Having learned what can be done from feathers, you will create decorations, colorful appliques from them. You will also be able to see how you can make a pen out of paper.
Surely you still do not know what can be made from feathers of hundreds of crafts. These are items of clothing, jewelry, paintings, and much more.
What can be made from feathers - DIY applique
This basic material may remain if you choose to discard your old pillow. But it has a lot of feathers for needlework. But you can buy them.
If the feathers are colored, leave them as they are, and if they are white, you can pre-paint them. To do this, use a special paint for textiles or acrylics.

Here's a cute kitten. Show the kids how to make this furry. The guys will surely be interested in such a creative process. Take:
- kitten stencil;
- a sheet of white cardboard;
- glue;
- feathers;
- eyes and nose for toys.
Transfer the stencil to the cardboard. To do this, you can print the presented sample.

Now you need to grease this paper base with glue and start attaching feathers here. It is convenient to first cover a small area and arrange it in this way, and then move on. If the kitten consists of several colors, then first decorate it with feathers of one color, and then use another and the following colors.

Now you will need to glue the eyes for the toys, the nose. The mouth can be made from pink thread. It remains to paint over the background, the feather applique is ready.

See how to do the following. You will have a mysterious winter night landscape.
- Take a sheet of black cardboard, with a simple pencil draw a rectangle on which the house will be located.
- Cut out a blank building from cardboard and glue it to the chosen place. You can use a silvery material to show the house is snowy.
- Now glue small light feathers along the contour. In the center of the house, you can draw a blue window.
- Also, cut stars out of shiny paper, glue them around the building, and make a month out of yellow paper. Decorate the bottom of the work with other feathers so that you can see it is a snow cover.

If the feathers are so small, when working with them, it is better to wear a cotton-gauze bandage so that small hairs do not irritate the mucous membrane of the nose and throat.
Other work turns out to be no less bewitching, if you try, you will create another house with your own hands. First, on cardboard with a simple pencil, draw where the main structure and the second will be located? on the background. Place large white feathers on the roof to make it triangular. For this you will be using a white material. Make walls out of the dark. The windows can be marked with a thread of the appropriate color. Fluff some large feathers and turn them into trees. Decorate the house in the background and backdrop with feathers.

Try to make this funny goose.

First, on a piece of cardboard, you will draw its outlines. Now, starting from the head, you need to glue the feathers with an overlap here. Or do it from the tail, so that each subsequent feather is glued slightly higher than the previous one. Cut the eye out of white cardboard and paint the pupil with black. Make the beak and paws out of red paper. Use white feathers to represent the wing.
The cockerel will turn out to be the same fluffy.

Thinking about what you can do with feathers, create this character. Also draw it first. If you want such a rustic background, then first mark a fence, a pot and a sunflower made of colored paper on the cardboard. Inside the flower, make black blotches with a pencil so that you can see - these are seeds. To make a cockerel, use two colors of the feathers. Perform the owl in the same technique. You can even craft a couple of these birds.

If you wish, draw the stripes first so that you can see it is a cage. Place these birds on a branch, which you make from a strip of paper or fabric. And if you have beautiful noble feathers, then make these birds of paradise.

The stork on the roof is a symbol of family comfort and peace. Make it out of white feathers and add black ones here, which you will glue to the tail. If there is no material of this color, pre-paint the feathers black. Make a nest out of threads, and a beak, an eye, and part of a pipe out of colored paper.

Making decorative feathers at home
Before you watch a master class with step-by-step photos, which will tell you how to make feather decorations, check out how you can modify them.
There are several ways to do this. Try curling this piece to decorate your hat with it.

Take a feather and look at it. In the middle, you will see a rod. Then pay attention to which points you need to gradually press in order to bend this accessory.

Begin to carefully shape this element into the desired shape.

Then it remains to sew a feather on a hat or decorate another piece of clothing with it. If you want, make a spiral out of it. To do this, you need to carefully cut along the edge to separate entire strands of hair.

Another way to change the detail and understand what can be done with the pen. Just screw it onto your curling iron and see what effect you get.

And if you cut off these hairs, which are called barbs, then you will give the feather a completely different shape. Check out the diagram that will make the task easier.

Now, following it, start modifying this element so that it turns out to be so original.

If this element is too fluffy at the bottom, you can remove these hairs. Then the feather will have a beautiful long leg, it will look more noble.

Here's how to make a DIY pen to get such an interesting shape. You can remove the excess from the bottom, make the upper part so that it looks like a sharp point.

When you make a feather, it remains to glue or sew it to a lady's hat, then it will have a noble look.

You can use not only a solid feather, but also its part, which is located on the barbs of the front edge of the terry feather. Such an element is called a biotome. If you tie the upper part with a knot, and then the next one, you get such a beautiful accessory.

Make several of these feathers, after which you can also decorate the hat with them.

Also, biot can be wound on a curling iron, in order to then decorate it with an item of women's wardrobe.

Feathers can not only be trimmed, but also painted. Then such masterpieces turn out. This is how you can make the pen look picturesque.

If you paint a nib and attach a pen to it, you get such a writing instrument that will be a great gift.

Read on: How to make a dream catcher with your own hands
How to make feather decoration - master class and photo

To create this, take:
- feathers;
- 2 earring hooks;
- shreds of transparent fabric;
- paint and brush.
If you bought pre-painted nibs, you can use them right away. Trim them and create a composition by adding a translucent fabric. Attach the earrings to create this set of earrings.
And if you attach a clasp to the edge of each feather, you can fix these elements on a metal hoop to make such an ornament around your neck.

Take multi-colored feathers, trim some of them to make the next decoration. Attach an artificial stone or bead on top, and fix the clasp at the bottom. You need to decorate your hair with this adornment or use it as a brooch.

If you were able to buy peacock feathers, then they will be the centerpiece of your next decoration. Take starched lace and cut the petals out of it. Then put together this adorable piece.

Here's what you can do with feathers. But that's not all. For coloring feathers, paint in a spray can is used. Take a green and blue hue. Thus, you will cover not only these things, but also the pieces of fabric. Sew on the back of the tape to transform the garment into a bow tie or head ornament.

After all, you can make such accessories not only for women, but also for men. Feather boutonnieres look fresh and trendy. You can complement them with artificial flowers, make insects with your own hands and attach them here.

If you are invited to a themed evening, to a costume ball, then decorate the mask with lush feathers. In such an outfit, a woman will look like a mysterious stranger and will surely become popular at this party.

You already know how to make a feather with a long, high stem. Prepare a few of these items and decorate your hat with them. Then she will turn out to be so noble.

Not only men can wear hats with similar accessories. If you have peacock feathers, then you can steal such a top hat, and the man will look very original.

Also, using peacock feathers, you can create such a picturesque fan.

A feather hat will be a wonderful wardrobe item. This noble headpiece will appeal to many.

If you want to make lush flowers, these materials will also come in handy. Take some feathers, connect them and fold the upper parts to make a flower. Attach a bead or other decoration to the center. Make several of these flowers, tie them with ribbons and you can present this wonderful composition or it will be a bridal bouquet.

If you do not have the source material, but you really want to get it, then watch a master class with step-by-step photos. He will teach you how to make a pen out of paper. Then you can decorate the gift with such an accessory, it will be enough to attach it to the present and tie it with a satin or silk ribbon. But you can make large feathers, put them in a vase for beauty.

To make these, you need:
- paper;
- scissors;
- wire;
- glue.
You can take any piece of paper. If you use a newspaper or sheet music, you will get an original piece.
Take a piece of paper, fold it in half. If this is your first time doing this, you can first draw a semicircular line, focusing on the one you will then cut out.

To make a pen out of paper further, start from the outside to cut this blank into identical thin strips, a little short of the fold line.

When this stage of work is completed, cut out a small rectangle from the sheet and insert a wire inside it. Glue it in this position so that only the bottom tip is covered with paper, the top of the wire will remain free. Place this blank in the middle of the made feather and glue it to it.

With the back of the scissors, move several times, first along one half of the feather, then along the other. Now you can put these masterpieces in a vase. They will look like real ones.

If you use notes as the main material, you can make a pen out of paper that looks like an old one. Take two sheets of music, put a wire between them and glue it here so that the tip of this metal stick protrudes slightly out of the paper.

When the glue is dry, place a cardboard pen template on top and cut out a piece of music from it.

Cut a strip out of the newspaper and wind it around this wire. Then cut to the right and left of the center, making slanted stripes to indicate the down of the feathers.

In this way, feathers of various configurations can be made from paper. Check out some of them. As you can see, they can be curved, straight, more or less fluffy.

Here's how to make a pen out of paper. And if you want to watch others do this kind of work, we will fulfill your wish right now.
The prepared video clearly shows how to make a pen out of paper.

It is also fun to make feathers from foamiran. You will be convinced of this now.

And what you can do from feathers with your own hands is shown in the third video.