How to control your emotions

How to control your emotions
How to control your emotions

Emotions play an important role in a person's life. Failure to manage them can lead to sad events. This article will tell you what emotions are, how to properly control them. Negative emotions are as follows:

  • Grief is a person's reaction to the loss, the loss of a loved one.
  • Fear - negative feelings associated with a threat to human security.
  • Anxiety - arises in a situation of expectation of an undefined danger.
  • Anger is, in fact, an affect directed against the injustice experienced.
  • Despair is a state of hopelessness in a person.
  • Revenge is an act of reckoning for wrongs inflicted, evil.
  • Gloating is the joy associated with someone's failure.
  • Melancholy - it is also called mental anxiety.

Neutral emotions are manifested as follows:

  1. Curiosity is a petty interest in knowing irrelevant details.
  2. Astonishment is extreme surprise at something.
  3. Indifference or apathy is a state of complete indifference to current events.

All negative feelings are provoked by the external environment and our reaction to it. Therefore, it is more difficult to deal with them than with the emotions of inner tension. We may or may not be irritated by certain factors, but the whole point is in our perception of the universe.

Emotional responses to stress can have both positive and negative consequences. It would be wise to immediately understand the problem and find a way out of this situation. Feelings will arise, but their influence will not be so strong, it will be easier to react to external factors and control them.

What emotions need to be worked on

Controlling emotions
Controlling emotions

It's not just negative emotions that need to be controlled. The skills to control positive feelings and reactions to certain factors also need to be learned to apply. It is worth working with those emotions that can present suffering to ourselves and others, as well as those that make you feel ashamed of what you have done in the future.

Now it is not easy to cope with inner anxiety, stress, negative situations. A person has to live non-stop, constantly striving to survive, to be no worse than others, to earn money. All this leads to moral exhaustion. And now he is forced to look for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to control emotions without wasting a lot of time.

Christianity speaks of seven deadly sins, such as stinginess, envy, lust, gluttony, despondency, laziness, pride. They are the cause of many of the vices that result from them. Because of pride, we build all sorts of intrigues to people, because of envy we hate those who have achieved more than we do.

If we combine these vices into the “three whales” of the emotional world, we get the following:

  • Selfishness … The part of the personality that wants recognition, praise, superiority over other people. This shows our social existence, the image that we want to leave in the minds of the people around us. Also, selfishness includes: envy, greed, pride, resentment, gloating, vanity, ambition. This is a powerful source of our experiences.
  • Thirst for strong experiences … Thrills that bring physical pleasure such as lust and gluttony. Participation in intrigues, creation of conflict situations. Addiction to television, computer games.
  • Weaknesses … They are expressed in weak character, weak-willedness, dependence on extraneous opinions, excitement, nervousness, passivity, fear, cowardice, submissiveness, despondency and laziness, and others.

Learning to control emotions will help you avoid most of the problems.

Emotion management techniques

Meditation classes
Meditation classes

How do you control your emotions? We often ask ourselves this question. Our attitude to emotions is somewhat similar to our attitude to old age, which, as Cicero said, everyone wants to achieve, and having achieved it, they blame it. The ability to withstand stress and resist impulses that are inconsistent with the requirements of the mind has always been considered the most important characteristic of human wisdom.

In order not to become a patient of the clinic of neuroses, you need to be able to pull yourself together. But, unfortunately, many do not know how to learn to control their emotions. There are many methods for this.

Psychologists advise to begin with mastering the following methods:

  • Restrain yourself … It is necessary not to respond to provocations, not to respond to every boor. Count to five before answering the offender. It is necessary to learn how to block emotions on the advice of psychologists: first we think, then we speak. We breathe calmly, speech is even. You can go out, drink a glass of water to calm down, think and respond adequately.
  • Self-hypnosis … This is the frequent recitation of certain phrases to oneself, for example, "I am calm", "I am in control of myself." The esoteric method of self-hypnosis - for those who own energy techniques, strengthening courage and suppressing fear. Self-hypnosis can change negative emotions to positive ones.
  • Switch or use shock therapy … Not everyone can fight back an opponent. Sometimes it's easier to switch your thoughts to the positive. For example, ask an unexpected question. There are many ways to control your emotions. Use your imagination like a canvas, imagine that your opponent is singing a funny song or a funny hat on his head. Mentally draw a tall, sturdy wall around it. Try to disconnect from reality for a while. In this case, the provocateur will not be able to evoke a response. The "cap" method helps especially well: if the opponent yells, insults, but there is no way for him to answer, you need to imagine him under a dome or some other thing that can drown out the sound of his voice.
  • Meditation … She helps to control not only your body, but also your spirit. Concentration techniques make it possible to develop states of calm and relaxation, to understand yourself and consider your anger, and learn to let go of your negative emotions.
  • Daily exercise … Sometimes accumulated negativity prevents you from mastering yourself. To eliminate it, you can load your body with even the simplest exercises. Morning jogging, classes in sports clubs will help to put in order not only the body, but also the soul, and all the negativity will burn out in training. If you feel angry, just exercise, throw it out.
  • Prayer … It is recommended to read a prayer not only before going to bed, but also at any free moment. If a believer feels that he is losing control, you need to close your eyes and read a prayer, ask God for strength, take away all the negativity and give patience, wisdom, goodwill. The main aspect is built on peace and tranquility.
  • Yoga breathing pranayama … Prana is life energy, breath. Yama - control, control of the senses. The breathing technique, which is designed to learn how to manage your emotions, allows you to experience negative outbursts and gain inner peace. The power of pranayamas is that it affects both the general state of the body and the emotional sphere of a person.

All methods of controlling emotions have a right to exist and can be applied both separately and simultaneously.

Helpful Tips for Managing Emotions

Getting rid of financial problems
Getting rid of financial problems

In order to learn to restrain yourself without showing a violent reaction to certain events, you need to know the basic rules of "emotional hygiene":

  1. You should try to get rid of financial problems as soon as possible. Returning debts to friends, paying off loans, getting rid of obligations, of course, the emotional state will not immediately become ideal. But since he is largely influenced by internal experiences, then, having got rid of at least financial problems, it will become much easier to control oneself, and calmness will appear.
  2. Make your home comfortable and cozy. It is not for nothing that they used to say: "My home is my fortress." It is here that there is a place for personal space, the opportunity to be alone or invite guests, while setting the tone for the conversation. The allocation of a separate zone for relaxation will become relevant.
  3. Strive to climb the career ladder. In an impulse to quickly self-actualize in work issues, a person has little time for emotional outbursts. And if everything also works out, goes like clockwork, then the negative does not remain at all.
  4. Define for yourself the main goals in life and boldly move towards them. In general, the action is similar to a career, with the only difference that it is suitable for a person who is less ambitious or who has already managed to realize himself.
  5. Expand your horizons, make new acquaintances. New people, meetings, communication leave no room for negativity. And it is not at all necessary to control positive emotions.

Emotional control is an integral part of human development. The ability to restrain feelings also depends on the type of character (melancholic, choleric, etc.). How to control your emotions - watch the video:

Negative emotions (anger, resentment) are often the cause of physical and psychological illness. Positive energy, in turn, can strengthen both the psychological and physical health of a person. People who are unable to control their emotions often fall into the so-called state of passion. And frequent stay in this state can lead to diseases such as schizophrenia.
