How to make massage oil at home

How to make massage oil at home
How to make massage oil at home

Learn how to choose a base oil, which essential oils are great helpers in our life and, of course, how to make massage oil for massage at home. Our body needs constant care. Not only do you need to work to make your body fit and beautiful, you also need to give it full rest. In this case, nothing is better than massage - no. But often, going to beauty salons, there is neither time nor material resources, and we either massage ourselves on those parts of our body where it is possible, or we ask our household members to help with this. But massage without body oil takes on the form of an amateur rather than a professional one. In this article, we will show you how to make massage oil at home.

Choosing a base oil

You need to choose the base oil that best suits your body, namely thin skin or not, overdried, or there is enough moisture. Many massage oils are based on olive oil. It has long been valued for its useful qualities, minerals and complexes, it is also inexpensive and is sold almost everywhere.

During the cold season, when the skin becomes drier, sweet almond oil is perfect. As a complex, grape seed oil is suitable. Also very beneficial for the skin and good bases for massage oils are sesame and peach. Ideal for use is jojoba oil.

Essential oil options

The next step is to choose an essential oil, which contains active ingredients that help fight various problems. They cannot be used in their pure form, because they are highly concentrated. Many essential oils have a distinct scent that may not suit everyone, so first put a few drops of the oil in your base base to test the scent. Several essential oils can be added.

Relaxation Essential Oils:

  • Chamomile;
  • Lemon;
  • Lime;
  • Lavender tree;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Orange;
  • Rosewood;
  • Jasmine;
  • Neroli.

Essential oils to fight cellulite:

  • Rosemary;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Orange;
  • Mandarin.

Essential oils to boost energy and tone:

  • Lemon;
  • Lime;
  • Peppermint;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Spruce;
  • Pine;
  • Mandarin.

Essential oils for stretch marks:

  • Neroli;
  • Mint;
  • Verbena;
  • Lavender;
  • Lemon.

If your goal is a sensual massage with your loved one, the following are suitable for you:

  • The Rose;
  • Geranium;
  • Patchouli;
  • Jasmine;
  • Ylang-ylang.

How to make massage oil at home

How to make massage oil at home
How to make massage oil at home

There are two ways to prepare massage oil at home:

  • First - pour the base into a bowl, then add essential oil - a couple of drops, herbal infusion and other additional ingredients, add as desired. Next, mix everything, pour it into a clean dark bottle.
  • Second way - we immediately take the vessel in which our massage oil will be stored. Pour the base, herbal tincture, essential oil, a few drops of aloe vera juice and vitamin E into it. Close it tightly and shake it a couple of times.

Several recipes for massage oil:

  1. Toning body oil. We need the following oils: almonds 125 ml, 10 drops of eucalyptus, mint, basil, as well as 5 tbsp. l. lemon and 2 tbsp. l. grape. Close with a lid, shake only immediately before use. When your strength is running out, this mixture will energize you, also relieve headaches and help your nose breathe freely if you have a runny nose.
  2. Anti-cellulite massage oil. We take as a basis almond or olive oil - 120 ml, 3 drops of grapefruit and lemon fat, also add 10 drops of shea butter, cypress and vetiver - 2 drops and 1 drop of juniper and geranium. Apply the resulting mixture to areas that are problematic massage movements of the hands twice a day. Do not rinse off the remains, but rather blot it with a paper towel.

The following recipe is universal in proportions. For every 10-15 ml of base oil, which is heated in a water bath, add 8-10 drops of essential oils:

  • For relief of muscle pain and with physical fatigue, mix rosemary - 5 drops, lavender - 6, black pepper oil - 4 and 30 ml of base oil;
  • For stress relief. Experiencing insomnia and stress, you need neroli oil - 5 drops, chamomile oil - 3 drops, lavender oil - 5 and 30 ml of base.
  • For sensual massages. We use a mixture of 6 drops of sandalwood oil, 4 drops of sage oil, 5 drops of pink or jasmine oil and 30 ml of base oil.

What is macerate?

Macerate is also a massage oil, which is infused with roots, spices, fruits or roots of plants (oil tinctures of plants). The main rule is to dry them so that there is no moisture. The following steps will help us prepare the macerate (oil) at home:

  1. We select the base - this is olive, almond and jojoba oil. We also prepare a bottle, preferably glass and dark.
  2. We do not need essential oils with a strong smell, as spices give a strong smell. We need allspice peas of different colors. Its function is warming.
  3. Next, add the vanilla. It is best to purchase vanilla in the form of sticks, which do not break, but bend. Vanilla is also a great antidepressant.
  4. You should also add cinnamon sticks. This is the second note that opens after cinnamon and is a powerful aphrodisiac.
  5. Then add the base, mix and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

Before use, massage oil can be heated in a steam bath for about 10 minutes, rubbed in the palms of your hands and start the massage.

But massage becomes a much more pleasant procedure when you apply such a fragrant base, which is also made with your own hands. Enjoy your time.
