Attic baths do it yourself

Attic baths do it yourself
Attic baths do it yourself

The attic room above the bathhouse is often equipped to save space on the site. It can be used as a guest room or a relaxation room. Moreover, the structure is much lighter than a full-fledged second floor. And following the instructions, you can build an attic yourself. Content:

  • Features of the arrangement of the attic
  • Selection of materials for construction
  • Dismantling the old roof
  • New rafter system
  • Roof installation
  • Installation of roof windows
  • Interior decoration
  • Outdoor decoration

It is optimal if the attic above the bathhouse was included in the general construction project and was erected along with it. However, it so happens that the desire to expand the bath area at the expense of the attic floor arises a little later. Then all the difficulties of its completion will be associated with the location of the windows and stairs. The latter in the completed attic can be predominantly screw. It may also be difficult to insert windows. However, these problems can be solved.

Features of the arrangement of the attic above the bath

Relaxation room in the attic of the bath
Relaxation room in the attic of the bath

The attic above the bathhouse is a compact and functional room. Basically, loft baths have become so popular, because on the top floor, you can equip a room for every taste. Most often, a rest room is equipped here.

The creation of a recreation room has undeniable advantages:

  • Effective appearance of the bath.
  • Ease of construction, since its construction does not imply the installation of a powerful foundation.
  • Minimization of heat loss in the bath.
  • No need for individual attic heating thanks to the heat from the steam room.

The attic above an already built bathhouse can be equipped in two main ways: from a ready-made bathhouse, the roof is torn off, and the side walls are completed in height; re-equipment of the attic above the bathhouse into the attic floor.

Before you start drawing up a do-it-yourself attic bath project, you should decide on the type of roof. The attic is equipped only if there is a special broken roof shape. Of course, the smaller the tilt angle, the more usable indoor space you will save. Completion of the attic floor or re-equipment into an attic attic does not require any approval or obtaining permits.

Selection of materials for the construction of a bath attic

A beam for the construction of a bath attic
A beam for the construction of a bath attic

As a rule, the attic is completed above the bath from the same material as the entire building. However, combinations are not uncommon: the first floor is log or brick, the attic is a wooden structure. The easiest way is to complete the attic above the timber bath. This design is lightweight, so the foundation of the structure will hardly feel any additional load. And an almost perfect rectangular layout will make it possible to avoid unnecessary expenses and efforts when creating a complex project and bringing it to life. It is also worth noting that the timber looks quite aesthetically pleasing when assembled and does not require additional cladding and complex interior decoration. As for the roofing material, then you can choose it, focusing on your own taste and the availability of finances. Experts advise using metal or bituminous tiles for such buildings. These materials are easy to install and look attractive. In addition, they are quite light, which is important when completing the attic to the finished building, since the additional floor should exert as little stress on the walls and foundation as possible. Particular attention should also be paid to the means of steam, hydro and thermal protection. The attic above the bathhouse is a specific place that differs in its characteristics from the usual attic in a residential building. In particular, the aggressive environment that is present in the steam room has a huge impact on the second floor. Therefore, the issue of isolation should be approached carefully. Mineral wool is most often used as a heater.

Rules for dismantling the old roof of the bath

Dismantling the roof of the bath
Dismantling the roof of the bath

Before starting work on the construction of a full-fledged attic floor, you should calculate the attic for the bath and the rafter system. If it does not fit your project, it will have to be dismantled along with the old roofing, only after that you can start installing new rafters. Before dismantling the roof over the bath, it should be cleaned of all communications - wires, antennas, drains. Stock up on the necessary tools and materials - a screwdriver, nail puller, rope, saw, crowbar. Be sure to take care of your own protection and insurance. It is also recommended to install a block system for lowering roofing materials to the ground.

We carry out the work in the following sequence:

  1. We begin disassembly by removing the roofing material near pipes, walls.
  2. To remove the metal tile, we start with the ridge, wind and valley linings. We disassemble the sheets of material from top to bottom.
  3. To dismantle the layered rafters, we remove all metal parts. After that, we remove the free-lying elements. First, we tear off a couple of boards 1-1, 5 meters from the floor. Through the resulting hole, remove the boards that lie below.
  4. We disassemble the rafters, formwork and crate using an electric or chainsaw, scrap. If we are dealing with hanging rafters, then every 4-5 purlin should be left in order to avoid the collapse of the rafter system.
  5. We lower the rafter legs down one by one.

If you are removing a soft roof covering, then dismantling it should be done in cool or cloudy weather. Under the sun, soft roofing materials heat up and soften, making it difficult to remove.

Construction of a new truss system for a bath with an attic

Broken roof truss system diagram
Broken roof truss system diagram

Before starting to erect the truss system over the bath, a new layer of waterproofing should be laid on the ceiling of the building. It is optimal in such cases to use roofing felt or roofing material. If the floor is wooden, then there is no need to lay the beams under the main beams.

We carry out further work in the following order:

  • We prepare wooden beams with a section of 10x10 cm. We put the racks at a distance of about 2 meters from each other. They will form a kind of skeleton of the attic floor. Make sure that each post is perfectly level (use a level for this).
  • The installed racks are sheathed on both sides. From the inside we use drywall or plywood, from the outside - a slab.
  • We put insulation (mineral wool) between the racks.
  • We fix each stand separately with spikes and brackets. Make sure they don't bend over in the process. To do this, you can fix them with temporary braces.
  • We lay the upper beam. It should have a similar section of 10x10 cm. We fix it with nails or self-tapping screws.
  • Installing the Mauerlat. For it you will need a beam of 40x40 cm. Do not forget to install a layer of waterproofing under it to avoid rotting wood in the future.
  • We fasten the rafter legs. To do this, we make markings on the Mauerlat and the rafter frame in those places where the rafters will be installed. As a rule, the pitch is 1-1, 2 m. For the rafters, you can use boards measuring 5x15 cm. Do not skimp on the quality of the board for the rafters, so as not to become a victim of a roof collapse due to low-quality wood.
  • We install filly. The process is carried out by analogy with rafters. We start with a pair of extreme ones, pull the twine between them and equalize with it during subsequent work.
  • We nail the hem board to the filly. It will prevent wind and precipitation.
  • In places where roof windows are installed, we strengthen the rafters. To do this, install cross bars. They will act as the upper and lower parts of the opening, where the frame will be fixed.

Remember that all wooden elements that are used in the construction of the attic must be treated with antiseptics and fire retardants. Make sure all supporting structures are in order before proceeding to the next step in surface insulation. All minor flaws and cracks must be sealed with polyurethane foam.

Installation of a roof for a bath with an attic

Isolation scheme of the attic room
Isolation scheme of the attic room

After the skeleton of the roof has been created, you can proceed with the installation of the roof and the equipment of the sheathing. The step in this case depends on what kind of roofing material you will cover the roof with.

If you have chosen a soft tile, then a solid crate is installed for it, which is made of grooved boards. We install the solid lathing on a sparse one with a step of 30 cm. Thus, a double lathing is obtained.

Next, we install a hydro-barrier on the crate. Usually, ordinary polyethylene is used for this, the layers are laid with an overlap from bottom to top. We put a layer of thermal insulation on top of the film, for example, mineral wool, cover the insulation with a layer of vapor barrier and fix it with tape.

The installation of the roofing material is done in the same way as for the waterproofing. The elements of the roof are overlapped from bottom to top. Make sure that in places where the roof is broken, the upper layer of the roof protrudes above the lower one. We install the ridge so that its design does not allow water to enter under the roof.

Installation of roof windows in the roof of the bath

Installation of a roof window
Installation of a roof window

The skylights look great, although their equipment is a rather laborious process, and this should be done at the stage of construction of the rafter system. Proper ventilation and lighting in this room is ensured precisely due to the competent arrangement of the windows.

To use window openings as efficiently as possible, we carry out the work in the following order:

  • We install a large panoramic window of a semi-oval shape on the pediment. You can also choose any other shape except square and rectangular. Non-standard lines will visually expand the space.
  • We equip a wide wooden window sill at the window opening on the roof slope and insert a transformer window that opens in a vertical direction. It can easily transform into a small balcony. The upper sashes will function as a canopy, and the lower ones will be used as a fence.
  • Install small vertical windows around the perimeter of the roof.
  • We place blinds for inclined structures on windows on slopes. They are equipped with special supports and fasteners that make it easy to adjust the position.
  • We install double cornices above the small windows and attach roller blinds made of lightweight material of a soft pastel shade to them.

To ensure good ventilation, give preference to high-quality double-glazed windows. The best option would be "breathing" wooden windows. The use of wooden structures is preferable, since PVC windows will not fit the general style of a wood-trimmed room.

Technology of interior decoration of the attic bath

Interior decoration of the attic with clapboard
Interior decoration of the attic with clapboard

In most design projects for finishing this room above the bathhouse, preference is given to natural materials. Of these, wood is the most popular. Finishing surfaces with wooden materials makes it possible to create a recreation room in almost any style.

Brief instructions for interior decoration of the attic above the bath:

  1. We treat the floorboard with antiseptic compounds and fire retardants in several layers, we mount the wooden flooring.
  2. We fix the lathing on the ceiling, sheathing it with wooden clapboard. We arrange the panels along the length of the room.
  3. We cover the surfaces of the roof slopes and struts with an edged board.
  4. We fix the lining on the walls of the attic, having previously secured the lathing.

Please note that it is better to make the floor in one plane. Podium structures are an unsuccessful solution for an attic space.

Do-it-yourself outdoor decoration of the bath attic

Exterior decoration of the bath attic
Exterior decoration of the bath attic

Immediately after the end of construction, the attic from the timber should be buried with tow, flax or jute.

Outside, the completed attic should be decorated in the same style as the entire bathhouse. Regardless of the chosen finishing material, the timber structure needs shrinkage. Therefore, before embarking on the exterior finishing work, you should wait a couple of years. If both the bathhouse and the attic are built of timber, then it is enough to wait for the shrinkage of all structures and cover them with varnish, which is suitable for exterior decoration of wooden buildings. How to build an attic above the bathhouse - watch the video:

Knowing how to make an attic in a bathhouse, you can cope with all the work on your own, without resorting to the help of professional builders. The main thing is to choose high-quality building materials, because the reliability of the structure will depend on this, and strictly follow the instructions.
