How to use gold face mask

How to use gold face mask
How to use gold face mask

Description, benefits and effectiveness of the golden face mask, contraindications to its use. Secrets of the right choice, methods and results of application.

The composition of solid gold masks most often contains glycerin, vitamin E, natural amino acids, collagen and hyaluronic acid. These ingredients provide gentle care for even the most problematic skin. They are suitable for all types of it - oily, dry, normal, combined. The 24-carat gold used for the preparation of masks fully supplies the dermis with useful substances, they are all delivered to the cells.

Gold face masks do not contain any hazardous substances, they are made on the basis of natural ingredients (gold crystals, grape seed extract, silk proteins, etc.).

Contraindications to the use of a golden face mask

Rash on the face
Rash on the face

Since such a remedy dries the skin a little, it is not recommended to use it with severe peeling. This is somewhat dangerous, because dermis particles may come off during the removal of the mask. In the most extreme case, before applying it, the face must be softened with a moisturizer, or at least moistened with warm water.

It is undesirable to make such masks during pregnancy and lactation. They can also cause allergies in case of iodine intolerance.

This option is definitely not suitable if you have:

  • Violations of the integrity of the skin;
  • Severe redness;
  • Acute eczema;
  • Significant foci of inflammation on the face;
  • Individual intolerance to individual components of the product.

To make sure there is no allergy, apply a gold face mask to the crook of your elbow. If nothing follows this, then everything is fine. When using a fabric model, it can be applied to the palm of your hand or to one of your cheeks. There should be no reaction - burning, tingling and tingling sensations are abnormal.

Choosing a collagen and aldehyde gold face mask

Gold face powder mask
Gold face powder mask

First of all, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. Companies from South Korea and Thailand are considered the best. Quite good brands are Beauty Style, Bio Nature and Algomask. It's great if the composition contains gold of Bulgarian, Japanese or Chinese origin. It is it that is recognized as the most suitable for human skin.

If you do not want to spend a lot of time preparing the composition, choose a film mask. At the same time, pay attention to the packaging: it must have an international quality mark. This means that the product does not pose a threat to health and is produced in accordance with all safety standards. It should also contain information that the product is approved by dermatologists.

The film mask always has cutouts for the eyes, lips and nostrils. It is thin and smooth to the touch, it can stretch a little. It is important that the main percentage in the composition is made up of bio-gold and collagen. Otherwise, the desired effect will not follow. The model has no size, this marking is always standard - Face Mask.

As for the gold face mask in the form of powder, it should mostly contain ions of 24-carat active gold. Everything else is cheap knockoffs that won't bear any fruit. Choose powder of the finest grind, it is not allowed to contain whole ingredients. This makes it quick and easy to dilute with water.

Try the mass to the touch: if it crunches and creaks like starch, then everything is in order. It is sold in pink-brown color, interspersed with gold. The product practically does not smell, only slightly gives off chewing gum. If you hold it in your hand, you will see that stains will definitely remain on the palm of your hand. The high quality of the product is evidenced by the fact that they cannot be washed off just like that with water - you need to use soap.

When choosing a powder mask, be sure to look at the instructions. In it, the manufacturer is obliged to indicate the required proportions of water and dry ingredient. If your skin is flaky, if possible, avoid products with sodium hyaluronate - at low air humidity and in the sun, it dries out the dermis. In this case, in addition, after removing the mask, a nourishing cream can be applied to the face.

How to use gold face mask

Applying a mask with gold on the face
Applying a mask with gold on the face

If everything is simple with a fabric mask: you just need to take it out of the bag, smooth it with your hands, apply it on the skin and hold it for 30 minutes, then with a powder everything is much more difficult.

First, you need to prepare it properly, which will require a deep plastic container and water. Milk can also be used instead. With problem skin, it is allowed to add 1-2 tsp to the composition of a gold face mask. honey.

Detailed cooking instructions:

  1. Open the sachet or jar.
  2. Get 3 tbsp from it. l. powder and pour it into a container.
  3. Heat no more than 10 ml of water or milk.
  4. Combine ingredients.
  5. Add honey to the mass.
  6. Stir the gruel and leave it in a warm place for an hour.

While the product is cooling down, prepare your skin for the procedure. You will need to remove your makeup (if present) and wash your face with cleansing milk. There should be no traces of cosmetics, grease and impurities on the face. After that, massage it with gentle circular movements, you can pinch it a little. This is necessary to increase blood circulation and better absorption of nutrients.

The order of further actions:

  • Dip a cosmetic brush in the composition (you can use the one with which you apply the powder to your cheeks).
  • Thoroughly lubricate the face with the finished mixture, without touching the eyes, lips and nostrils.
  • Wait 20-30 minutes, the exposure time depends on the thickness of the product. The thinner it is, the longer you will have to lie with it.
  • After the specified time, when the mask has hardened, rinse it off with warm water.
  • If your skin is rather dry, moisturize with cream.

You can use the golden face mask in the form of powder at any time of the day, even before going out. The optimal frequency of the procedure is once every 3-5 days, after a month you can gradually increase the interval by 1-2 weeks. To achieve a stable and long-lasting effect at this time, it is recommended to supplement the face care with other masks - cleansing, whitening, rejuvenating.

Prepare the product immediately before use: it keeps its useful properties in a diluted form for no longer than a day. When applying it on your face, make sure that the layer is even and thin. All actions must be careful so that the mass does not get into the eyes. If this happens, just rinse them with plenty of warm water.

Important! In order not to stain your hair, collect it with an elastic band in a ponytail and put a headband on your head. On the sides of the face along the ears, you can apply a greasy cream, so the product will be easier to wash off at the end.

Results of applying golden face mask

Collagen mask-film on the face
Collagen mask-film on the face

The first improvements are noticeable immediately after the end of the procedure. After 20-30 minutes, the skin turns a little red, it can be slightly inflamed and itchy. But this is quite normal, since gold is an active ingredient. Such changes generally disappear within 2-3 hours. If this does not happen on its own, it is recommended to apply a soothing cream to the skin.

Among the results of the application of a golden face mask should be highlighted:

  1. Strong lifting effect … Of course, it will not work to smooth out deep wrinkles in this way, but this tool does quite well with small folds. The skin really becomes more elastic, the cheeks stop drooping strongly, the forehead is smoothed, the face acquires clear contours.
  2. Rejuvenation … This effect is achieved by eliminating expression lines. The skin around the lips, eyes and nose is refreshed and smoothed.
  3. Prevention of skin diseases … Eczema, dermatosis, spider veins on the face are just some of the problems that the use of gold in combination with collagen prevents.
  4. Cleansing … Age spots, blackheads, acne - all this cannot be removed in this way, but it is quite possible to prevent and alleviate the condition of a person. As a result, the skin looks young and healthy, becomes velvety and soft.
  5. Perfect complexion … It turns out to be especially beautiful if you sunbathe in the sun immediately after using the mask. This gives the skin a pleasant and healthy pinkish tint.

How to use golden face mask - watch the video:

The results from the use of such a tool do not last a lifetime, but they certainly please at least a week. To obtain a vivid effect, you must apply it regularly, at least once a month. And remember, using a gold face mask is not a panacea for all skin problems. Yes, it is really good, but it does not cancel out creams, lotions, serums and much more from the world of cosmetics.
