Chihuahua dog care features

Chihuahua dog care features
Chihuahua dog care features

The origin of the breed, the standard of appearance of the Chihuahua, character and health, advice on care, features of dog training, interesting facts. Price when buying a puppy. Are you not familiar with these babies yet? Chat with them and you will be surprised by their wonderful character and temperament. A companion dog with excellent nervous organization. It is very compact and therefore you can never part with it.

The history of the origin of the Chihuahua breed

Chihuahua dog
Chihuahua dog

This animal is one of the oldest miniature breeds in the world. History records the fact that Christopher Columbus himself met these small river dogs back in the 15th century, having arrived in Cuba. The history of the species contains many mysteries, myths and secrets. And the wide popularity of these animals prompted many specialists to conduct scientific research, archaeological excavations, and heated discussions and disputes.

No other dog species has been overgrown with so many conjectures and riddles as the Chihuahua. Many considered them to be unearthly messengers, referring to a special breed characteristic of a dog - Mahler (on the crown of the animal there is a small, not overgrown fontanel, through which they supposedly have a connection with space). Well, when a breed is loved and in demand, then any legend can be given the necessary significance.

It was also believed that animals survived to this day, having survived all the cataclysms, only because they knew how to climb trees, clinging to branches with their long fingers. In the hollows of trees, they raised their offspring.

We can see images of these dogs since 1500 in various paintings and engravings. Also in the city of Tula in Mexico, a lot of figurines were found dedicated to this particular breed.

As for the homeland of these dogs, then there are also options. Some historians of the breed claim that their roots come from Europe, others see an eastern trace in their origin. But most researchers are still inclined to think that the origin of the Chihuahua is still associated with Mexico - the state of North America. When excavations were carried out there, they determined that these dogs existed as far back as three thousand years BC. They were also grown by the Mayan tribes in northwestern Mexico (the modern state of Chihuahua). From there the breed takes its name.

There are several versions as to why they were bred? It is believed that Chihuahuas accompanied people to another world, taking upon themselves all the sins of their owner. The dog was sacrificed and buried with the owner. They said that by illuminating the path with the light of its ruby eyes, the pet will safely lead the deceased into the kingdom of the dead. During the excavation of the tombs of the Mayan nobility, these dogs were also found buried with people.

In the Maya state, these animals were not only companion dogs. Blue dogs were considered sacred, and only a select few were allowed to approach them. It is said that the priests used them in the Mayan pyramids as postmen to the land of the spirits. The fearlessness of these kids is explained by the fact that the Aztec warriors held them behind their backs, they seemed to be their second eyes, barking when the enemy approached.

Today, this miniature variety is deservedly included in the ten most popular breeds in the world.

For the first time a dog of this species was officially recognized and registered in the American Kennel Club in 1904. It was a smooth-haired Chihuahua named Midget. At the same time, the first breed standards were determined. After the United States, the UK registered the species, and only then - Mexico. In 1952, the breed was divided into two types: smooth-haired and long-haired. Nowadays, these dogs are found in countries around the world. In Russia, the first representatives of these animals appeared in 1959.

Chihuahua external standard

Chihuahua on a walk
Chihuahua on a walk
  1. Frame. Compact, square in shape - the height at the withers is almost equal to the length of its extension. In bitches, a longer body is allowed due to the necessity of labor. The back is straight, the loin is muscular, the croup is strong and slightly sloping. The chest is wide enough, the belly is tucked up. The length of the neck is medium, the withers are slightly pronounced.
  2. Tail. It has the shape of a crescent, curled towards the loins, the length is moderate. It is wider at the base, tapering towards the end. The tail position is high.
  3. Extremities. The front legs are straight. Form a straight line with the elbows. The hind legs are long-boned, mesomorphic. Harmonious in relation to articulations, hip angles, knee and hock joints. Paws are oval small. The toes are slightly elongated, slightly spaced from each other.
  4. Head the Chihuahua is round as an apple. The transition from the forehead to the bridge of the nose (feet) is quite pronounced.
  5. Nose. Slightly upturned. The color of the nose is allowed very different.
  6. Muzzle - straight in profile, slightly tapering towards the nose, short. The cheekbones are not very pronounced. The lips fit tightly. Bite - scissors or straight.
  7. Eyes. Large, round, well defined, but not bulging. The color of the eyes of a river dog is best dark. Light colors are allowed, but not for exhibition activities.
  8. Ears. Wide open, erect, well developed. At the base it is wider, gradually tapering towards the top, the tips are slightly rounded. At rest, the angle of deviation from the head is 45 °.
  9. Wool. There are two varieties of Chihuahuas: long-haired and smooth-haired. It is believed that long-haired dogs are more calm and accommodating, and smooth-haired dogs are more temperamental and active.
  10. Long-haired variety: The coat is silk, smooth or slightly wavy, with a small undercoat. The hair is longer on the ears, neck, on the back of the front and hind legs, on the lower legs and on the tail.
  11. Smooth-haired variety: coat, tight to the skin of the body, short hair, soft to the touch. In the presence of a small undercoat, longer guard hairs on the neck and tail are allowed, short on the muzzle and ears, and more rare on the throat and abdomen.
  12. Color. Chihuahuas can range in color from snow white, fiery red, blue tiger and anthracite white. Almost all possible colors and their combinations are admissible except for the merle color.

The nature of the breed

Chihuahua in sunglasses
Chihuahua in sunglasses

Despite its diminutive Chihuahua size, it is a very strong personality. The breed is distinguished by an outstanding mind. This is a great companion and partner in all your endeavors. Do you want to never part with your beloved friend? Then this animal is for you.

These tiny creatures do not need a lot of space to exist, even the smallest apartment will perfectly provide them with the space they need. They easily get used to a special litter box, which is very convenient for busy people who do not have the opportunity to walk the dog too regularly.

These babies perfectly find a common language with all family members. They are very curious, they will be happy to take part in all household chores, from cleaning to putting purchases out of the bag. These are small lumps of tenderness and affection. Crumbs need a lot of your love and attention. They can be in the hands of the owner all day long. And no matter how much you stroke and caress them, they will never be enough. Having become attached to the owner, these animals adapt well to his regime and life schedule. They are like formidable big dogs, even at the cost of their small life, they will always fearlessly protect you. But Chihuahuas are very touchy and if you undeservedly yell at the dog, he will ignore you all day.

They are very playful, they do not stop doing this even when they grow up. For a long time they run and play with toys, but if the owner gives the command to calm down, they will certainly obey. They are absolutely not disturbed by cats and other pets. But to start them in families where there are small children under six years old must be done with great care. Children at this age do not yet understand how tiny and fragile this animal is and can not consciously harm it.

However, the fragility of this miniature dog is deceiving. For its size, it is strong enough. He also has a fearless, lively and proud disposition. They are very mobile and in good health.

It is important to properly feed and vaccinate the puppy on time. A prerequisite for keeping a Chihuahua is that it must be on a leash almost for life, especially on a walk in the city and outside the apartment. After all, only a leash is able to save your pet in time in an emergency situation related to transport, large and aggressive dogs or a fast-racing bike.

Chihuahua dog health

Chihuahua muzzle
Chihuahua muzzle

Since this breed is aboriginal and has passed a long way of natural selection selection for many years, the health of these animals is quite good. They are very hardy. They live for about 17 years and longer.

A unique anatomical feature - the fontanelle on the crown, requires special attention during the growth of the puppy (any trauma to the crown can lead to death).

Chihuahuas also sometimes have problems with the knee joint (it can fly out of the joint capsule).

These dogs, when they grow up, do not change their teeth well. You need to monitor this and contact a veterinary clinic in time. Also river dogs are susceptible to the formation of tartar, so they regularly need to brush their teeth for prevention.

River Dog Care Tips

Chihuahua with a hazyayka
Chihuahua with a hazyayka

One of the main advantages of the breed is that caring for them is not difficult at all.

  1. Bathing. For long-haired and short-haired Chihuahuas, it is enough to periodically wash with a special shampoo according to the type of their hair, as they become dirty. Dogs are combed out quite rarely, using a rubber brush. Twice a year (during the period of intensive molting), they are combed a little more often in order to quickly remove dead hairs. In the cold season, after bathing, it is imperative to wrap your pet up, and when going outside, you need to wear warm suits.
  2. Ears. Like all dogs, it is necessary to regularly examine the ears, cleaning them as they become dirty with cotton swabs dipped in a special lotion.
  3. Eyes. If necessary, rub with cotton pads towards the inner corner of the eye.
  4. Teeth. Chihuahuas are prone to tartar formation. To eliminate troubles with teeth and gums, you must and regularly brush your pet's teeth. This is done with an edible animal toothpaste and a special brush.
  5. Claws. In small breeds of dogs, the claws do not have time to grind down during walks, so it is extremely important not to allow their strong growth and neglected appearance. Otherwise, your pet will be uncomfortable, the legs will be deformed, and the gait may change. It is advisable to carry out this procedure at least once every six weeks.
  6. Feeding. Can be fed with wet (canned) or dry food. Or organize natural food. It is most convenient to give the Chihuahua ready-made concentrates. They are more balanced and do not need to bother with food preparation. The pet must receive all vitamins and minerals, therefore, when the puppy is growing, it is very important to provide him with these necessary supplements for better body formation and well-being. If natural food is preferred, then your pet, first of all, should receive meat or offal (liver, heart, lungs, chicken navels), dairy products and carbohydrates (vegetables, cereals) in the diet. It is better not to treat with tasty treats from the master's table in order to exclude various types of poisoning, indigestion, problems with hair, skin and eyes. Many owners believe that it is imperative for a dog to chew on natural bones. This is a misconception. On the contrary, they are categorically forbidden to be eaten. In a dog, the intestines are clogged with remnants of bones, and chicken bones can also cut it.
  7. Walking. These dogs tolerate travel well and love to be with their owner everywhere. It is better to carry your pet in a car in a plastic carrier fixed in the back seat. When walking, dogs show increased endurance. After two hours of walking, you may feel tired, but your dog may not.
  8. Toilet. Chihuahuas easily and quickly learn to relieve themselves at home on a special diaper or in a tray. This is convenient for too busy hosts or in bad weather conditions. Moreover, there are already special toilets for dogs. There are even special trays for dogs - with plastic posts, since he raises his hind leg when he pees. If you buy an animal in professional nurseries, then, as a rule, it is already accustomed to such cleanliness.

Chihuahua training

Chihuahua being trained
Chihuahua being trained

They are very intelligent dogs that can be trained well. The initial training course is very easy, and then - at your request.

Professional display at exhibitions involves ring training - when the pet is set on the table and in the manual position the advantages of its exterior are demonstrated. It is clear that the pet must be ready for this. Preparation - daily setting your pet on the table, stroking and encouraging him to understand that this is an enjoyable event. During the assessment, the expert necessarily touches your pet, examines the teeth, head, ears. Therefore, your dog should take the touch of someone else's hands calmly, if not with pleasure. And this also needs to be taught in advance.

Interesting facts about Chihuahua

Chihuahua on the grass
Chihuahua on the grass

The Chihuahua is most popular in 1960, during the Cold War and the Cuban Crisis. At that time, the leader of the USSR was Nikita Khrushchev, who ardently supported the revolution that had taken place in Cuba. Cuban leader Fidel Castro presented two long-haired Chihuahua puppies to Khrushchev as a sign of friendship between the Soviet and Cuban peoples. These dogs were named Duke and Duchess. It was they who became the very first inhabitants of this breed in Russia.

Chihuahua purchase price

Chihuahua puppy
Chihuahua puppy

If you liked this dog and you want to have it, think carefully and decide for what purpose you are purchasing a dog: for breeding or just as a pet and companion. Decide what size of animal you need: miniature or standard. What kind of coat: smooth-haired or long-haired.

When choosing a puppy in the kennel, be sure to check with the breeder whether all the planned vaccinations have been done, whether deworming has been carried out and what the puppy was fed with. Look at the conditions of his detention. Pay attention to how socialized the baby is, how calmly he perceives family members and strangers.

Do not buy miniature chihuas from seven hundred grams to one kilogram for the elderly and children. They require much more careful maintenance and additional knowledge. This is not a toy, but a living being.

The breed is popular and expensive. And therefore, dishonest people often breed these dogs solely for the sake of profit. As a result, unhealthy puppies with a vicious psyche are born.

If you want to become the owner of a chihuahua that is good in all respects, buy a puppy only in proven kennels or from breeders whose breeders clubs recommend.

The price of a Chihuahua puppy varies, depending on the size of the puppy (mini or standard), gender, status and purpose of purchase (breeding or as a pet) in a wide range from 50 to 2000 US dollars.

For more information about the nature, characteristics and nutrition of the Chihuahua, see this video:
