Mustard seeds

Mustard seeds
Mustard seeds

Characteristics of three varieties of mustard seeds. Calorie content and composition of this spice. The benefits of use and contraindications for the use of the sounded product. Delicious dishes with the addition of a similar spice. The benefits of mustard seeds are obvious even to skeptics. Due to their rich composition, they are able to solve many health problems in humans.

Harm and contraindications to mustard seeds

Kidney disease
Kidney disease

Some people are afraid to use external hygiene products to avoid hurting themselves. They carefully study the composition of all ointments and forget about the dangers of eating certain foods.

Doctors define contraindications to mustard seeds as follows:

  • Kidney and urinary tract disease … In this case, it should be voiced the fact that with this pathology, sesame and cumin can be used in small quantities. Doctors do not recommend the use of mustard seeds for pyelonephritis.
  • Gallbladder problems … It is this spice that gives a lot of unpleasant moments to a person with a voiced disease. Inflammation of this organ should not be provoked, because such negligence can lead to serious consequences in the form of bladder cancer.
  • Upper respiratory tract disease … By itself, such a spice irritates the larynx and palate. Inflammation in this area of the throat can cause problems even in the lower airways.
  • Pregnancy … The expectant mother should receive the whole range of micro- and macroelements she needs. However, mustard seeds can cause both an allergic reaction and uterine tone.
  • Children under 12 years old … Many nutritionists would extend this age to adulthood. Mustard seeds are good because they stimulate the work of the human body. However, children are not able to absorb such a load, because their enzymes are not yet working at full capacity.

Mustard Seed Recipes

Pea soup with mustard seeds
Pea soup with mustard seeds

No gourmet will appreciate a dish without spices added to it. Recipes with mustard seeds can be voiced endlessly, but among such a gastronomic variety it is worth highlighting the following dishes:

  1. Spring in the Heart salad … The pork heart is washed, cleaned of veins and tubes, and then boiled. After cooling the product, it is cut in half, divided into thin slices and fried in vegetable oil for 3 minutes until golden brown. After adding 1 tbsp to the pork heart. soy sauce, the base for the future dish should be stewed for another 4-5 minutes. The sauce is prepared in a water bath, where dill (2 sprigs), mustard seeds (1 tsp), a clove of garlic and the juice of one lemon will be simmered in sunflower oil. Egg yolk is driven into a similar composition with the addition of black pepper and salt to taste. 150 g of radishes are cut into wedges along with 50 g of grated cheese and green onions (to add juice). All the sounded ingredients are mixed, making a light dinner ready.
  2. Royal shrimp … To prepare the dish, finely chop the onion and 3 chucks of garlic, which are then fried in oil (preferably olive oil). To the sounded ingredients are added 1 tsp coriander, a pinch of ground nutmeg, 1/4 tbsp. red pepper, 1 tbsp. mustard seeds and some cloves (on the tip of a knife). A similar mixture is poured into 1 tbsp. lemon juice and simmer over moderate heat. 700 g of peeled shrimps and the rest of the dish are placed in the prepared gravy boat.
  3. Chicken baked with oranges … 0.5 cups of anise liqueur (you can replace it with peach) is mixed with 0.5 cups of olive oil, 50 ml of orange juice, 4 tbsp. mustard seeds and 4 tbsp. cane sugar. The sounded ingredients are used to make the sauce for the main course. The processed chicken carcass must be cut into 8 pieces and placed on a baking sheet. On top of the meat, you need to lay out 4 oranges, 2 pieces of chopped onions, seasoning the dish with thyme and already prepared sauce. The chicken baked in this way takes 40-45 minutes.
  4. Stewed cabbage with salami … Having cut the stump out of the cabbage, it is necessary to cut it into squares. A sounded vegetable, 125 g of butter, a glass of water, 1.5 tsp should be placed in the prepared container. salt and 2 tsp. Sahara. The resulting mixture is simmered over low heat for 10 minutes. Then 0.5 tsp are added to it. saffron and 500 g of finely chopped dried sausage (salami). Then you do not need to add oil, because this sausage has a rather high fat content. The final touch is the decoration of the dish with 1 tbsp. mustard seeds.
  5. Pea soup "In our opinion" … Onions and carrots are diced and fried with 120 g of smoked brisket (can be substituted with balyk) with the addition of 2 cloves of garlic. Cook separately 500 g of peas with 1 tsp. hops-suneli and 0.5 tsp. mustard seeds. All the sounded ingredients with fried croutons are added to the broth.
  6. Interesting potato pancakes … 3 pcs. cucumber, 50 g yogurt, 2 tsp. lime zest and 1 tsp of mustard seeds are mixed. At this time, the pumpkin is baked, from which the seeds are then extracted, and the pulp is cut into thin slices. Excess liquid must be removed from the resulting product. After that, you need to mix the pulp of the sounded vegetable with all the ingredients and use a tablespoon to spread the resulting mass in a frying pan.
  7. Corned beef with cabbage … Pre-lightly fried in a dry frying pan spices in the form of 1 tbsp. cloves, cilantro, red pepper, mustard seeds with 3 bay leaves. Then the beef brisket is added to the sounded ingredients and simmered for an hour in its own juice with the addition of chicken broth. At the same time, potatoes are cooked, which, in the course of cooking, must be added to the meat with spices.

Interesting facts about mustard seeds

Mustard plant
Mustard plant

Mustard seeds began to be used as food by both Europeans and Asians. It should be remembered that for a long time in many countries this spice was considered the only product that gave a spicy taste to dishes.

Almost every country in Europe at one time appreciated the taste of mustard seeds. For example, you can cite the mention of this spice in the play by William Shakespeare "Henry IV". Only for one dinner party at the Duke of Burgundy in 1336, the guests of honor consumed 320 liters of seasoning made from mustard seeds in combination with meat dishes. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to take a short tour of the countries to understand the value of the voiced product. Many bases for main dishes are made from these raw materials. American yellow mustard is rich in sugar, white mustard seeds, and vinegar. This seasoning is tinted with turmeric.

In England, mustard seeds are used according to their old recipe. Coarsely crushed grains are mixed with cider or vinegar. In Germany, this recipe excludes the caustic substance and replaces it with caramel syrup, juniper and ginger. At one time Russian mustard meant only the use of Sarepta seeds with the addition of vegetable oil and vinegar.

Watch the video about mustard seeds:

The sounded spice is a useful product for those people who have no contraindications to its use. It is from the seeds of this plant that everyone's favorite mustard is prepared in the form of a paste of varying degrees of pungency.