Arina Sharapova's diet

Arina Sharapova's diet
Arina Sharapova's diet

Russian television presenter Arina Sharapova gives another example of how you can correct your figure. Find out what this weight loss program is and how to get out of it correctly. Arina claims that the first week of the diet was very difficult, especially when her life was along with business trips, but the result of such a restriction in food was worth it: 3 kg in 7 days. In the second week, the TV presenter threw off another 1 kg, but if it were not for the move, the process of losing weight would have gone faster. The third week for Arina was also a test, because the woman who participated in the TEFI TV show as a judge found it difficult to sit at the table, admiring harmful goodies. But Arina overcame the feeling of hunger, eventually dropping another 0.5 kg. Everything went on as usual, only in the fifth week the weight stopped. The main thing here was to believe in victory and not give up, this brought Arina to the sixth week of the diet minus 10 kg.

Pros and cons of the Sharapova diet


This type of food can be used as a method for losing weight no earlier than 2-3 months after the previous diet. Using this technique, you can lose about 10 kg of weight in a month and a half. To improve your weight loss results and keep your body toned, be sure to include regular visits to the gym.

Despite a number of advantages of the Sharapova diet, in particular the fact that according to the well-known presenter's technique, one can successfully lose weight, prevent the body from surviving stress, transporting all the nutrients necessary for vital activity into it, this program has contraindications:

  • Children and the elderly.
  • Girls and women during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Changes in the immune and endocrine systems.
  • Serious gastrointestinal problems.
  • Diseases of the internal organs.

How to leave the program of Arina Sharapova

Recommendations for getting out of the diet from a Russian journalist and TV presenter practically do not differ from advice on switching to a normal diet after other weight loss programs.

Gradually include more fatty foods in the menu, do not overdo it. As for the calorie content, it is allowed to add 100-150 kcal every day. Try to keep the total number of calories consumed per day not more than 2000. Limit the consumption of very fatty foods, banned chips, crackers, burgers and other fast foods. Continue drinking plenty of water, exercising, and eating small meals 4-6 times a day. You should not gorge yourself at night, it is better to take dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime.

As for Arina herself, every morning she starts with a glass of warm water, then - cottage cheese and salad. As a second breakfast, she prefers a light snack in the form of tea with nuts or carrots. Lunch comes at about 15-16 o'clock and may look like this - low-fat fish, grilled with vegetables, or boiled chicken meat. In the evening, the TV presenter "Fashionable Verdict" can limit herself to just one yogurt, or she can pamper herself with the same boiled chicken. After the end of the diet, Arina did not return to her previous diet, because she understood that this could threaten the figure.

Arina Sharapova's weekly menu


The essence of food from Sharapova in this menu is the daily use of vegetable soup. Cooking such a dish is very simple, just wash fresh vegetables (any except potatoes), peel them, cut into any pieces and cook until tender, then grind everything until a homogeneous consistency with a blender.

You need to add other dishes to the diet, including salads, dressing them only with lemon juice or soy sauce. Below is an example of a weekly diet menu, it can be extended up to two months, depending on the desired result.

  • Monday. Start your morning with one hard-boiled egg and a salad made from only green vegetables. For lunch, you can indulge in a fresh, small pear. After a few hours, start eating vegetarian soup with rye toast. In the evening, a glass of raspberries and a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese are allowed.
  • Tuesday. Prepare a vegetable salad for the first breakfast, eat a small orange for the second. For lunch, the same vegetable broth is suitable; in the evening, drink a glass of kefir with a minimum percentage of fat.
  • Wednesday. Start the third day of the diet with a salad made from radishes, cabbage and greens. Such a vitamin dish is simply necessary for the body. After a few hours, eat another healthy food in the form of an apple. Prepare vegetable broth for lunch and lean fish steak for dinner. A maximum of three hours before bedtime, snack on one small cucumber.
  • Thursday. For the first breakfast, cook and eat a serving of salad made from any vegetables, for the second, treat yourself to a pomegranate, which can lower blood pressure and help to normalize the work of the heart. Lunch remains the same - vegetable soup, bake rabbit meat in sour cream sauce for dinner.
  • Friday. Prepare a salad with green and red bell peppers, tomato, parsley and arugula for your first breakfast, later enjoy persimmon (especially useful for people with cardiovascular diseases). The lunch menu of the fifth day of the diet is no different from the menu of any day of Arina Sharapova's weekly weight loss program. Dinner relies on turkey meat baked in foil with garlic and carrots.
  • Saturday. Breakfast of the sixth day of the diet can be presented in the form of a salad of boiled vegetables and fresh herbs. After a while, if possible, eat a glass of blueberries, whose dietary fiber is an important factor in weight management and helps reduce appetite. For lunch, prepare a vegetable broth, for dinner, boil sea fish, so that later add it to a salad with cucumbers, arugula and herbs.
  • Sunday. Make a salad with fresh cucumbers, herbs and radishes for your first breakfast, then eat one grapefruit, a vegetarian broth for lunch, and a baked diet turkey meat in a creamy sauce for dinner.