DIY steam generator for a bath

DIY steam generator for a bath
DIY steam generator for a bath

A homemade steam generator for a bath can serve as an addition to the stove, or as an independent device. It is increasingly used in the bath to create a healing and soft steam. The device can be bought ready-made, but it will be cheaper to make it yourself. Content:

  1. Features of work
  2. Types of steam generators
  3. Steam generator manufacturing

    • Furnace steam generator
    • Electric steam generator

Steam can heal the body and cleanse the skin when used in the right amounts. Having a steam generator for a bath, you no longer need to periodically pour water on stones to get a certain amount of steam. The steam generator is capable of producing steam in the required amount. At the same time, water is also significantly saved. In addition, the steam generator has a fairly compact size and does not take up much space in the bath. It's pretty easy to install and can be handled by one person.

Features of the steam generator in the bath

Steam generator operation in the bath
Steam generator operation in the bath

The production of steam from the "store" steam generator can be controlled using a special control panel. You can set the steam temperature and quantity. Steam temperature can be set up to 95 degrees. In addition, industrial models of steam generators have built-in programs that are able to create a temperature regime and an amount of steam supply, imitating a hamam, Russian or Finnish bath. Another advantage is that steam from a steam generator is softer than pouring water onto stones.

Let's take a look at how the steam generator works:

  • Security sensor;
  • Capacity for water;
  • A pump that moves steam and water;
  • Water treatment unit;
  • Steam generating unit;
  • Control device.

On the outside of the steam generator there are indicators and a control panel.

Types of steam generators for a bath

Steam generator circuit for a bath
Steam generator circuit for a bath

Steam generators come in manual and automatic water filling. With automatic filling, the steam generator is connected directly to the water supply. Modern installations are mainly equipped with automation that controls both the temperature in the steam room and the temperature of the water. There are several types of steam generators:

  • Industrial. The voltage is 220-300 volts, they are designed for public saunas.
  • Household. Power reaches 4-16 kilowatts, suitable for home use.

For a steam room with a size of 10-13 cubic meters, a steam generator of 8-9 kilowatts is suitable. If the room is more than 15 cubic meters, then it will be optimal to install a 12 kilowatt steam generator. For a small steam room of up to 5 cubic meters, a steam generator with a capacity of 5 kilowatts is enough. There are 3 main types of water heating for steam generators:

  • Electrode. In this case, the current passes through the water along the electrodes. This heats up the water.
  • With the help of heating elements. The water is heated by special devices of different power.
  • Induction. Water is heated in the same way as in a microwave oven.

DIY steam generator for a bath

Considering that the price of an industrial branded steam generator can fluctuate between 1-10 thousand dollars, it makes sense to build the structure yourself. There are two time-tested methods - a steam generator in an oven and a stand-alone steam generator. Let's consider further how to make a homemade steam generator in both ways.

Instructions for creating an oven steam generator for a bath

Steam generator parts
Steam generator parts

True connoisseurs of steam bath do not recognize electric steam generators. Such lovers prefer to build steam generators directly in the sauna stove. We need the following materials: an economizer pipe (from 100 rubles apiece), magnesite sheets (from 340 rubles apiece).

A construction is made according to the following scheme:

  1. We increase the inertness of the steam room. To do this, you need to increase the weight of the stones. If the oven holds about 60–80 kilograms, we make an additional steel trough. We install it in the oven.
  2. We lay a layer of stones.
  3. Installing steam cannons.
  4. To get rid of hard infrared radiation, brick the oven.
  5. Cover the pipe with the economizer with magnesite sheets. First you need to hang them on the frame. To do this, we make duralumin blanks and screw the sheets onto the frame in such a way as to leave gaps between them. This ensures convection.
  6. We add another layer of stones in order to completely block the path to radiation.

Making a homemade electric steam generator for the oven

Steam generator wiring diagram
Steam generator wiring diagram

A unit constructed according to the diagram below will operate at high pressure. Therefore, care should be taken to ensure that the housing is of the appropriate thickness. To make a homemade steam generator, you can use a regular gas cylinder. It only needs to be slightly modernized.

Materials that will be needed in the process of work:

  • Gas cylinder (from 4300 rubles);
  • Heating elements (about 140 rubles apiece);
  • Manometer (about 450 rubles).

Step-by-step instructions for creating an electric steam generator:

  1. For the base, we take a gas cylinder. We release gas from it, remove the valve and thoroughly rinse the inside of the cylinder with warm water and any detergent until the smell disappears completely. We dry the balloon.
  2. We select heating heating elements for 10 liters of water - 3 kilowatts. We mount them in the lower part of our balloon. When creating a mount, keep in mind that the pressure must be at least six atmospheres, and the mount must withstand them.
  3. Next, we need to make 4 threaded tubes. A valve for collecting pressure, a valve for filling the steam generator with water and devices for the automation system will be screwed onto them.
  4. Then, on the side of the tubes and at a distance of 10 cm from the top, we weld a tube with a ball valve, which will control the water level. When water is collected, the tap must be opened and waited for water to flow from it. If the water has flowed, then there is enough of it, and the tap is closed.
  5. To create a steam extraction device, a brass valve from a cylinder is suitable for us. Saw it in half, remove the top bar and make a 15 mm hole. Then we cut the threads and screw on the ball valve.
  6. As sensors, you can use pressure gauges that will monitor temperature and pressure. Instruments and instrumentation will do. Connect the devices - and when the limit is triggered, the heating will automatically turn off. Use the coil of the magnetic starter for loading.
  7. We install the steam generator using a steam line.

Remember: the steam generator should not be placed directly in the steam room. It should be located in a separate room, but next to it. The room must be dry and well ventilated. The length of the steam line from the room with the steam generator to the steam room should be as short as possible. Take care not to form condensation and water pockets. You will learn more about the operation of a steam generator for a bath from the video:

As you can see from the instructions, the device for a steam generator for a bath is not complicated, but rather laborious in the process of creation. In the production of steam generators, great attention should be paid to the safety system. After all, the steam generator runs on electricity, and the contact of an electrician with steam is a rather unsafe phenomenon.
