Calendula oil in home cosmetology

Calendula oil in home cosmetology
Calendula oil in home cosmetology

Learn how to use calendula oil in home cosmetology for skin and hair care, how to make it yourself. Calendula oil is a useful and completely natural product that can be indispensable in maintaining a woman's beauty. Marigold or calendula officinalis is widely used in folk medicine and home cosmetology. This plant can be used to prepare tinctures, masks, decoctions, ointments and infusions.

This natural product also has certain therapeutic properties, due to which it helps to maintain female beauty. Today, calendula oil can be purchased at any pharmacy or you can make it yourself at home.

Useful properties of calendula

Calendula flower and oil
Calendula flower and oil

The flowers of the plant contain a large number of biologically active components. After carrying out various laboratory studies, such valuable substances as:

  1. Essential oils prevent the onset of reproduction of pathogenic microflora, due to which its complete destruction occurs.
  2. Carotenoids contribute to the body's production of vitamin A.
  3. Coumarins help to quickly suppress inflammatory reactions of various origins.
  4. Sterols in structure they are similar to cholesterol molecules, therefore, after entering the digestive system, they replace harmful cholesterol and lower its amount in the body.
  5. Flavonoids are physiologically active elements that help to relax spasmodic smooth muscles, while controlling the synthesis of bile, the process of urine production and its natural excretion from the body. Flavonoids are directly involved in the process of neutralizing harmful substances, preventing the multiplication of tumor cells, while maintaining the normal functioning of the stomach affected by the ulcer.
  6. Triterpenoids represent oleanic acid glycosides. It is thanks to these substances that the marigolds have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, the healing process of ulcers is accelerated, and the movement of impulses along the nerve fibers is stimulated.

The composition of calendula flowers includes a large amount of iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, due to which the plant is considered medicinal. Also, marigolds contain zinc, which helps to strengthen the immune system and has a positive effect on the state of the whole body.

Molybdenum prevents the leaching of fluoride from the body, it is also an invaluable substance that helps to effectively prevent caries. Selenium helps to suppress the development of cells that are not typical of the human body, while maintaining the correct functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Calendula oil has a complex therapeutic effect. Provided it is used correctly and regularly, the following effect appears:

  • persistent anti-inflammatory effect;
  • irritation reactions occurring on the surface of the skin are suppressed;
  • there is a bright antiseptic effect;
  • accelerates the healing process of wounds, burns, painful cracks and other types of damage to the integrity of the skin.

The composition of natural calendula oil is similar to that of plant flowers. The product contains a large amount of trace elements, useful substances that have a therapeutic effect.

It is recommended to use calendula oil when:

  • increased dryness of the skin;
  • violations in the process of blood circulation in the skin;
  • to accelerate the healing of scratches, cuts, abrasions, burns;
  • with poor skin tone;
  • during the treatment of cracks in the nipples during breastfeeding;
  • with varicose veins;
  • to eliminate painful anal fissures that form with hemorrhoids;
  • during treatment for frostbite;
  • with sunburn;
  • with tonsillitis, which occurs in chronic and acute form;
  • with periodontal disease.

How to make calendula oil yourself?

Calendula flowers in a bowl and a bottle of oil
Calendula flowers in a bowl and a bottle of oil

With patience, you can make a natural and healthy calendula oil at home on your own. For this purpose, you can use not only dried, but also fresh flowers of the plant.

Making calendula oil from fresh flowers

Fresh calendula petals
Fresh calendula petals
  • Take 2 tbsp. fresh flowers with a marigold and poured into a liter jar, then 2, 5 tbsp is poured. vegetable oil (you can use corn, refined sunflower, olive, almond).
  • The container is placed in a water bath and languishes for 2 hours.
  • Then the resulting oil must be left for a while until it has completely cooled down.
  • Then the container with oil is placed in the sun and left for 24 hours. It is believed that calendula oil, imbued with the energy of the sun, has great healing power.
  • As soon as the oil is well infused, it must be filtered and squeezed out.
  • The oil is poured into a glass container, closed with a lid and can be stored in the refrigerator.

Before using the oil, to make sure it is sterile, it must be poured into a glass container and brought to a boil in a water bath.

Making calendula oil from dried flowers

Dried calendula flowers
Dried calendula flowers
  • Take a liter jar and fill it with pre-dried flowers.
  • 2 glasses of any vegetable oil are poured.
  • The container is placed in a water bath and left to simmer for 3 hours.
  • Then the container with oil is left for 2 days in a sunny place.
  • The finished product is filtered, the jar must be closed with a lid.
  • The oil can only be stored in the refrigerator.

The use of calendula oil in home cosmetology

Marigolds and oil from them in a bottle
Marigolds and oil from them in a bottle

Recently, women are increasingly paying attention to natural remedies that can be used in cosmetology. Marigold oil is very popular, as it has an amazing effect on hair and skin.

If your skin needs additional hydration, this product will be a real salvation. Calendula oil softens chapped and dry skin, thereby restoring its natural softness, silkiness and elasticity. Within a few minutes, after using it, a positive result appears.

It is also useful to lubricate the skin with marigold oil, where it often becomes covered with painful cracks and coarsens with age. This precious gift of nature helps to quickly restore the rough skin of the heels and feet to good condition. In the event that the skin of the face is regularly treated with this natural remedy, you can significantly reduce the manifestation of rosacea.

How to use calendula oil for facial skin?

Girl holding a bottle of marigold oil
Girl holding a bottle of marigold oil

By using calendula oil in facial skin care, you can get rid of the problem of flaking, enlarged pores, inflamed pimples, irritation, blackheads and acne spots.

This remedy restores a fresh and rested look to the skin. Today there are a large number of different recipes for masks with marigold oil, so you can choose the perfect remedy for yourself.

Hot mask

  • To prepare such a mask, you will need to take a cotton napkin, then dip it into hot water and squeeze it well.
  • It is important to evenly soak the fabric with a small amount of marigold oil (no more than 25 drops of the product will be needed).
  • The compress is put on the skin of the face, and covered with a terry towel on top.
  • You need to lie down and try to completely relax - the mask is left on for 60 minutes.
  • After the specified time has elapsed, excess oil from the skin is removed with a clean and dry paper towel.
  • With the regular use of such a hot mask, very quickly the skin becomes smooth, moisturized and well-groomed.
  • Such cosmetic procedures help to normalize the production of sebaceous glands of sebum, and pores are also effectively narrowed.

Calendula oil is ideal for problematic, oily and sensitive skin. This is a completely natural product that has a mild effect, which is why it can be applied every day until the desired effect is obtained, and then used several times a week to maintain good skin condition.

If you plan to make masks, compresses, lotions and rubbing, it is recommended to use a pure base oil, as well as its mixture with other types of cosmetic oils. It is considered a good combination of marigold oil with essential oils of St. John's wort, black cumin, hazelnut and grape seed. If such formulations are to be used for cosmetic purposes, they must be mixed in a 1: 1 ratio.

Oil mask

  • To make such a mask, marigold oil and grape seed oil (can be replaced with St. John's wort oil) are mixed in equal proportions.
  • The pulp of ripe cherries (3 tablespoons) and agave juice (2 tablespoons) are added.
  • All components are well mixed until a homogeneous composition is obtained.
  • The finished mask is applied to the skin of the face, evenly distributed in a thin layer.
  • After 25 minutes, the residues of the product are washed off with warm water.

Calendula oil is an excellent addition to any cosmetic product, as it is ideally combined with fruits, clay and medicinal herbs. Regular use of this natural product for skin care has a drying, cleansing and soothing effect.

It is also recommended to use this product to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays, sun, strong wind and frost. It is quite enough to take a few drops of oil and distribute it evenly over the skin, after 5 minutes, the remnants of the product are removed with a dry cloth.

Acne and blackhead mask

  • Take 1 tsp. marigold oil and mixed with 1 tsp. cocoa butter. The composition includes melon pulp (1 tbsp. L.) And agave juice (1, 5 tsp. L.).
  • All components mix well.
  • The finished mass is evenly applied to the previously cleansed face skin.
  • After 20 minutes, the residues of the product are washed off with warm water.
  • After such a cosmetic procedure, a light cream is necessarily applied to the skin.

How to use marigold oil for hair?

Girl with calendula flowers
Girl with calendula flowers

Calendula oil is ideal for hair care, especially if it grows very slowly, the scalp is sensitive or dandruff is a problem.

Mask for dry scalp

  • This product is ideal for treating irritated and dry scalp.
  • To prepare the mask, take calendula oil (3 tablespoons), jojoba oil (1 tablespoon), rosemary oil (5 drops), sage oil (5 drops), rosemary oil (5 drops).
  • All components are thoroughly mixed together.
  • The ready-made medicinal oil mixture is applied directly to the scalp and hair roots, and a light massage is done.
  • After 60 minutes, you need to wash your hair well with shampoo and warm water.
  • If you regularly apply such a mask, not only will the scalp soften, but the problem of dandruff will also be solved.

Mask for split and weak hair

  • Take 6 tbsp. l. calendula oil, 2 tbsp. l. almond oil, 3 tbsp. l. shea butter, 1, 5 tbsp. l. cocoa powder.
  • All components are well mixed, then the resulting cream is transferred to a glass container, which is placed in a water bath for 15 minutes, after which the composition is poured into another clean and dry jar.
  • The finished product can be stored for some time in the refrigerator in a glass container with a tightly closed lid.
  • About 30 minutes before each hair wash, a small amount of cream is applied to the scalp and evenly distributed over the entire length of the strands, paying particular attention to the ends.

Contraindications to the use of calendula oil

Manufacturing calendula oil
Manufacturing calendula oil

Calendula oil is considered a valuable product that can be used by almost everyone. However, like any other drug, it has certain contraindications.

Before you start using marigold oil in home cosmetology, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing contraindications, which include:

  • heart failure;
  • low blood pressure;
  • allergy to asteraceae plants (for example, chamomile);
  • the combination of calendula oil with sedative herbs (valerian, motherwort) is prohibited.

With regular, and most importantly, correct use of calendula oil, this natural product will become an invaluable assistant in maintaining health, beauty and youth.

For more information on how to make calendula oil, see here: