In the article you will learn about a diet that allows you to lose 20 kg in two months. From his personal experience, the author of the program confirmed the effectiveness of the nutritional complex.
Slimming phases

The French author's diet includes two stages. To begin with, you should lose the desired amount of kilograms by reducing the intake of carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. Choose those products, the index of which reaches the mark of 50. Then a prerequisite is to consolidate the result. During this period, carbohydrates with a high glycemic index are allowed, but only in small quantities and with a combination of other foods that have a very low glycemic index.
At the first stage of losing weight, it is not recommended to combine food with a large percentage of carbohydrates with fats. Better to design the menu so that the meal is based on a combination of proteins with fats or proteins with carbohydrates. Eat about every three hours. Of course, you shouldn't gorge yourself at night.
For the first phase, protein-lipid food is recommended, which may include:
- Various sauces that do not contain flour.
- Unsweetened yogurt.
- Salads of green vegetables and tomatoes, seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream.
- Not fatty meat, poultry, fish.
- Cheese and eggs.
- Mayonnaise, margarine, butter (vegetable and butter).
The protein-carbohydrate combination menu can consist of:
- Vegetable soups with an index not higher than 55.
- Salads seasoned with lemon juice or vinegar.
- Various cereals with unprocessed grains, boiled in water.
- Low fat yogurt.
- Wholemeal pasta.
Beans, beans, soybeans, cottage cheese without fat, tomatoes, green vegetables, lemon and mushrooms are combined with protein-lipid and protein-carbohydrate foods.
It is impossible to say exactly when the second phase of the Michel diet complex begins, everything is individual. Start the second stage when the body is cleansed and you lose the desired extra pounds. Gradually add other foods to the diet that should not have been consumed in the first phase. For now, forget about honey, sugar, potatoes, corn, white bread. If you really feel like eating something from the Inhibitions section, combine them with foods rich in fiber, which can ease the spike in blood sugar.
There are days when it is very difficult to give up some culinary masterpieces. Such moments (wedding, anniversary, graduation, corporate, etc.) happen in the life of every person. In this case, after important events, return for a couple of days to the first phase of the Montignac program.
Pros and cons of the dietary complex
The main benefits of Michel Montignac's weight loss program are:
- Relative ease of compliance.
- During the course of the program, metabolic processes in the body are normalized.
- Some goodies are allowed, including baked goods.
- Minimum food restrictions.
- The body receives all the necessary elements.
- The diet allows you to lose weight and not gain weight back.
Despite these advantages, it is not easy to put together a menu, especially for hot meals. Nutritionists advise taking vitamin and mineral complexes during this program.
Who shouldn't go on the Montignac diet

The author of the program claims that although his method of losing weight guarantees a balanced diet and saturation of the body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements, it also has contraindications:
- Diabetes.
- Pregnancy.
- Breast-feeding.
- Gastritis.
- Ulcer.
- Chronic kidney disease.
Sample menu of the Montignac diet

If you find it difficult to come up with a menu that would comply with the recommendations from Montignac, you can consult a dietitian or use the options listed below.
In the first phase of your diet, you can start your morning with one orange, sugar-free fruit jelly, and a slice of wholemeal bread. Use low-fat milk, tea, or decaf coffee as a liquid. If this option doesn't suit you for some reason, start the day with tangerines, a mug of tea, and low-fat yogurt.
For lunch, cook brown rice with soy sauce, carrot salad and lemon juice. Treat yourself to raspberries with fruit sugar and don't forget about the water. The option with a vegetable salad and a slice of hard-flour bread is also suitable.
Dinner can consist of lentils in tomato sauce, cucumber salad dressed with yogurt sauce, water and boiled prunes. You can also consider a dinner with a boiled egg, vegetable salad and cheese.
As stated above, the diet consists of two stages. The second phase is aimed at consolidating the achieved results. For breakfast, you can eat an apple, sugar-free fruit jelly, a slice of wholemeal bread, muesli, tea, coffee, or skim milk.
For lunch, make yourself a salad, which includes carrots with olive oil and vinegar dressing, cheese, leg of lamb, oysters, broccoli are suitable. You can sweeten the diet with caramel cream with fruit sugar.
Greek mushrooms, parmesan with olive oil, vegetable salad, white beans or cottage cheese will go for dinner. You can have a little wine.
Video tips on how to lose extra pounds using the Michel Montignac method: