A step-by-step recipe for salting pike caviar: product selection, harvesting technology. Video recipe.

Salting pike caviar at home is a great way to prepare the product for several weeks in advance. Compared to freezing, this processing option allows you to preserve more nutrients and not spoil the natural taste.
Some housewives do not know how to salt pike caviar properly, and prefer to simply fry it, reducing the usefulness of the product. Although, in fact, this process is not laborious enough and does not take a lot of time.
There are many ways to pickle pike caviar. It can be cooking with a preliminary heat treatment that extends the shelf life, but this option has a detrimental effect on some vitamins and minerals contained in fresh raw materials. Therefore, for many, cold salting of pike caviar is considered more preferable.
And since salting pike caviar at home is the surest way to get a high-quality and tasty product, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our simple recipe for this dish.
See also how to make prefabricated pancakes from meat, vegetables and fish caviar.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 87 kcal.
- Servings - 1
- Cooking time - 12 hours

- Pike caviar - 300 g
- Salt - 2 tsp
- Vinegar to taste
- Small onions - 1 pc.
Cold cooking salted pike caviar step by step

1. Before salting pike caviar at home, the product should be subjected to simple processing. First, we rinse it, then remove the top film and grind it through a metal sieve with an average mesh size. This manipulation allows you to remove all the films.

2. According to our recipe, it is recommended to salt pike caviar such that it does not have unnecessary inclusions. The feedstock must be homogeneous.

3. Before you salt pike caviar according to our step-by-step recipe, you must add finely chopped onions to the mass. But this moment is not for everybody, i.e. you may not add.

4. Add salt and vinegar to the mixture, mix thoroughly.

5. After that, sterilize a glass jar of a suitable size and transfer the entire product into it. We close the lid and send it to the refrigerator. The minimum period for how much to salt pike caviar is 12 hours. Over time, the taste becomes slightly richer.

6. To learn how to salt pike caviar is half the battle, you still need to know how much and how to store it. The product is prepared with the addition of simple preservatives. According to our recipe, it is best to salt pike caviar using a small amount of salt and vinegar, available in any kitchen and not prohibited for use in cooking. Therefore, its shelf life is relatively short - about 2 weeks. Moreover, storage is carried out only in the refrigerator at a temperature not higher than +3 degrees.

7. Salted pike caviar is ready! It is usually served as a filling for white bread and butter sandwiches, and sometimes added to salads.
See also video recipes:
1. How to salt pike caviar

2. A proven recipe for salting pike caviar