Characteristics of a prince plant, how to grow a prince in a garden plot, methods for breeding vines, combating possible pests and diseases, facts to note, types.
The prince (Atragene) or, as it is also called, the Duke, is attributed by scientists botanists to the Buttercup family (Ranunculoideae), in which dicotyledonous plants with freely spaced petals are collected. It is also part of the subgenus Clematis, which means it is a close "relative" of such a beautiful flower as clematis. But unlike the last representative of the flora, Atragene grows in the forests of the northern hemisphere of the planet. In this genus, only eight varieties are combined.
Family name | Buttercup |
Growth cycle | Perennial |
Growth form | Woody vines |
Reproduction type | Seed and vegetative (dividing the bush, grafting, rooting of cuttings and cuttings) |
Transplant time to the garden | Spring or Autumn |
Disembarkation scheme | Between young and small seedlings they stand at least 0.7-1 m, between adult specimens up to 1.5 m |
Substrate | Loamy or sandy loam, loose, light and nutritious |
Indicators of soil acidity, pH | Neutral (6, 5-7) or slightly alkaline (7-8) |
Lighting level | Southeast, east, south orientation |
Recommended humidity | In the heat, watering 2-3 times a week, under normal conditions, once every 7-10 days |
Special Requirements | Easy to care for |
Height indicators | 2-3 m |
Color of flowers | Snow-white, pink, blue or crimson blue or violet, some flowers have a bicolor color |
Inflorescences or type of flowers | Separately placed flowers |
Flowering time | End of May - beginning of June |
Decorative period | Spring-summer |
Places of application | As a ground cover, for decorating walls, fences or posts of terraces, gazebos, pergolas, can grow as a tapeworm |
USDA zone | 4–6 |
If we rely on data from the Brockhaus and Eforn encyclopedic dictionary, the plant got its name "prince" at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. In other sources, you can find a synonym - atragene (following the Latin transliteration), and among the people, for the place of growth and the similarity of the outlines, it is called the Siberian vine, wild or pine hop, branch or loach.
All varieties of prince are small-sized woody vines, while their shoots can remain overwintering and will not suffer from freezing (unlike clematis). The length of the branches of Siberian lianas can vary within 2-3 m. While the branches are young, their shade is greenish-red, but later they become lignified and become light brown. The horse system lies quite deep in the ground.
The prince's leaf plates grow in an opposite order, attached to the branches with elongated petioles. Their length allows vine shoots to attach to supports in their path, since the petioles twine around any ledge and hold the branches. The shape of the leaves is complex, often consisting of three leaf lobes. Leaflets have elongated-elongated or ovoid outlines; at the top, the leaf is pointed, while at the base it is slightly rounded. There is a serration at the edge of the sheet. The color of the foliage is a rich green hue. The plant does not lose its leaves until the very frost, but even then they do not begin to fall off completely, but individually dropping leaf lobes.
Flowering is an advantage of the atragene creeper, since from the end of spring or the beginning of summer days, large flowers begin to decorate the branches. The shape of the corolla in them is bell-shaped, the heads drooping. The flower is 4 cm long. The shape can be either simple or terry. There is a double perianth. The color of the flowers is very diverse, this includes snow-white, pink, bluish or crimson color, there are species with blue or purple petals, and in some species, the color is generally two-colored.
The calyx in the flower is composed of two or four pairs of sepals, which have a whitish, blue or purple hue. The length of the petals and sepals is the same or the first ones may be slightly shorter. Usually the color of both is the same. A large number of stamens and pistils are formed in the corolla. The plant is an excellent honey plant, while the secretion of nectar is staminodes. If, for example, we talk about a variety of the beautiful prince (Atragene sibirica), then one flower contains about 90 mg of nectar. In this case, the sweet substance reaches almost the upper level of the ovary.
After pollination of flowers in summer (June to September), fruits ripen. They are represented by seed-filled multi-roots. The seeds have pinnately pubescent parts in the form of columns, which are carried by the wind over long distances from the mother plant. The seed color is black, the seed size is small. The seeds of the prince are filled with fats and because of this, they have long been used by folk healers for the treatment of various diseases.
Each year, the length of the shoots of a bindweed can increase by 3 m, and the area, which becomes leafy with just one Siberian liana bush, is equal to 1–2 m2. The plant is unpretentious and can successfully replace the more capricious clematis.
Knyazhik - planting and care in the open field

- Landing place. Since the branch in nature grows on the edges or in shrub thickets, it will be comfortable in the garden in a sunny flower bed or in a small shade. If the location is in the sun itself, then the size of the leaf plates will begin to shrink. A southeast, east, or southwest location will do. When a slope is selected for disembarkation, it is important that its slope does not exceed 50 degrees. The prince does not like wind and draft, since shoots and large flowers may suffer.
- Soil for the prince does not matter much, he will be comfortable on any soil, only the main thing is that it is not swampy and waterlogged. The substrate is selected fertile, light and loose, with sufficient permeability to air and moisture. It is important to ensure good drainage. Loam or sandy loam with acidity indices pH 6, 5-7 (neutral) or pH 7-8 (slightly alkaline) are suitable.
- Landing prince it is carried out in the spring, but before that, the landing pits are being prepared. Their parameters withstand 60x60x60 cm. Before planting, add 5-8 kg of humus (rotted manure or compost) and fertilizers - about 50 g of superphosphate in granules, 500-750 g of wood ash. If the soil on the site is very acidic, then it is lime, adding up to 100 g of slaked lime. For drainage, a 10-15 cm drainage layer (broken brick, crushed stone or expanded clay) is placed at the bottom of the planting hole. Atragen is recommended to be placed no closer than 0.3 m from any fence or structure. If the cultivation will take place in the middle lane or in the regions to the north, then the best time for planting will be May or the end of summer and September. When planting, in the 1st case, the soil is prepared in the fall, in the 2nd - 30 days before planting. When planting large bushes of the prince, the distance between them is maintained about 1.5 m, small ones are spaced from each other by 0.7–1 m. It is recommended to take 2-year-old seedlings or cuttings - they are easier to transplant. Before planting the plants, all branches are pruned, leaving only 1-2 buds. Fragile roots can break off, they are removed, and then sprinkled with crushed charcoal (ash) or treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. A layer of soil mixture is poured onto the drainage, a seedling is installed, its roots are straightened and the hole is filled to the brim with a moistened substrate. After that, the soil is pressed a little, watering and mulching are again carried out with sawdust, peat chips or vermiculite. Such a layer of mulch should reach 3-5 cm, which will serve as protection against rapid evaporation of moisture. The root collar is deepened by 5–10 cm if the seedlings are young. For adult specimens, this parameter is 10–12 cm. When the substrate is heavy, the root collar deepens by 5–8 cm, if the soil mixture is light, then the location is deeper. This helps to protect the root collar in the northern regions from freezing, in the southern regions - from overheating in the summer heat. To prevent infection of the prince with fungal diseases, the root collar must be sprinkled with river sand (a bucket is enough), which is mixed with wood ash (take 250 g), crushed charcoal. Everything is thoroughly mixed and moistened with a solution of potassium permanganate at a concentration of 0.25%. In order for the plant to be more robust, it is recommended to remove all the buds that have appeared in the first year.
- Watering. It is important that the soil under the Siberian liana is constantly slightly moistened, so it is watered every 7-10 days, while the soil should be soaked to a depth of half a meter. After 2-3 days, you will need to loosen the ground under the bush so that the moisture remains longer. If the weather is very hot and there has been no precipitation for a long time, then watering a week in a day or two. They also moisturize the prince's bush well before winter, so that the root system is saturated with moisture.
- Fertilizer of the prince performed 2 times every 30 days. The first time feeding is applied at the beginning of the growing season, the second time - at the stage of bud formation, the next timed after flowering and cutting off the branches. As an organic matter, 10 g of urea (liquid) is taken and dissolved in a bucket of water. A solution is also prepared based on mullein in a ratio of 1:10 or bird droppings at a rate of 1:15. Mineral supplements in the form of complete complex preparations are also necessary for normal growth. For example, Kemira-Universal (10 grams are diluted in a 10 liter bucket of water) or nitroammofosk (10 grams per 10 liters of water). When grown in the northern regions, it will be necessary to scatter 500-750 g of ash under the liana in August. Before fertilization is carried out, the soil is watered. Some gardeners perform foliar dressing when all foliage is sprayed with a weak urea solution in the spring and a full mineral complex in the summer.
- Wintering of the prince. Shelter is required only in a snowless winter. Then the shoots of the Siberian liana are removed from the supports, carefully twisted and placed near the roots on the ground, then a layer of dry foliage is poured on top and a shelter is built. For this, spruce branches or non-woven material can be used. Such a structure is removed with the arrival of spring heat.
See also tips for growing a buttercup in the garden at home.
Princess breeding methods

In order to get a new Siberian liana, seed or vegetative methods are recommended (dividing a bush, rooting cuttings or cuttings, grafting). Any such operations can be carried out in spring or autumn.
- Seed reproduction of the prince. Seed germination remains good for 2 years. A 2-month stratification is required. In the fall, you can sow seeds in the beds before winter, the depth of the backlog will be 1 cm. With the arrival of spring, seedlings will appear, which will require regular watering and shading at midday. They are planted on a permanent place of growth after 2 years, and only by the third year of life is flowering possible.
- Reproduction of the Siberian liana by dividing. With the arrival of spring, 1–2-year-old shoots are chosen in the atragena bush and laid out on the surface of the soil. A 5-10 centimeter soil layer is poured on top, on which mulch is poured - peat chips, sawdust and the like. Such branches will fully take root only by autumn, and separation from the maternal vine is possible with the arrival of spring or after flowering in the fall. This method is not very popular, since an adult plant is very difficult to adapt after transplantation. Some of the shoots always die. Without dividing, the bindweed bushes can grow in one place for 15–20 years.
- Vaccination of the prince. This operation is performed in a split or semi-split. The root of violet clematis serves as a graft. It is necessary to take pieces of clematis roots that have lobes, the length of the roots is at least 10 cm with a thickness of 1–1, 5 cm. Grafting is done in March at a temperature of 20–24 degrees in greenhouse conditions. Inoculations are planted in pots so that the top of the scion is buried in the ground by 1.5 cm. After the grafts have spliced, transplant is performed to a permanent place in the garden.
- Cutting the prince. Blanks are taken from green, non-lignified shoots, which are cut during the period of bud formation. Cuttings from below are treated with a root formation stimulator, planted in greenhouse conditions. At a temperature of 20-25 degrees and high humidity (artificial fog). After rooting and the seedlings reach 2 years old, they are transplanted to a permanent place in open ground.
Read also how to breed a wrestler at a summer cottage.
Fight against possible pests and diseases when caring for a prince

All problems that arise in the process of growing a prince arise due to violations of the rules of agricultural technology or planting. Among the diseases, there are those that are provoked by waterlogging of the soil:
- Powdery mildew. This disease is characteristic of the cultivation of the loach in the southern regions and all aerial parts of the vine are affected. The foliage is covered with a whitish bloom, resembling a cobweb. Over time, the leaf plates acquire a brown color, while the shoots begin to turn brown and dry out. For the fight, it is recommended to collect fallen leaves, cut off all diseased branches, and then burn them. Treatment is carried out with fungicidal agents, for example, Fundazol.
- Rust, in which all parts of the plant above the soil surface acquire a mottling of a reddish-yellow color. For treatment, treatment is carried out with fungicidal preparations, such as, for example, a suspension of Topsin-M or Polycarbocin (Mithiram) at a concentration of 0.1-0.2%.
- Brown spot affecting only foliage. Spots of brown or whitish shade appear on the leaves. In this case, the surface of the spots is covered with black specks. The disease begins with young leaves, crawls onto the shoots and leads to the death of the entire plant. For the fight, it is recommended to carry out the treatment in March or November with Bordeaux liquid (at a concentration of 0.5-1%) or take copper or ferrous sulfate (at a concentration of 0.1%). They also take Topsin-M funds or a copper-soap emulsion. If the lesion has affected most of the plant, then it is recommended to cut and burn such a bush, the soil around its former location is treated with 0.2% Fundazol or a solution of potassium permanganate.
Of the pests that cause tangible harm to the prince, there are:
- Mealybug which affects foliage and branches, symptoms are whitish cotton-like lumps on the aerial part of the vine. To combat, insecticides are used, for example, 0.3% solution of karbofos.
- Slug and snails, gnawing leaves. It is necessary to regularly collect them or spray them with preparations such as Meta-Groza.
- Gall nematode, due to which swelling appears on the root processes. For cure, the substrate is treated for a month and a half before planting with Nematogon or Carbothion preparations.
- Mice and rats, which liked the roots, shoots and foliage of the prince. Usually, such damage to vines occurs in winter, so it is recommended that the winter shelter be made of spruce branches.
Read also about diseases and pests arising from the cultivation of aquilegia.
Facts to note about the prince flower

Since the plant belongs to the subgenus of clematis, all the rules of agricultural technology are similar to the cultivation of clematis, since they have similar biological and ecological features.
Since the medicinal properties have not been sufficiently studied today, traditional healers have long used the prince to treat inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, since it combines both anti-inflammatory and general strengthening properties. The drugs based on it helped to improve the metabolism, which had a good effect on malnourished patients. Edema caused by various diseases and skin problems (ulcers or abscesses) are relieved, while wounds and symptoms of scabies heal very quickly. In the event of a headache associated with colds, tinctures of branchy are helpful. They will also help with female diseases and epilepsy. Even in antiquity, the healers of Tibet prescribed a tincture from the flowers of the bindweed for an abscess, if the liver became inflamed or hemoptysis occurs.
From the dried parts of the plant, tinctures, decoctions or infusions are made, which have a stimulating effect and will contribute to the normal functioning of the heart.
Since the Siberian liana is a poisonous plant, any treatment with drugs based on it should be carried out strictly under the supervision of the attending physician. A categorical prohibition on the use of any parts of the prince during pregnancy. Do not use it for patients suffering from paroxysmal tachycardia and extrasystole.
All aerial parts (foliage, flowers, young shoots) are used as raw materials for the manufacture of medicines. It is recommended to harvest the grass and flowers during the period while the plant is blooming and bearing fruit. Young, non-lignified branches are placed in the sun so that they wilted and then completely dried in the shade, under a canopy.
Any raw material atragena is prohibited to use fresh - it is poisonous.
Types and varieties of prince

Siberian prince (Atragene sibirica)
or The prince is handsome It is a shrub vine with a shoot height of up to 3 m. The petioles of the leaf plates are elongated, easily wrapping around any support. The shape of the leaves is double-triple. Each leaf lobe is characterized by an ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate shape, there is a pointed tip at the top. The color of the upper surface is a rich dark green color, the reverse side is much lighter.
When blooming, large buds open. The length of the flower is 3-4 cm. The color of the sepals is whitish or white-yellow. The sepals are lanceolate, the surface is covered with soft hairs. The petals flaunt with snow-white, blue, bluish-purple or purple hues. The buds open with the arrival of summer days, effectively standing out against the dark green background of taiga greenery and trunks. In the process of flowering, an aroma is heard, which gives a person vigor and helps to improve well-being.
After the flowers are pollinated by bees or other insects collecting nectar, the fruits ripen - multi-roots. The seeds are broadly wedge-shaped, with compressedness on both sides and elongated pinnately pubescent columns.
In natural wild conditions, growth occurs in forests stretching from the upper reaches of the Volga to Karelia, and territories a little east to the Ural mountains are also included there. You can meet this species in the eastern or western regions of Siberia, in Central Asia, such plants are not uncommon in Mongolia and on the mountains of the Pamir and Tien Shan. The prince feels comfortable not only on the edges of the forest, in thickets along the banks of rivers, lakes and swamps, he can grow on rocky slopes and rocky sediments.
The plant, its entire aerial part (leaves, flowers and young stems) are actively used in medicinal preparations.

Prince of Okhotsk (Atragene ochotensis)
which is synonymous with the term - Prince of Okhotsk. With the help of supports, it can reach a height of about 3 meters with shoots. In nature, it can be found in forests of coniferous and deciduous trees, which grow in large numbers on the lands of Kamchatka and Sakhalin, this variety is not uncommon in the Kuril Islands, the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, and can grow in the Amur Region. For a long time, its plantings have been growing on the Korean Peninsula and in China. Likes to grow not only on forest edges, but also on rocky slopes and embankments.
The leaf plates have a double-triple shape, there is a sharpening at the top, and a serration at the edge. Leaflets are oblong-lanceolate, their entire surface is covered with hairy pubescence. Elongated leaf petioles, twisting around the support, raise the branches up. The color of the foliage is dark green, on the back it is light green.
In the process of flowering, large flowers begin to open, the diameter of which is 3-4 cm. The color of sepals is azure or violet-blue. The buds are located singly. The corolla is broadly oval, the flower heads droop, hanging from elongated peduncles. Sepals vary in shape from lanceolate to broadly oval. There are 2-4 pairs of them in the flower, their outer side is covered with soft hairs. The shape of the petals in the flower is linear, there is a spatulate expansion at the apex. Their parameters are half the size of sepals. In the process of fruit ripening, wide-wedge-shaped seeds are formed, covered with pubescence. The seeds have long columns with featheriness, which allows the wind to carry them quite far from the mother bush.

Large-petaled prince (Atragene macropetala)
can also occur under the name The prince is large-petaled. It has a liana-shaped growth. The length of the climbing shoots reaches 3 m. The color of the leaf plates is dark green, on the back they are light green. Elongated petioles allow you to twine around any ledge and lift the shoots up. The shape of the leaves is pinnately dissected, double-trifoliate. The drooping flowers have sepals of blue-purple color. Their number is 4 units. Moreover, the length of the flower does not exceed 4–5 cm. There are a lot of petals in the corolla. The sepals and outer petals are almost the same in length, while the inner petals are shorter and paler in color.
The shape of the fruit in this variety is narrow-wedge-shaped, pubescence is present on the surface, the columns are elongated, pinnately pubescent.
In the wild, the species can be found in Mongolia and China, in the coastal areas of the Burei and Zey rivers (Far East), in the eastern regions of Siberia (namely, in Dauria). Prefers to settle in conifers and deciduous forests, if the rocky slope is more or less open.

Alpine prince (Atragene alpina)
- its synonym Alpine prince. It is a climbing liana, the rise of shoots of which occurs due to entwining of the support with elongated leaf petioles. The maximum height, where the branches can reach, is 2–3 m. There is pubescence on the surface of the petioles. On the foliage, to a greater or lesser extent, the veins are also fluffy. The shape of the leaves is double-trifoliate or trifoliate. The length of the leaf lobe is about 2.5 cm. The outlines of leaflets are oblong-ovate or lanceolate, with a pointed apex. The color of the upper side is dark green, the back is pale green.
Flowers are located on the shoots singly. Corolla drooping, its shape is broadly bell-shaped. The color is blue or purple. The diameter when fully expanded is 2–6 cm. There are two pairs of sepals in the flower, their outlines vary from lanceolate to oblong-ovate. The sepal apex is pointed; there is pubescence on the reverse side along the edge. The length of the petals is 2 times shorter than the sepals, the shape of the petals is broadly spatulate.
A feature of the variety is that re-flowering can occur at the end of summer. Ripening fruits have columns with feathery pubescence.
The species has been in culture since the end of the 18th century (since 1792). Naturally growing in central and southern Europe. Feels comfortable in sparse forest areas, on the edges of forests, on slopes of stone chips, among shrubs along the banks of river arteries. It can be grown both as a ground cover crop and for decorating tree trunks.
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Video about growing a prince: