The ketogenic diet for muscle growth

The ketogenic diet for muscle growth
The ketogenic diet for muscle growth

This article will discuss a ketogenic diet that can accelerate muscle growth. The content of the article:

  • Effects on muscle growth
  • Anabolism and carbohydrates

Athletes often overlook carbohydrates, which are required to build muscle mass. Of course, we are not talking about pure sugar, which can be found in abundance in various sweets. At the same time, the use of carbohydrates in moderation will allow athletes to provide their bodies with the necessary macronutrients. Today, the article will touch on the ketogenic diet for muscle growth. The main issue of discussion will be the possibility of its use in sports.

Effects of carbohydrates on muscle growth

Bananas for muscle growth
Bananas for muscle growth

According to the ketogenic diet, only one banana eaten during the day can satisfy the daily carbohydrate intake, which is only 20 grams. To find out if you can gain weight with such a diet, you must first understand the role that carbohydrates play in the process of building muscle tissue.

It should be said right away that carbohydrates can control the anabolic processes occurring in the body, thanks to a certain cascade of events initiated by them. This is the main reason for the body's insulin response to foods rich in protein compounds.

Carbohydrates themselves have strong polyfunctional properties. For this reason, some scientists are sure that they are not directly related to the synthesis of protein compounds. Among the many functions that insulin performs, there are several that are most important for athletes. One of them is the ability to absorb amino acid compounds, delivering them to muscle tissue from the blood. For this reason, this hormonal response of the body is very important for the synthesis of protein compounds.

When considering protein synthesis separately from other processes, it can be assumed that carbohydrates do not play an important role here. For example, the yolk of an egg. It contains leucine, which is synthesized by the body in the absence of carbohydrates. So the question arises about the degree of influence of carbohydrates on the synthesis of protein compounds. It is precisely in the consumption of small amounts of carbohydrates that the ketogenic diet for muscle growth lies.

It should be said right away that many people, including scientists, combine the concept of "anabolism" with the synthesis of muscle tissue. This opinion is incorrect, since anabolism encompasses all body processes associated with the growth of muscle tissue. Based on this, then insulin can definitely be considered an anabolic hormone.

The key position of the training is to restore microtraumas that were received on it. The main factor of hyperplasia can be confidently considered the frequency of training. If the athlete's body manages to recover quickly, the training program is carried out in full, and the required number of days is maintained throughout the week, then the muscle mass will increase.

However, the body needs carbohydrates to recover. Judging from this point of view, then one simply cannot do without this macronutrient, and carbohydrates can be called an anabolic, and one of the best. But at the same time, a ketogenic diet for muscle growth implies a reduction in the consumption of this macronutrient.

Of course, carbohydrates do not independently affect the synthesis of protein compounds, but they are able to provide reliable protection for muscle tissues from rapid destruction. For this reason, the anti-catabolic properties of carbohydrates are anabolic. They not only preserve the already gained mass, but also create an excellent basis for replenishing protein reserves in the body, and, therefore, for muscle tissue growth. At the same time, one should not confuse protein synthesis with anabolism, which once again confirms the anabolic activity of carbohydrates.

As mentioned above, with the help of carbohydrates in the body, recovery processes are accelerated. For example, after training, the body is under stress, and its immunity is suppressed. Thanks to carbohydrates, you can replenish glycogen stores, minimizing the immunosuppressive effect.

If the training is conducted less than three times during the week, then there is no need to consume carbohydrate drinks during the training or after its completion. In this case, the usual average daily intake of carbohydrates will be enough to replenish the expended glycogen stores, and the immune function will not be suppressed. If the task of training is to build up a large amount of muscle mass, then after class in the gym, you can eat a few bananas in addition to the main food.

Anabolism and carbohydrates

Muscle Growth Enhancing Training
Muscle Growth Enhancing Training

From all of the above, we can conclude that carbohydrates are an anabolic element in the human diet. Right now, the ketogenic diet for muscle growth will be directly affected. Specialists in the field of sports nutrition, as well as the athletes themselves, assure that with its help it is possible to accelerate the growth of muscle tissue mass.

Even if it is not completely provided with carbohydrates, the body is able to maintain the required level of anabolic background. This can only confirm once again that our body is a unique mechanism capable of functioning normally in any conditions.

With an insufficient supply of carbohydrates, which the ketogenic diet offers for muscle growth, the body will not be able to work according to the established laws only for the reason that it does not have much choice. He is forced to use glycogen sparingly and start working with a low insulin content.

Although carbohydrates affect the synthesis of protein compounds, the body is able to find other ways to compensate for substances that are supplied in small quantities. For the entire evolution passed by mankind, people had to adapt to different food and living conditions. Thus, the ability to quickly adapt has been inherent in every person for several millennia.

It should be remembered that the ketogenic diet for muscle growth is not designed for long-term use. To date, there is no research showing how the body will behave in the long term. This diet can only be used for a certain period of time, after which a break should be taken.

In this case, the indicators of strength will not fall, but will increase. Just don't get carried away with the ketogenic diet. It is necessary to consider each training macro and micro cycle, adapting your nutrition program to them.

Does it make sense for every athlete to take a ketogenic diet for muscle growth? The answer is more no than yes. It can be useful for those who need to lose weight and increase strength. But its long-term use is in question. When using a ketogenic diet, you need to carefully monitor your well-being. There are cases when athletes could not use this type of diet. It is necessary to constantly monitor the result and regulate the amount of carbohydrates entering the body.

Watch the video on the ketogenic diet for muscle growth:

At its core, the ketogenic diet for muscle growth is a special nutritional program that can be used by professional athletes who work hard for a specific result. Lovers should be very careful about ketogenic diets. It can only be justified to use the boot day for a week, or even two. This diet is able to stimulate metabolic processes in the body and bring the desired results.
