How to bypass doping control before a competition?

How to bypass doping control before a competition?
How to bypass doping control before a competition?

Find out what terms of withdrawal various steroids have and how to do courses correctly so as not to show a positive doping test. Everyone was taught in childhood that cheating is not good. However, growing up, you understand that being one hundred percent honest throughout your life will not work. In some situations, lying is preferable to truth. At the same time, an unpleasant aftertaste remains on the soul. But if it comes to doping control, then surely not a single athlete who managed to deceive him will regret what he did.

Today we will try to answer the question of how to bypass doping control in preparation for a competition? Let's not think about all the athletes whose lives were broken due to errors in the determination of doping or false samples. For many, the very word "doping" is unacceptable, because every person should have the right to choose the path that can lead him to the heights of Olympus.

We are not saying now that the drugs used by athletes are safe, but choosing this path, they are aware of the possible risks. It is difficult to imagine modern sport without doping. There is an opinion, which is not unreasonable, that all anti-doping laboratories are secretly looking for ways to hide the traces of the use of prohibited drugs for the elite.

Many athletes want to know how to bypass drug testing in preparation for a competition. There are many ways to solve this problem, many of which are secret. However, certain information becomes publicly available and our article will be based on it. At the same time, you should understand that we do not call for the mandatory use of doping or the concealment of traces of its use. The article is purely informative and should give athletes food for thought.

The timing of the withdrawal of prohibited drugs

Two ampoules with dope
Two ampoules with dope

It should be said right away that all substances prohibited in sports can be divided into three large groups:

  1. Short-acting stimulants and beta-blockers.
  2. Anabolic substances.
  3. Masking agents.

Today, the conversation will focus mainly on the second group, since it is these drugs that are the most affordable and, accordingly, popular. Speaking about the timing of excretion of metabolites from the body, it is necessary to take into account its individual characteristics. Also, do not forget that the methods for detecting prohibited substances are constantly being improved, as is the equipment for doping control. This leads to the fact that the timing of the utilization of doping metabolites is constantly growing.

What are the best ways to bypass drug testing in preparation for a competition?

Anti-doping committee sign
Anti-doping committee sign

If you are interested in the question of how to bypass doping control when preparing for a competition, then now we will talk about the most popular methods of achieving this goal.

Elite Athletic Techniques

American athlete with flag
American athlete with flag

For high-level professional athletes, special designer steroids and masking agents are created. Designer AAS are laboratory-created drugs that are not mass-produced. Today it is often said that new AAS are no longer being created, but in practice this is not the case. Another thing is that they simply do not end up in industrial production.

On the sports farm market, accessible to all comers, today you can really find only those drugs that were created in the middle of the last century. However, this does not mean that all work on the creation of new steroids has been stopped. It's just that the cost of designer steroids is high. You may have heard of such a drug as genabol, which was found in the body of almost all winners of the Olympics held in Sydney.

This drug was created in the eighties and has never been mass-produced. During the doping control, this substance was found, but it was impossible to identify it. We have already noted that designer steroids are most often created by the same doping laboratories, which are designed to find prohibited substances in the body of athletes.

It is quite obvious that documentary evidence of this cannot be found, because such secrets are guarded very carefully. However, sometimes information seeps to the surface. For example, many people know about the BALCO laboratory and the tetrahydrogestrinone created by its employees. Although this drug most likely belongs to the group of masking agents, it is possible that anabolic drugs were also created in the laboratory.

Sometimes masking agents can even get into industrial production, for example, Green Clean or Urine Luck. But you should not rejoice at this fact, since their effectiveness most often turns out to be significantly lower than those declared by manufacturers. Those drugs that are created specifically for elite athletes will not be in mass production, or this will happen at a time when there will be little benefit from them.

There are very few elite athletes that the nation can be proud of. It is quite obvious that any state will spare no money for their preparation. Let us recall the GDR and its secret program, within the framework of which Turinabol was created. And here are the ordinary athletes who also want to improve their results a lot. Actually, they have no choice but to use old methods that may still work.

Sample swapping for doping

Empty ampoules of medicines
Empty ampoules of medicines

Perhaps this method of circumvention of doping control is the most "ancient" one. Although in all major sports forums strict control is established for the procedure for passing doping tests, some athletes manage to swap samples. For example, they may use a catheter to pump "clear" urine into their bladder. Substitution is possible already directly in the laboratory, and here all sorts of methods can be used, from bribery to blackmail. Sometimes it even comes to stealing samples, as it happened in 1984 during the Olympic Games.

Damage to doping samples

Doping test tubes
Doping test tubes

This is another old way to cheat a doping test. To do this, simply introduce foreign substances into the sample. It is easier for women to achieve this - they do not carry out hygiene procedures for several days. This leads to the rapid growth of various bacteria in intimate places, which, once in the sample, blur the overall picture. As a result, it becomes more difficult to prove that the athlete has taken AAS.

At the same time, there is no one hundred percent guarantee that the deception will be successful, because in order to obtain the desired result, it is necessary that a sufficient number of bacteria be in the urine. Since the male genital organs are located outside, it is impossible to naturally deliver bacteria to the urine. To solve the problem, ordinary machine oil is used. A couple of drops of this substance are enough to spoil the sample.

Acceleration of the processes of utilization of steroid metabolites

Jar with a medicine
Jar with a medicine

In doping laboratories, work is constantly underway to increase the time taken to remove illegal drugs. It is not entirely clear how a drug used a year or two ago could affect current results, but this is the state of affairs. It is quite obvious that athletes are trying to solve the opposite problem and remove doping metabolites as soon as possible.

It should be recalled here that injectable AAS accumulate in adipose tissues and gradually enter the bloodstream. It is not difficult to understand that while the active components of doping are in the fat depot, their metabolites will also be present in the urine. This suggests that the period of excretion, for example, testosterone enanthate is quite long. If we talk about nandrolone, then everything is quite complicated with this drug.

To speed up the process of removing AAS metabolites from the body, it is necessary to get rid of fat. Actually, in bodybuilding, all athletes pay increased attention to this issue before the competition. You all know about drying. But in other sports, not everyone does this, and it is completely in vain. Periodic visits to the baths (saunas), fasting days, or even fasting can shorten the duration of doping in the body.

The situation is different with pre-formulated AAS. Their more active components do not accumulate in adipose tissues and, in theory, metabolites can leave the body in a few days from the moment of ingestion. But the thing is that steroids are bound by two protein compounds - albumin and globulin. As a result, the use of anabolic steroids should be found in the body until these protein structures are completely renewed. This takes about 35 days.

After this period, we can safely say that the metabolites of the tableted AAS will not be found in the body. Thanks to the use of special drugs and techniques, which we will talk about later, the above terms can be reduced. However, there are two exceptions to this rule - noretardrolone and stanozolol. However, the first drug is extremely difficult to obtain and is rarely used. But with stanozolol, serious problems can really arise. It is difficult to imagine how doping laboratories manage to find traces of the use of oral AAS two months after the end of its intake. Surely they have secret knowledge that are carefully guarded from outsiders.

Short-term fasting

A girl holding a watch in her hand
A girl holding a watch in her hand

We have already mentioned this a little above. In addition to the fact that fasting for one to three days helps to eliminate the fat depot, the processes of renewal of transport protein structures are also accelerated. For faster results, "dry fasting" is used, when not even water is consumed.

Synthetic thyroid hormones

Location of the thyroid gland
Location of the thyroid gland

Hormones T3 and T4 promote the breakdown of protein compounds, including transport ones. This fact speaks in favor of using thyroid hormones during drying.


Two packs of phenobarbital
Two packs of phenobarbital

The substance is available in the form of a separate preparation, and is also one of the ingredients of corvalol, pentalgin and valocordin. A few years ago, phenobarbital was a fairly popular sleeping pill, but today it is practically not used for these purposes. When talking about how to bypass doping control in preparation for a competition, phenobarbital is useful in that it activates the monooxygenase system of the liver.

As a result, the oxidation processes of steroid compounds are accelerated. Succinic acid is often used to enhance the effect of this drug. Note that phenobarbital is included in the list of prohibited drugs, but its metabolites are utilized rather quickly.

Today we have looked at just a few ways to get around doping controls when preparing for a competition. You must remember that no method can give a 100% guarantee of successful doping tests.

For more details on the types of anti-doping rule violations, see below:
