Care and maintenance of Armant (Egyptian Shepherd Dog)

Care and maintenance of Armant (Egyptian Shepherd Dog)
Care and maintenance of Armant (Egyptian Shepherd Dog)

Criteria for the appearance of Armant, the manifestation of temperament and health features of the dog, manipulations to care for the coat, ears and teeth, walking the dog. Puppy price. Armant is a medieval breed. These dogs were bred in Egypt and developed as herding dogs. Their name is associated with the village of Armant, in which, according to experts, they were bred and lived in greatest numbers. The species are well known for their fearlessness, courage and strong protective instincts. As a result, in recent years, the breed has shifted from being a simple pasture dog to being used for personal and property protection.

The Armants have not yet been recognized by any major canine organizations, but the breed has been registered by several small canine clubs. This situation persists because in the homeland of these dogs the breed has not yet been standardized, and herd books as such have practically not been kept.

Armants are little known outside their country, but at home they are very popular because of their abilities. Although the Armant is considered fully developed in Egyptian territory, it may in fact be descended from early Western European dogs that were introduced to Egypt under various circumstances. This variety is also known by other names: Egyptian Sheepdog, Ermenti, Hawara Dog and Chien de Berger Egyptien.

Armant's appearance criteria

Armant puppy in a sitting position
Armant puppy in a sitting position

Armant is a medium sized dog breed. Most Egyptian Shepherd Dogs have from 53, 35 to 58, 42 centimeters in height at the withers, although it is not uncommon for individual specimens to vary from average rates to +/- 7 centimeters. Armant's weight will be determined by the height and condition of the individual dog, but an individual of average height in good working condition usually weighs from 22, 68 to 29, 49 kilograms.

Armant is, first of all, a working dog and should always look like that. This breed does not have overly exaggerated external features that can adversely affect its working capacity.

  1. Head - proportional to the dog's body. She is quite elongated. The forehead is a little flat, and the eyebrow hair is emphasized by the drooping hair in the form of eyebrows.
  2. Muzzle - is of medium length, but wide enough to have great strength. The bridge of the nose is flat and wide. The stop is not pronounced, but noticeably separates the muzzle and forehead. Strong jaws close like scissors.
  3. Nose Armanta is relatively small and usually black, although in some individuals the nose is the same color as their coat.
  4. Eyes - rather small, rounded and dark. They are not set too deep or bulging.
  5. Ears Armante are quite varied. Some individuals have completely drooping ears, while others, they are strictly straight. Individual members of the breed may have mismatched ears. Owners can dock their dogs' ears, although it is unclear how common this is.
  6. Neck - strong, muscular, harmonious length.
  7. Frame - very muscular, in excellent tone, although the longer hair of some individuals may partially hide this. Armant has a strong, straight back and deep chest. The croup is not voluminous, the abdomen is not too tucked up.
  8. Tail this dog is subject to some controversy regarding its correct structure. Everyone agrees that Armant usually has a curled and relatively long tail. Some argue that individuals with a straight or slightly curved tail are sometimes found. It seems that the tail of breed representatives is sometimes docked to a very short length, although this is not a particularly common practice.
  9. Front limbs - harmonious length, strong. Hind legs - with muscular thighs.
  10. Paws - Well-built and relatively small for the size of the dog.
  11. Coat Armanta is of medium length and long. The hair has a rough structure, shaggy. The dog's coarse "coat" provides protection for the animal, both from weather factors and from predatory animals.
  12. Coloration The Egyptian Shepherd Dog has a wide variety of colors. Various colors are possible, presented in any dog. However, most members of the breed are black, black with brown, gray and gray and yellow. The few individuals imported to the West have one of these color variations.

Egyptian Shepherd Temperament

Lying armant
Lying armant

The representative of the breed has been bred to help humans and is such. The Egyptian Shepherd is almost exclusively a working animal. As a result, it is dominated by character traits that are very similar to the behavioral features of other related species, which are used for grazing and protection. However, those breeders who keep these dogs mainly as a companion animal claim that they have a very affectionate disposition. Armants are famous for their tact, loyalty and dedication.

This breed needs and wants to be in the constant company of its owner and, without any doubt, will follow him everywhere. Since these dogs are almost always kept outdoors, they are more than capable of living well in the courtyard of the house. Representatives of the breed, returning from their day on the field to the property of their owner, will almost always interact with their families. Modern Egyptian Shepherds are said to be extremely tolerant of children when they interact with them. Pets can be great family dogs. Armants are usually very affectionate with the people they know best.

Although Egyptian Shepherd Dogs want nothing more than a constant presence in their family's company, most of them do not particularly tolerate the presence of strangers. This breed is known for being extremely protective of both its family and its territory. Socialization is very important for Armant's puppies, otherwise they are likely to develop suspicion and aggression like their adult brethren. Actually, socialized dogs are usually more tolerant of strangers, although they usually won't be friendly or gentle with them.

The Armant is not only territorial and protective, but also extremely vigilant, making the breed an excellent and reliable watchdog. Despite their average size, Egyptian Shepherds are excellent watchmen who will fearlessly and brutally defend their family and home to the last, despite the number and size of the enemy. This breed will not retreat from any opponent (both one and many), person or beast, and will not hesitate to sacrifice its life if necessary.

Features of Arman's health

Running armant puppy
Running armant puppy

Most likely, very little is known about the health studies of most individuals of this breed. Veterinary information of any kind does not really exist in Egypt. Many sources claim that Armant has a lifespan of 13 years, although it is unclear what this estimate is based on.

Egyptian Shepherds have been bred almost exclusively as working dogs in a country where there is very little veterinary care for the animals. Potential health defects would be eliminated by breeders by weeding out affected specimens from the gene pool, as they would affect the working capacity of the canines. In any case, sick dogs are more likely to die naturally.

It means, most likely, Armant is a relatively healthy breed, but until more evidence is provided, it is impossible to make this statement unequivocally. There is some breed evidence that suggests Egyptian Shepherds are susceptible to both hip dysplasia and osteochondritis (OCD). It is unclear where exactly this information came from and whether these conditions were manifested in Egyptian dogs or the few specimens imported into other countries.

Hip dysplasia is one of the most common conditions in dogs, both pedigree and yard. Hip dysplasia is caused by a deformity in the hip joint that causes the leg bone and the hip to join inappropriately. Over time, this state of the animal's body leads to discomfort, pain, chronic arthritis, difficulty moving, and in the worst case, even complete lameness and immobilization. Although hip dysplasia is genetically inherited, environmental factors can influence the timing and severity of the disease.

There are no generally accepted treatments for this negative flaw, although many treatments have been invented, most of which are long-term and extremely costly. Tests have been developed that can detect hip dysplasia in very young dogs, and responsible breeders use them to eliminate affected offspring from their breeding lines. However, there are a large number of irresponsible owners, and this attitude is not so common that it will take years before positive results are achieved for many breeds.

Based on what little information is available about Armant's health and what is known about such breeds, a dog may be susceptible to the following conditions: hip dysplasia, flap dysplasia, Dissecans / OCD osteochondrosis, volvulus and eversion of the eyelid (entropion and ectropion), progressive atrophy retina / PRA.

Armant care requirements

Armant in the bathroom
Armant in the bathroom
  1. Wool The Egyptian Shepherd Dog practically does not require much effort from the owners of these dogs, and even more so, the service of professionals. The "coat" is quite tough in structure, and therefore is not very dirty. Consequently, bath procedures are carried out only as the animal becomes dirty. A bathing aid is a shampoo, which is very important to choose the right one. Owners should not pay attention to unknown manufacturers. It is important to choose a typed shampoo, carefully studying its composition. The concentrate should never be applied undiluted with water. This is usually a ratio of one part shampoo to five parts water. For ease of application, you can use a spray bottle. All cosmetics that are applied to the fur of the animal must be washed off as thoroughly as possible. Detergent residues can dry out your pet's skin, which will subsequently cause not only dandruff and itching, but eczema and hair loss. More attention should be paid to combing out Armant. These pets lose their hair quite abundantly during the period when the old "fur coat" is replaced with a new one. Molting takes place seasonally twice a year and lasts from three to four weeks. For manipulation, it is best to use not a slicker or a comb, but a new invention of groomers - a furminator. The device removes dead hair as much as possible without damaging the new, growing hair. It is better for owners to carry out such procedures on the street, while walking with a four-legged friend.
  2. Teeth Egyptian Shepherd Dogs should not be overlooked. While the dog is young, its teeth are not threatened with any diseases, but over time, the accumulated plaque turns into tartar, which is dominated by bacteria. It is the products of their vital activity that cause an unpleasant, fetid odor from the dog's mouth, inflammation and bleeding of the gums and damage the enamel of the teeth. Therefore, the dentition of your pet must be cleaned every day or every other day. This will prevent many diseases in the dental cavity. For a successful procedure, owners need to apply a flavoring paste that is applied to a silicone brush.
  3. Ears this breed differ from individual to individual. In some Egyptian dogs they are erect, while in others they are hanging. Closed ears require more frequent cleaning than open ears. That is, they need to be cleaned every week, and others every two to three weeks. By adhering to basic ear hygiene, it is possible to prevent irritation and various infections. Cleansing is facilitated by gel formulations for animals, which help soften accumulated sulfur and, in addition, create skin care. They must be applied to the inside of the ear canal and massaged to wipe the outer part of the ear.
  4. Eyes Armantov is partially protected by the elongated wool around them, but during grazing, there may be unforeseen situations. For example, a dog, while running, injured an eyeball with a thorny branch, or, fighting with an opponent, damaged it. It so happens that particles of plants (grass, leaves) or dust with the ground are brought into the eye by a strong gust of wind. Such contamination is not a serious problem and does not require veterinary intervention. The owner should only rub his pet's eyes with medications. The severity of mechanical damage is assessed by a veterinarian ophthalmologist and prescribes appropriate treatment, up to and including surgery.
  5. Claws Egyptian shepherd dogs in most cases are grinded in a natural way, as these are animals that prefer to move a lot. If the dog does not receive the required amount of stress, then its claws will have an extra length, which is better to shorten with claws.
  6. Feeding shepherd and guard dogs should be full-fledged and even sometimes reinforced. An undernourished dog will not have the necessary energy to do the job, and will draw it from the internal reserves of the body, which will lead to illness and exhaustion of the animal. After a while, an overfed dog will also begin to suffer from various problems. He will have an extra load not only on the heart muscle, but also on the digestive tract, ligaments and tendons. Therefore, consultations with a veterinarian and professional ready-to-eat foods can help to arrive at the necessary consensus, satisfying the needs of each pet.
  7. Walking. As a working animal, Armant must be able to vigorously perform tasks and perfectly endure physical activity for long hours, and under any conditions. This breed is considered a tireless worker who is able to stay active as long as his owner needs it. As a result, Egyptian Shepherds require a significant amount of exercise.

Such pets should receive at least an hour of rigorous exercise every day. But, they will gladly accept any additional physical activity that their owners provide them. Armants, which are not occupied by their masters, are ultimately unmanageable. Such dogs should be able to release their energy. The accumulated activity will result in destructiveness, excessive noise, increased activity, excitability, nervousness and aggression.

Raising the Egyptian Shepherd Dog Armant

Armant's muzzle close up
Armant's muzzle close up

As is the case with most grazing breeds, Armant is very quick-witted and extremely intelligent. The lively mind of this dog will allow it to study the necessary behavior in the pasture at a low cost and, as you know, will quickly master a number of all kinds of tricks. It is unclear if the breed was used for other purposes, but the Egyptian Shepherd Dogs would probably be able to perfectly do police work in search and rescue of people, as well as compete excellently in a number of tests, to which other canine species are perfectly predisposed.

Price of a puppy Armant

Three black armant puppies
Three black armant puppies

The price of a puppy is $ 700-900. What a dog looks like, see the video below:
