Small wrinkles around the eyes can greatly spoil the mood of every woman. This problem can be postponed for a while if you know the causes of the appearance, as well as methods for eliminating wrinkles. Sooner or later, every woman is faced with the appearance of small wrinkles around the eyes. This is a completely normal age-related skin change. But wrinkles appear most clearly in the area near the eyes, since the skin of the eyelids is drier, in contrast to the rest of the face. In order to postpone the appearance of wrinkles at least for a while, it is worthwhile to study in detail the reasons that provoke their earlier formation.
Causes of the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes
Every woman dreams of getting rid of wrinkles in the eye area in a short period of time, because no one wants to start aging ahead of time. In order to find the most effective way to solve this problem, you need to try to accurately determine the reasons for its occurrence. These include the following factors:
- The skin around the eyes does not have sebaceous glands, therefore it is highly dehydrated. If you regularly use special masks aimed at eliminating small mimic wrinkles, or "crow's feet", very soon they will disappear on their own, and it will be enough just to periodically do preventive cosmetic procedures.
- Over time, skin cells stop producing elastin as well as collagen. As a result, there is a loss of elasticity of the skin, which is gradually collected in ugly folds; ray-like wrinkles and ugly bags appear.
- The muscles around the eyes reflect all the emotions every day, so over time it will not be possible to avoid the appearance of wrinkles.
- Atmospheric factors - wind, frost, snow or heat - have a negative effect on the condition of the delicate and thin skin near the eyes. As a result, sensitive skin is injured, which provokes the premature appearance of wrinkles.
Once the exact cause that triggered the formation of wrinkles is established, you can choose a more appropriate way to deal with them. Premature aging of the skin around the eyes occurs for the following reasons:
- Unbalanced nutrition, lack of fresh air, disruption of the proper functioning of the digestive system and liver, severe contamination with toxins and body waste.
- Improper care for sensitive skin, the use of low-quality and cheap cosmetics. This applies to all skin types, but especially dry.
- A variety of bad habits, poor lifestyle choices, constant stressful situations, lack of proper daily routine, constant lack of sleep and severe fatigue, as well as alcohol and smoking abuse - all this leads to the formation of early wrinkles.
- Strong and constant eye strain, pronounced facial expressions (if you often squint, frown), can also cause the formation of wrinkles on the bridge of the nose and forehead.
- The habit of sleeping on a very high pillow. So much less oxygen and important nutrients will flow to the head, which can lead to premature aging of the facial skin.
Methods for dealing with wrinkles in the eye area

Today, a large number of different effective techniques are known to combat expression wrinkles, or "crow's feet".
Proper nutrition
To prevent premature aging of the skin, the required amount of collagen must be produced. Of course, you can start taking special medications, but not all of them are harmless to health. Therefore, it is best to opt for natural products that include collagen. The list of such products is very impressive, so every girl can choose something suitable for herself:
- Seaweed is an excellent source of iodine and collagen. If the body receives the right amount of iodine, there is a significant improvement in attention and memory.
- Fish (only fatty varieties). This product is rich in essential fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9.
- A variety of meat products. This is especially true for dietary turkey meat, which is one of the best sources of collagen. It contains the substance carnosine, thanks to which the meat retains its useful properties for a long time.
- To improve collagen synthesis, the body must be supplied with the right amount of vitamin C. This vitamin is found in large quantities in citrus fruits, rose hips, sweet peppers, and blueberries.
- Fresh salads from cabbage, carrot, tomato, dill and parsley.
- It is recommended to consume a few blueberries every day; a frozen product is also perfect (to defrost the berries, it is enough to hold the berries in warm water for a few minutes). Thanks to the daily consumption of blueberries, blood flows to the retina better, the capillaries of the eyes are strengthened, and vision improves. The need to constantly squint disappears, which means that early wrinkles will not appear. Blueberries also contribute to the production of the required amount of collagen. This berry is recommended for people who work at the computer for a long time.
Salon procedures

The desired result can be obtained by trusting the professionals:
- Chemical peeling - performed along the line of the cheekbones, there is a rapid smoothing of wrinkles. The cosmetologist, taking into account the condition of the skin, determines the type of peeling and the depth of the effect.
- Laser resurfacing is the most effective procedure. It is performed strictly along the cheekbones and does not affect the sensitive skin under the eyes. At the same time, the skin is renewed, all small wrinkles are smoothed out. However, this method also has serious drawbacks - the skin of the face is severely injured. Therefore, it is possible to resort to laser resurfacing in extreme cases.
- Biorevitalization - injections, during which hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin. Wrinkles are smoothed out literally after the first procedure.
- Photorejuvenation - the skin is exposed to flashes of pulsed light, due to the action of which the process of cell renewal is accelerated, the production of elastin, as well as collagen, is stimulated. Not only wrinkles are smoothed out, but also facial tone is evened.
How to get rid of wrinkles at home
Most girls prefer home methods, since they do not require large material costs, and they can be used at any convenient time. The most effective are the following:
- Potato mask. A peeled potato is crushed on a fine grater, then applied to the previously peeled eyelids. After a minute, you need to wash with not too cold water. If the mask is applied to very dry skin, then add cream or sour cream (1 tsp).
- Sea buckthorn mask … Few people know that sea buckthorn is just an invaluable gift of nature, thanks to which you can remove mimic wrinkles. Crushed sea buckthorn is applied to the skin under the eyes, after a couple of minutes you need to wash.
- Using natural oils - grape, wheat germ, rose hips. They can be used not only in their pure form, but also added to various masks. The oils are quickly absorbed and make the skin more well-groomed and elastic.
- Masks with cosmetic clay. It is the clay that helps to smooth the skin and has almost no contraindications, therefore it can be used even by girls with very sensitive skin. The positive effect will be visible after the first use.
- Vitamins E and A. These substances are the basis of anti-aging care for all skin types.
- Aloe. It is necessary to take fresh juice (undiluted), and apply to problem areas with gentle massage movements.
- Ice cubes. Herbal infusion (chamomile, lemon balm, mint) is poured into the molds. Every morning, rub the area around the eyes with an ice cube.
Preventing the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes

To avoid the early appearance of wrinkles, you should adhere to the following tips:
- Drinking at least your daily fluid intake will help prevent dehydration. It is not recommended to drink water before going to bed, because swelling may appear in the morning.
- In sunny weather, it is imperative to wear high-quality sunglasses, because ultraviolet rays negatively affect the skin and provoke its early aging.
Video on how to make a mask for wrinkles around the eyes:

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