
  • In the lower rim, an inset of the floor log is made for the future placement of the boards of the wooden "final" flooring on them. On top of the logs, tape natural insulation is laid before installing the next crown.
  • Vertically, the logs are fastened together with wooden dowels made of hard wood. They are installed perpendicular to the logs with a draft in their wood 3-4 cm below the plane of the connection of the crowns strictly in the centers of the elements and in a checkerboard pattern. Wood drills should be in accordance with the diameter of the pins.
  • During the assembly of the log house, you can strap the dressing room. After its completion, they move on to strapping the gazebo, simultaneously raising the walls of the dressing room. For the gazebo, only hewn logs are used, and its racks are made of a bar with a section of 100x150 mm.
  • Laying of logs is alternated according to the "butt-top" principle in order to avoid distortion of the wall. In the last crown, the ceiling beams are fixed, after which the roof can be erected.
  • The rafters for it are assembled into ready-made forms below on the ground, and then, in turn, are fed to the roof for installation in accordance with its design view.
  • The upper part of the rafters forms the ridge of the roof, and the lower ends are fixed to the wall using sliding joints. Each of them is a knot that includes a hook and shackle. The bracket is attached along the length of the rafter leg, and the hook is passed between it and the bracket. It covers the rafter leg from above, pressing it against the log. The flexibility of such a fastener allows the rafter system to move slightly when the combined structure shrinks.
  • The part of the roof, the location of which is planned to be performed above the gazebo, should rest on its upper strapping, arranged on the support pillars of the extension.
  • After the installation of the rafter and ridge parts of the roof, gables are made of OSB boards. Then waterproofing and lathing made of boards are stuffed onto the rafters. Insulation is placed in the crate cells, usually mineral wool. From below, the insulation is hemmed with a vapor barrier film.
  • Across the boards laid on top of the rafters, a counter-lattice of bars is nailed, on which the roofing material is fixed: slate, profiled flooring, tiles, etc. The roof is ready.

Features of finishing a bath with a gazebo

Features of finishing the gazebo
Features of finishing the gazebo

The window and door frames of the gazebo baths are attached to the casing bars laid in the grooves made in the ends of the logs of the corresponding openings. The grooves have a cross section of 50x50 mm. The bars are used to prevent logs from twisting in openings. A deformation gap is left between the casing blocks and the top of the boxes, the size of which must exceed the value of the future shrinkage of the structure. It is filled with elastic insulation.

In an open-type gazebo, windows are not installed. In a closed type of extension, they can be made removable or opening for fresh air in the summer. After installing the windows, you can start insulating the floors, the walls of the steam room and the ceiling of the bath with a gazebo. The rest of the walls of the log house do not need additional thermal insulation. As materials, you can use basalt wool, foam, expanded clay and waterproofing films to protect the insulation.

Then the floors are laid, and after that the interior of the bath and the gazebo is set up: sheathing with clapboard, the manufacture of shelves, accessories and the installation of furniture.

How to build a bathhouse with a gazebo - watch the video:

Regardless of the choice of a typical project, a bath with a gazebo with your own hands can be turned into an excellent place in which health is strengthened and fatigue from the intense rhythm of city life is removed.
