Find out how to properly take a long course of steroids and why many athletes resort to such hormonal courses. The topic of use by athletes is very relevant today. Thanks to the possibilities of the Internet, these drugs have ceased to be the privilege of only professionals and AAS are used very actively in amateur bodybuilding. We now want to talk about what an eternal course of steroids is. Admittedly, this is a very broad topic and it will take a long time for a detailed story. For this reason, we will focus only on the main points so that novice builders have an idea of such courses.
Already from the name it becomes clear that an eternal course of steroids involves the use of appropriate drugs for a long period of time. However, this does not mean at all that you should simply use one of the standard AAS kits, say, Sustanon, Methandienone and Nandrolone Decanoate. Also, you should understand that during the eternal course you will find a large number of obstacles and not everything is as good as many assume.
Basic principles of a perpetual course of steroids

To begin with, testosterone is at the heart of any perpetual AAS cycle. At the same time, the choice of a specific ester of this hormone is of no fundamental importance, you can use any. If you decide to start an eternal course, then you should be aware that after that you will have to constantly inject this steroid in various doses.
Remember that the way back will be closed for you and if you have been taking a course for three years, then you will never return to the previous hormonal level. After prolonged use of exogenous hormones, the hormone levels that were previously habitual and normal for you will not be achieved.
Although testosterone is at the heart of the perpetual cycle, you need to change esters periodically. This should be done every three or six months. For example, you start the course using Cypionate and then change it to enanthate. After a while, propionate is to be injected and then Sustanon. Then this circle is repeated.
Prolonged-release drugs, namely Enanthate and Cypionate, seem to be the most preferred among all esters of the male hormone. Thanks to the long ether chain, you can use infrequent injections. Sustanon or Omnadren also looks like a good option. The worst choice is probably Propionate. Of course, it's not worth talking about a testosterone suspension. It is advisable to purchase all drugs in a pharmacy to carry out an eternal cycle. However, many have problems with this and the only option is online stores. Pharmaceutical testosterone is definitely of high quality, but in the case of purchasing drugs on the network, there is no such confidence. Although you can find a store that also sells quality testosterone esters. It is also not recommended to use steroids for hormone replacement therapy, such as Nebido.
How to take steroids on a perpetual cycle?

The perpetual cycle of AAS may well be called androgenic, since it is based on testosterone. This will allow you to always remain in a good mood and be a real man in every sense. However, testosterone is a relatively weak anabolic when used solo.
As a result, you still have to introduce drugs with powerful anabolic properties into the course. Surely you know that such steroids are usually called those drugs in which the indicator of anabolic activity exceeds androgenic. By and large, all steroids on the domestic market, with the exception of testosterone, meet this requirement.
Most often, anabolic steroids are used according to the following scheme:
- From 6 to 12 weeks, a powerful anabolic (Trenbolone, Oxymetholone, Nandrolone) is taken.
- From 6 to 12 weeks, a weaker drug (Danabol, Winstrol, Masteron) is administered.
- A "bridge" is being carried out.
If everything should be very clear with the first two stages, then a few words should be said about "bridges". During this period of time, you need to take a break from high-intensity training, abundant high-calorie meals and powerful dosages of AAS. To carry out the "bridges" should be used exclusively testosterone in small doses.
At the same time, you should remember that these are only guidelines. Some athletes do not make bridges, which, however, can lead to serious troubles, which we will discuss in the next section. You can also recommend not to greatly increase the dose of testosterone on the course in comparison with the "bridge". In any case, the effectiveness of the male hormone will be supplemented by anabolic drugs.
Possible side effects on a perpetual steroid cycle

We devoted the maximum amount of time to this issue and now we will consider all the possible negative aspects of the eternal course of steroids. We'll start with the most serious ones and move on to the less significant ones.
- Cholesterol balance. On almost any AAS course, and even more so on an eternal one, the cholesterol balance shifts towards low-density lipoproteins. This very often becomes the cause of the formation of plaques on the blood vessels and the development of a stroke. To avoid this, it is necessary to take tests and control the cholesterol balance. This should be done monthly.
- Overtraining. This is a very common occurrence in the eternal cycle. The main danger of overtraining is that it can be very difficult to notice its symptoms. At the same time, overtraining may not prevent you from gaining mass, but it can cause serious trouble for the nervous system. To detect the symptoms of this condition as quickly as possible, tests for the concentration of cortisol and progesterone should be taken. If you nevertheless find yourself in this state, then the weekly dose of testosterone should be reduced to 0.2-1 gram, stop exercising and consume large amounts of carbohydrates, not forgetting about vegetables and fruits. It is also advisable to introduce animal fats into your diet for one or one and a half months. When you return to training, then for about 14 days after that, you should not use stimulants of the central nervous system, for example, an ECA mixture.
- Hypertrophy of the heart muscle. The heart is also susceptible to hypertrophy during steroid use, as is skeletal muscle. This is an inevitable process and cannot be prevented. At the same time, you can train the heart and it can "learn" to pump large volumes of blood with a small number of contractions, which will reduce organ wear and tear. To do this, you should jog every day for half an hour.
- Fatigue of the adrenal glands. This problem is now relevant for a large number of people, and as soon as you notice the first symptoms of this negative phenomenon, you should rest in the same way as you did during overtraining.
- Testicular atrophy. It is quite obvious that during an eternal course of steroids, the testicles practically do not work, since testosterone is injected from the outside. To maintain reproductive function, you need to make a "bridge" with the use of Gonadotropin every six months. The total dosage of this drug is 2000 units, and it should be administered every 3rd day in the amount of 500 units. If the doses of AAS you are using on the course are large, then use 1000 units of Gonadotropin every second day, and the total amount of the drug in such a situation will be 5000 units.
- Erectile dysfunction. If you have organized your course correctly, then this problem will not affect you. But if this nevertheless happened, then it is necessary to reduce the concentration of prolactin and estrogens to normal, remove from the course all AAS with progestogenic activity and increase the amount of carbohydrates consumed by 50 percent.
- Infertility. This problem is relevant for most athletes who spend perpetual cycles. If you decide to have a baby, then for two weeks use gonadotropin (1000 units every 2nd day), daily take from 20 to 50 milligrams of clomid, as well as vitamin E and Proviron.
Other side effects are also possible, such as acne. However, they are not so essential, and you will quickly deal with them.
Rehabilitation therapy after an eternal course

The likelihood that you will need restorative therapy is small, but anything is possible. Here is a diagram of the PCT carried out after the perpetual course of AAS:
- Inject 1000 units of Gonadotropin every 2nd day.
- Take 20 milligrams of Tamoxifen twice a day.
- The daily dosage of Clomid is 100 milligrams (taken twice a day, 50 milligrams).
We also say that Tamoxifen and Clomid must be taken in the indicated doses for 45 days. It is also necessary to take tests in order to be able to control the process of recovery of the body.
Learn more about the eternal course of steroids in this video: