How to get rid of irritability

How to get rid of irritability
How to get rid of irritability

Why does irritability arise and how does it manifest. Ways to relieve irritation in men and women. Pharmacy and folk sedatives. Irritability is the reaction of the nervous system to someone or something that throws us off balance. Emotional outbursts can be part of a character, a temporary state of mind, or a symptom of an illness. But they happen to everyone and can significantly complicate life. Therefore, it is important to be able to neutralize them.

The main causes of irritability in humans

Very annoyed man
Very annoyed man

The modern world is full of irritants - from banal escaped morning coffee to global warming. Moreover, the perception of these stimuli can also be different. For example, it is much easier to unsettle a tired or sick person with even an insignificant trifle. But fatigue or illness are not the only factors that can cause irritability.

The reasons for increased nervousness can be:

  • Chronic fatigue … Failure to organize your time and balance work with leisure over time necessarily affects your health. An exhausted, chronically sleep-deprived person becomes weak and apathetic. His nervous system also becomes weak. As a result, any task seems overwhelming, and any confusion is unbearable.
  • Anxiety, fears … Expectation or fear of something unpleasant creates an internal tension that "pulls" the nerves to the limit. Therefore, even a trifle can provoke an explosion of negative emotions.
  • Dependencies … Addictions can cause increased aggressiveness - to alcohol, nicotine, drugs, food. Or rather, a situation when an addicted person is deprived of the opportunity to satisfy his need or is trying to cope with the problem on his own. Workaholism can also be a cause of irritability. A workaholic who considers vacation an unacceptable luxury becomes nervous and irritable at home, on vacation, or on sick leave.
  • External factors … Suddenly spoiled weather, someone's unpleasant words or actions, problems with transport (traffic jam, breakdown, etc.) can spoil the mood. Even news heard on the radio or seen on TV or on the Internet can affect the state of the nervous system.
  • Unstable psyche … The tendency to be acutely aware of the environment can be part of the character. It can be given from nature, that is, from birth. And it can appear in the process of life - due to errors of upbringing, suffered mental trauma or difficult living conditions.
  • Stress … Chronic stressful situations are another reason why irritability can appear. Constant turmoil at work or at home can be upsetting for a long time.
  • Violation of rules, rituals, plans … For people who are used to planning their lives or creating rituals and rules in it, excessive nervousness can be caused by any circumstance that interferes with their fulfillment, or any person who does not want to do them or stands in the way of their implementation.
  • Physiological needs … Unmet natural needs - hunger, thirst, sleep, sex drive - can make a person nervous and aggressive. To this you can add a lack of love, respect, attention, lack of comfort or constancy of living conditions.
  • Hormonal disruptions … The reason for irritability may lie in the body itself - in its hormonal background. These can be "incoming" states - PMS, pregnancy, menopause. Diseases of the endocrine system - diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases (tumors, thyrotoxicosis) can also unbalance the nervous system.
  • Somatic and mental illness … Increased nervousness and irritability can be the result of diseases of a very different nature. From common ARVI to oncology. This is facilitated by restrictions (diet, bed rest, etc.), unpleasant symptoms (pain, runny nose, cough, etc.) and procedures. Especially if they drag on. An inadequate response is often accompanied by neuroses, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, and dementia.

Separately, we note the causes of female irritability. In this case, a tandem of psychological and physiological factors is triggered. The life of the fairer sex is subject to hormones - from puberty to old age. She experiences a "dance" of hormones during each menstrual cycle, during pregnancy and after childbirth, as well as during menopause. This is superimposed on the "everyday life" in which most women live - kitchen, children, work, washing, cleaning, etc. All this is additionally exhausting and makes the ladies more vulnerable to irritation.

Important! Excessive nervousness towards others can manifest itself as perfectionism. A person's non-compliance with the expected qualities or parameters causes irritation in the perfectionist.

Symptoms of the development of irritability in humans

Clear signs of irritability
Clear signs of irritability

Irritability is rejection of a certain situation, unwillingness to come to terms with it. It can manifest itself hidden, without going outside - inside a person. And it can be expressed very brightly and aggressively. It all depends on the significance of the stimulus and the conditions under which it appeared.

The main symptoms of irritability are:

  1. Hidden signs … They are felt only by the irritated - everything is literally boiling inside him. Although others may not notice it. This suppression of emotions can cause physiological problems in the form of headaches and nausea.
  2. Clear signs … Dissatisfaction can be manifested by isolation and unwillingness to talk, a sharp refusal from planned deeds or intentions. Tears and reproaches can be used. Irritations of a higher degree of tension can be expressed by raising the voice, abrupt movements, tapping fingers on the table or swinging a leg, and fussy behavior. A person on the verge of breaking down can be angry and aggressive - with the use of physical force, insults or damage to property (smashing dishes, throwing the phone, etc.).
  3. Concomitant manifestations … More often than not, irritability and fatigue go hand in hand. The latter is not only the cause, but also the accompaniment of emotional outbursts of nervousness. Sleep and appetite may be disturbed - both in the direction of amplification and in the direction of absence. Nervous tension affects memory and the ability to concentrate, that is, on performance.

Pharmacy remedies for the treatment of irritability

Pharmacy remedies for irritability
Pharmacy remedies for irritability

The pharmaceutical industry offers its help in restoring emotional balance. There are a large number of drugs for the drug treatment of irritability - based on plant materials, synthetic components, as well as combined funds.

Let's list the most popular ones:

  • One-component herbal remedies based on valerian, motherwort, peony, St. John's wort, passionflower incarnate (tinctures, tablets, extracts).
  • Multicomponent herbal preparations: Fitosed, Persen, Novo-Passit, Dormiplant.
  • Combined liquid forms: Valocordin, Corvalol, Valosedan.
  • Synthetic medicines: Phenibut, Afobazol, Tenoten,
  • Homeopathic remedies: Leovit, Notta, Calm, Valerianachel, Nervohel.

Important! Regardless of what components the drug is made of, it is a therapeutic agent. And it will be most beneficial if prescribed by a doctor.

Traditional methods of dealing with irritability

Herbs for decoctions against irritability
Herbs for decoctions against irritability

Not only the modern world is characterized by problems. They accompany humanity throughout its entire existence. As well as constant irritability. Therefore, traditional medicine has its own recipes for such a case.

Recipes for folk remedies for irritability:

  1. Decoction of coriander seeds: pour 1 tsp. plant seeds with a glass of boiling water, hold for 15 minutes in a water bath, cool and drink 2-3 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.
  2. Hot infusion of motherwort, valerian root, fennel and caraway seeds: mix all the plants in equal parts. 2 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water over the resulting collection (400 ml). Take the cooled infusion three times a day or, if necessary, 50 ml.
  3. Infusion of motherwort with lemon: mix 1 tbsp. l. plants with the zest of one lemon and pour everything with a glass of boiling water, set aside for 3 hours and take 4 times a day, 1 dessert spoon.
  4. Soothing Nuts and Lemons Blend: Thrust 2 tbsp through a meat grinder (blender) l. walnuts or almonds and 3 lemons, mix with 500 g of honey, 2/3 tbsp. l. hawthorn tincture and the same amount of valerian tincture. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. before meals and before bedtime. Keep refrigerated.

Tea with mint and / or lemon balm, known to everyone since childhood, is no less effective. Herbal baths with valerian root, motherwort or yarrow give a good relaxing result.

How to get rid of irritability

There are people who have their own express method of how to get rid of irritability: some smoke, others drink, others break dishes or eat sweets. But this does not solve the problem as a whole - it only reduces the level of nervousness to the next stimulus. Therefore, it is very important to identify the real cause of the nervousness and choose the most effective way to manage it.

How to get rid of irritability in men

Annoyed man
Annoyed man

Men are inherently more emotionally stable. Therefore, they need the stimulus more strongly, and their "flashes" are more powerful. Accordingly, they need to work on themselves more.

Ways to reduce irritability in men:

  • Adrenaline rush … The ideal male way to let off steam is through physical activity. It can be sports or any work that requires physical effort.
  • Planning the day … Learn to manage your time rationally so that it is enough for things that are meaningful to you (family, relationships, hobbies, work). It is very important to balance work and play. And be sure to get enough sleep - at least 6 hours of continuous sleep per day.
  • Proper nutrition … Being busy is not a reason to feel hungry or "score" it with snacks. Adequate nutrition will give you the strength to do whatever you want to achieve. And it will additionally strengthen the nervous system.
  • Healthy lifestyle … Do not overuse, but rather give up bad habits altogether. Alcohol or cigarettes softens the reaction to the problem a little, but does not solve it.
  • Abstraction … Use distractions at critical moments. It can be an internal counting up to 10, a walk, cleaning. Find something you love to do, and make time for it regularly.
  • Real perception of the world … Accept the world around you as it is. And yourself in it. Set realistic goals. Build your strengths. Learn to forgive.

How to get rid of irritability in women

Annoyed woman
Annoyed woman

A more labile female psyche is very sensitive to unusual or unpleasant situations. In order not to complicate this life for yourself and those around you, the beautiful half of humanity needs to be able to manage their emotions.

Ways to relieve irritability in women:

  1. Favourite buisness … You can calm your nerves with the help of hobby. This can be flower cultivation, knitting, scrapbooking, reading, walking in the park, photography, etc.
  2. Change of scenery or type of activity … To relieve stress, clean up, cook, or simply leave the house. For a walk or shopping. At work, you can go out to ventilate, take a coffee or tea break, lay out papers, organize your desktop on your computer.
  3. Controlling emotions … Try not to practice a hysterical approach to problem solving. But also do not hold resentment or discontent in yourself. Pull yourself together, calm down, and only then start a conversation. Communication is one of the most productive ways to make a difference.
  4. Pets … One of the most famous methods for treating irritability. Communication with your pet is guaranteed to give a lot of positive emotions. Their love is genuine and therefore healing.
  5. Communication … No matter how busy you are with important and super important things, make time for communication with loved ones. Play with your child, pay attention to your husband or boyfriend, call your parents, arrange a meeting with your friends.
  6. Listening skills … Don't dismiss people who want to share thoughts with you or discuss something. Especially if it is your family or loved ones.
  7. Self love … Keep yourself in good shape - grooming, sports and self-development will help you feel more confident. This means you will have less reason to be nervous.

Important! In principle, both female and male methods of reducing irritability are equally effective for both sexes. How to get rid of irritability - watch the video:

Excessive irritability is a poison that poisons life. But not a sentence. You can get rid of it - you just need to realize, accept and find the most effective way for yourself.
