Bath grinding: step by step instructions

Bath grinding: step by step instructions
Bath grinding: step by step instructions

Sanding a log is a recommended rather than necessary process. However, it is after such processing that the structure takes on an aesthetic appearance and is considered protected from negative factors. Adhering to the step-by-step instructions, you can grind the log house with your own hands. Content:

  1. Tool selection
  2. Preparation
  3. External grinding

    • Work order
    • Finishing
  4. Internal grinding

    • Process
    • Finishing
  5. Abrasive blast grinding

Usually, the bath is sanded to remove the upper darkened layer of the tree and give the structure an aesthetic appearance. Also, this process allows you to significantly save on finishing materials. The smooth and treated surface is practically resistant to fungal attack.

Selection of tools for grinding the bath

Wood grinder
Wood grinder

To begin with, it is important to choose the right grinding tool. Often, for such a procedure, a grinder with a special attachment or a special grinder is used. A lightweight model with a comfortable handle, smooth speed control and rear air intake is ideal. It is more convenient to work with two machines: one with a large one, the other with a fine abrasive.

As for abrasive nozzles, it is preferable to choose plastic. They, unlike rubber ones, do not leave black marks on the tree if accidentally touched. Remember that frequent accessory changes and the use of the same tool can cause it to overheat.

Initial grinding is carried out with 40-60 grit discs. It will be enough for about 4 meters of log processing. If the log house is made of coniferous wood, then it will be greased with resin and dust. This will lead to a decrease in performance, which means that it will reduce the quality of work and increase the load on the tool. Therefore, it is not worth saving on abrasives. Secondary processing is carried out with a disc with a grain size of 100-120.

Please note that an eccentric sander must be used to sand round logs. The grinder is suitable for processing timber. It is very powerful, and therefore you can damage the wood with heavy pressure. The sander blocks the disc when pressed with strong pressure.

Preparation for grinding the bath

Removing blue stains on logs by grinding
Removing blue stains on logs by grinding

It is recommended to grind the log house after its main shrinkage, before caulking. It is worth doing the work before the windows are installed, since a large amount of dust will settle on the fittings and component parts of the windows.

Working with raw wood is very difficult. However, if the bath is assembled from dried logs or beams, then processing can be carried out immediately after installing the roof. This process is time consuming and requires serious effort.

Before starting grinding the logs of the bath, we inspect the surface for defects. When peeling some elements (the so-called "petals"), carefully grease them with glue and leave for a day until they dry completely.

External grinding of the bathhouse

When starting work, be sure to protect your eyes and respiratory tract from dust. To do this, you need to stock up on glasses and a respirator. If there is no experience in grinding, it is recommended to initially "fill your hand" in inconspicuous areas.

The procedure for grinding the bath outside

External grinding of the bath
External grinding of the bath

It is best to start sanding from the bottom up. The procedure is performed in the following sequence:

  • We grind the surface of the log with a grinder with a large abrasive (eccentric machine).
  • We process the grooves with a grinder with a smaller nozzle (the tool is used regardless of the type of beams). In this case, the disc must be selected 1-1.5 cm larger than the nozzle. Otherwise, the grinder will jam in the groove and may break out of the hands, which will result in injury.
  • Using a chisel, remove the top layer in the corners. If desired, this procedure can be carried out at the initial stage.
  • We grind the ends only with a coarse abrasive (30-40). To reduce the pile on the surface, hammer it or burn it with a soldering iron.
  • We repeat the procedure on each wall.
  • We carefully remove dust from the surface before further finishing. You can use a vacuum cleaner and brushes for this.

Please note that it is not advisable to use the tool at too high speeds. Otherwise, deep marks will remain on the wood.

Finishing the bath outside

External painting of the bath with acrylic paint
External painting of the bath with acrylic paint

To give an aesthetic appearance and protection from the negative effects of atmospheric precipitation, the fungus must be given attention to additional processing of the logs. Each wall should be coated with compounds immediately after sanding. Otherwise, it will darken during the day, and all the work will be in vain.

When finishing, we adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Apply a layer of primer. The procedure can be carried out using an electric spray gun or a brush.
  2. If desired, paint or bleach the surface to emphasize the shade of the wood structure.
  3. We process the log house with fire retardants.

It is better to choose paint and varnish for finishing on the basis of a chemical solvent. Their water-based counterparts cause the pile to rise after the first painting. Particular attention should be paid to the ends of the bath - due to the rough surface, they absorb the compounds in large quantities.

Internal grinding of bath walls

If the inner lining of the log house is planned, then it is possible to grind the bath inside with only a large abrasive. If the walls will not be sheathed with anything, then it is necessary to polish them to perfect smoothness.

The process of grinding the bath inside

The process of grinding the bath inside
The process of grinding the bath inside

Initial sanding of the walls is best done before the “clean floors” are laid and the ceiling is covered. We carry out the work in the following sequence:

  • We remove the coarse layer of bark with a grinder with a large abrasive or a grinder.
  • We process groove and corner sections with the help of a grinder.
  • Sand with fine abrasive material (120).
  • We grind the joints of logs and the most inaccessible places by hand. To do this, the abrasive material can be wound on a block. It is quite time consuming, but the most efficient process.

Upon completion of work on one wall, it is necessary to sweep away the dust, thoroughly vacuum the surface and cover with an antiseptic. The same process must be repeated after complete sanding.

Finishing the bath inside

Treatment of the bath with an antiseptic inside
Treatment of the bath with an antiseptic inside

Before applying antiseptics, make sure there are no caulks. Otherwise, they can be sealed with sealants. We carry out the finishing in the following order:

  1. We apply a layer of antiseptic composition to protect against mold and mildew.
  2. After complete drying, we treat it with a glazing solution to give the room a more aesthetic appearance.
  3. We process the ends with an acrylic moisture-resistant solution. Let it dry and apply a second coat.
  4. We cover the surface with a fire retardant to increase the fire-resistant characteristics.

Profiled and glued timber usually does not need additional leveling. It can be sanded with an eccentric machine if it is necessary to remove the upper darkened layer. Such a process will take more time than processing with a grinder, but the result in this case is also of high quality.

Abrasive-jet grinding of the bathhouse

Abrasive-jet method of bath grinding
Abrasive-jet method of bath grinding

Recently, abrasive-jet processing has gained popularity. Its essence lies in the use of a special apparatus from which sand comes out under pressure. This is a non-contact grinding method. Thus, you can clean the surface of the wood from dirt, paint, burning and give it a flawless smoothness.

Grinding with this tool is easy and fast, and the quality is the highest. Due to the brushing effect created on the wood, an original drawing is obtained that emphasizes the naturalness and sophistication of the material. Such processing looks exclusive and expensive. Such grinding is carried out, as a rule, by specialists with special equipment.

And finally, we present to your attention a video about polishing a bathhouse log:

The walls of the bath are sanded not only at the end of the construction of the structure. It is also performed to refresh the appearance of the old log house. This process is laborious and time consuming. However, subject to the rules, everyone can grind the steam room logs with high quality.
