How to use gold eye patches

How to use gold eye patches
How to use gold eye patches

Indications and contraindications for the use of "gold" patches under the eyes. Their description, useful properties and a list of components. Blending tips and results. Gold-based patches are suitable for all skin types, but they are especially good for dry, adult dermis, as they saturate it with collagen and thereby prevent “sagging”.

Contraindications to the use of patches for dark circles under the eyes

Sunburn as a contraindication to the use of gold patches
Sunburn as a contraindication to the use of gold patches

You should not use them more often than 1-2 times a week, because, penetrating into the bloodstream through the wounds, the composition can cause minor intoxication. Also, after that, it is very undesirable to go outside for 3-5 hours - you need to give your skin a rest from decorative cosmetics and exposure to the sun.

You should be careful with a large number of acne in the eye area, their number can only increase if you are allergic to gold.

There are no strict contraindications to using patches for bags under the eyes, but it is better to exclude them in the following cases:

  • Disrupted work of the sweat glands … At the same time, an oily sheen appears on the face, and since this product has moisturizing properties, this effect is only enhanced.
  • Dermatological diseases … You can not use this mask for hives, dermatitis, psoriasis and any rash of unknown origin. In this case, itching will bother even more, and in addition to it, inflammation may be added.
  • Having sunburn … After applying the patches, ugly light spots may remain on the skin, which will stand out against the general background.

There are no strict contraindications regarding age, but you should not resort to them before the age of 15.

How to apply gold eye patches

How to use gold eye patches
How to use gold eye patches

The most important rule is that you cannot take them with your fingers so as not to wrinkle, for this they put a special spoon or spatula in the package.

Before gluing the patches under the eyes, the skin must be cleaned with a scrub and dried. Then you should carefully lay out the mask along the lower eyelid, carefully smoothing it with your hands to avoid the appearance of folds. The distance between it and the lower eyelashes should be at least 1 cm. The presence of any bumps and air bubbles is unacceptable here, contact with the skin should be as close as possible.

After the patches for puffiness under the eyes are applied, you need to lie down for 5-10 minutes until they are fixed securely. You need to leave patches on your face all night, remove them in the morning. In the first minutes, a slight tingling and burning sensation may be felt, which is associated with the activation of blood circulation, there is nothing wrong with that. After removing the mask, it is undesirable to immediately wash and apply cosmetics.

The number of procedures per month should be at least 4, otherwise there will be no visible effect. This is enough to prevent wrinkles, puffiness and bags under the eyes. If the defects are already bothering you, then to eliminate them, it is recommended to apply the mask 2 times a week.

For those who want to refresh their skin before some important event, the product can be kept for 20-30 minutes. It is allowed to use it constantly, that is, without interruption.

One patch cannot be applied several times, otherwise it will only worsen the situation. A used mask should not be stored with new ones, it will ruin them.

Applying patches from circles under the eyes: before and after

Applying gold patches: before and after
Applying gold patches: before and after

After applying this unique remedy, the circles completely disappear, but this takes about a month.

Certain results will be noticeable after the completion of the first procedure - the skin near the eyes will become cleaner, fresher, smoother. For those who are worried about crow's feet, they cease to be so noticeable after 2-3 applications of the mask. This is an excellent express assistant in case of signs of fatigue, with its help the face really becomes younger and fresher. But you should not expect a long-term result from it, since it lasts for a maximum of one week. To look great, the procedure must be carried out constantly.

In the first hours after applying the mask, the skin may bake slightly, which is explained by the normalization of blood circulation and the action of biologically active components. If this problem arises, you can apply a chamomile or sage soothing cream.

If an allergy occurs, you must immediately stop the procedure. How to use gold eye patches - look at the video:

The patches on the market for bruises under the eyes, bags, dark circles and many other defects are quite effective. But even in this case, they cannot cope with some serious defects, for example, deep age wrinkles or severe swelling caused by a malfunction of the internal organs. Therefore, they cannot be called a panacea for all ills.
