What is a microneedling procedure, how much does it cost to do it in the salon? The choice of the device and drugs, the features of the home and in the salon. Contraindications and results, real reviews. Microneedling is an innovative method of skin rejuvenation and healing using a special needle roller and active preparations. The needles of the device injure the skin, and through the micro-holes, useful substances penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, stimulating regeneration, collagen production and rejuvenation.
Face microneedling price

Microneedling as a service has appeared on the cosmetology market relatively recently. But he quickly managed to gain popularity among clients. This is a fairly simple way to restore the elasticity of the skin, return them youth and freshness. The price of the service is influenced by various factors - from the level of the beauty salon and the skill of the beautician who performs the procedure, to the individual characteristics of the client. It is worth noting that in different beauty parlors, the consultation of a cosmetologist may be included in the cost of the service or not - check this information.
Also, the price is influenced by the possibility of using an individual mesoscooter, which, as a rule, is reusable and can be applied up to ten procedures in a row. Cosmetics, which are applied to the skin after treatment with the device, also have a different cost. In Russia, microneedling is done in various regions - the procedure is quite common. If you focus on prices in Moscow, then here the service is provided for an average of 5,000-13,000 rubles.
In Ukraine, the cost of microneedling ranges from 400-800 hryvnia per session. In Kiev, this service will cost a little more than in other regions.
Description of the facial microneedling procedure

Facial microneedling is the process of mechanically piercing the epidermis using a special mesoscooter with needles in order to deliver bioactive compounds to the deep layers of the skin. This effect can activate fibroblasts, which are responsible for the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Thus, the activation of fibroblasts is carried out mechanically.
The mesoscooter has a rounded shape and is similar to a brush, which has needles instead of pile. There are many types of device. They differ from each other in size, shape, length of needles, and their number.
So, needles for exposure to the skin of the face have the smallest diameter and size. Usually within 0.2-0.5 millimeters. They loosen the top layer of the skin, improve the absorption capacity of the epidermis. The thorns for the body are larger - 0.5-1.5 millimeters. They are used to combat stretch marks, cellulite, hair loss, and sagging. To eliminate the effects of acne and smooth out scars, needles about 3 millimeters in length will be needed. The essence of the procedure is similar to mesotherapy, however, the main difference between microneedling is that the drugs are not injected into the skin, but the effect is carried out in a different way.
It can be divided into several stages:
- After damage to the skin with the mesoscooter needles, platelets are activated. The latter produce proteins from growth factors that enhance cell division. Also, these proteins stimulate the formation of connective tissue substances - collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid. Punctures with needles should be done quickly so that the lesions cannot close, and the bioactives have time to get under the skin.
- Next comes the process of skin inflammation and regeneration. This usually takes 1-3 days. Inflammation triggers the cells to stimulate the regenerative process in the epidermis. In parallel with this, the vascular wall is strengthened, collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid are actively synthesized. During this period, there may be swelling of the face, redness.
- At the third stage of the procedure, new tissue begins to form on the damaged areas of the skin, and granulation occurs. During this, the face may itch, peel off. During this period, the processes of neocollagenesis, the restoration of basement membranes, are launched.
- The last stage is plastic. Its duration ranges from two weeks to two years. At this time, type 1 collagen actively replaces type 3 and 6 collagen.
Over time, collagen breaks down faster than it is synthesized. "Old" collagen has a damaged structure, does not contribute to skin rejuvenation. Microneedling helps the skin to synthesize orderly, firm collagen. In addition, the process of trauma to the epidermis enhances local immunity, the skin regenerates quickly, elasticity, density, and freshness return to it. Age-related pigmentation also goes away, the complexion improves. Microneedling is not recommended too often. If you do a new procedure earlier than 28 days after the previous one, then the epidermis will produce collagen of the third and sixth types, that is, the one that is responsible for the formation of scars. For young and elastic collagen to form, it will take at least 28 days. In the process of microneedling, bioactive components penetrate as deeply as possible into the dermis, since damage to the surface layer removes the obstacle in the path of active substances. The skin's permeability is improved by 85%. It should be noted that with the usual surface application of a cosmetic product, the permeability does not exceed three percent. Microneedling is not a particularly traumatic procedure, skin lesions take only a few days to heal, and the risk of developing bacterial infections of the epidermis is minimal.
During the procedure, professional cosmetics for mesoscooters are used. Depending on the individual characteristics of the skin, age-related changes and problems, meso cocktails, serums, gels with hyaluron and vitamins, concentrated bioactives with collagen, elastin and other useful components can be prescribed.
As a rule, collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, which are included in microneedling preparations, have a low molecular structure with a particle size of less than 9 nm. Due to this particle size, the substances penetrate as deeply as possible into the layers of the epidermis.
The microneedling procedure can be carried out without the use of special preparations. In this case, intensive massage with a mesoscooter improves local microcirculation of blood and lymph, cellular metabolism. Epidermal punctures also stimulate cells to work and renew collagen structure.
Indications for the facial microneedling procedure

Microneedling can solve a number of cosmetic problems. It is prescribed for such age-related skin imperfections: flabbiness, sagging, wrinkles, dryness, hyperpigmentation. In addition, the procedure effectively fights scars, age spots caused by hormonal changes. Microneedling also restores the sensitivity of the epidermis and shrinks pores after plastic surgeries and deep chemical peels.
The procedure removes excess oiliness and greasiness of the epidermis, helps to fight comedones and enlarged pores. Also effective for overly dry and sensitive skin. Microneedling is also used to combat the consequences of acne - scars, scars, redness. This procedure is also prescribed for the prevention of age-related skin changes.
Contraindications to the skin microneedling procedure

The procedure may be prohibited in the presence of local or general contraindications. Local disorders include: nevus, skin lesions (trauma, burns), inflammation of any origin, exacerbation of acne, herpes in the active phase, a large number of keloid scars, rosacea.
Also, the microneedling procedure can be postponed or canceled in the presence of such pathologies: insufficiency of internal organs, acute infectious diseases, hemophilia, diabetes mellitus, cancer, alcohol dependence.
You should not carry out exposure to the mesoscooter during pregnancy and lactation, as well as during the period of taking corticosteroid hormones or anticoagulants.
How to microneed your face?
It is recommended to carry out the procedure as a course to achieve maximum effect. Optimally - one session every 1-2 months. As a rule, a noticeable result comes after the third or fourth procedure. You can carry out microneedling both in the salon and at home.
In-salon microneedling procedure

Microneedling is performed with or without special skin improvement products. The feasibility of using certain drugs is determined by a cosmetologist after a careful examination of the face and identifying problems.
The procedure in the salon is carried out in several stages. Let's consider them:
- Skin preparation … At this stage, the epidermis is thoroughly cleaned, makeup residues are removed, and the skin is disinfected.
- Anesthesia … The microneedling procedure is not too painful, but unpleasant, and therefore, local anesthesia is performed to minimize discomfort. As a rule, this step is necessary if a mesoscooter with needles more than one millimeter in length is used.
- Skin treatment with special preparations … They are selected individually for the needs of the client's epidermis. It is unacceptable to use products with fragrances, pigments, preservatives - it may be unsafe. Microneedling enhances the absorption capacity of the epidermis, and the penetration of certain chemicals into the deep layers of the skin is highly undesirable.
- Impact of the mesoscooter … With a needle roller several times in a row, they "pass" over the skin of the face. Massage with a microneedling device is continued until the first drops of blood appear. Then it is removed and the epidermis is treated with an antiseptic.
- Applying skin care products … After completing the microneedling procedure, the epidermis needs to be cared for. To do this, use a light mask, cream, serum, sunscreen. This cosmetics should accelerate wound healing, eliminate the likelihood of inflammation.
Typically, the procedure takes about an hour. The number of sessions is determined by the cosmetologist, taking into account the characteristics of the client's skin.
Microneedling at home

This cosmetic procedure can also be performed at home. To do this, you will need to buy a set of necessary tools, the so-called "meso cocktail", as well as a mesoscooter with needles of a suitable length. On sale you can find mesoscooters with different attachments for the eye area and for the rest of the face. They are simple and safe to use devices that are easy to use by following the instructions. Microneedling at home can save you money and time. In addition, you can do the procedure in any convenient place and do not agree on the opening hours in the beauty salon.
When purchasing a microneedling kit, be sure to pay attention to the quality certificates for cosmetics and a mesoscooter. The latter must have at least 200 needles made of steel or titanium coated. The optimum sharpening of studs for home use is diamond. The procedure should be carried out according to the following scheme:
- We cleanse the face with special disinfectants.
- We treat the mesoscooter with alcohol.
- Apply anesthetic cream with lidocaine to the face, leave for 15-20 minutes.
- We remove the product with saline solution.
- Apply on the face with a brush a meso cocktail made of collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastin, vitamins and other active ingredients.
- We roll the mesoscooter over each area of the face at least five times in different directions. You can finish the treatment of a certain area of the skin after it turns red and drops of blood come out.
- After the entire skin of the face has been treated, wipe it with a toner and apply a soothing or moisturizing cream.
The forehead is processed first, then the chin, cheeks, nose, and lastly, we pass the mesoscooter along the oval of the face and neck. Make sure that the movements of the device correspond to the massage lines on the face - from bottom to top and from center to edge. We hold the mesoscooter perpendicular to the surface of the face, pressing it tightly against the epidermis. You cannot drag it over the skin so as not to leave scratches.
After the microneedling procedure, the device should be thoroughly washed and dried, and treated with disinfectants.
The result and consequences of facial microneedling

Recent independent studies of the effectiveness of various cosmetic procedures have shown that microneedling is significantly superior in effectiveness to chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and dermabrasion. The results of the course of exposure to the skin by this method are comparable in effectiveness with CO2 laser rejuvenation, phototherapy and fraxel. Also, none of the above procedures allows you to achieve such an active process of producing your own collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.
The advantage of the microneedling procedure is that it does not require a long rehabilitation period. Within a day, you can return to your usual way of life only with some restrictions.
In the first couple of days, you should not use decorative cosmetics, so as not to provoke skin inflammation. Also, you cannot visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium for several days after microneedling. An undesirable consequence of the procedure may be skin redness, slight swelling, swelling, and inflammation. Sometimes an allergic reaction to the drug used develops. If you carry out the procedure too often and use long needles, scars and microscars may form instead of beautiful and elastic skin. Therefore, do not use microneedling more often than recommended.
Real Microneedling Reviews

Despite the fact that the microneedling procedure is relatively new in the cosmetic services market, it has already gained popularity and positive reviews from customers. On various thematic sites and forums, you can find various comments about this service.
Tatiana, 32 years old
I first heard about microneedling from a friend and also decided to try it on myself. I was prescribed a course of three sessions. The procedure was not very pleasant - I was in pain, albeit with an anesthetic. But on the other hand, I saw the effect after the second session. I really liked the result, the mimic wrinkles disappeared, the skin smoothed out, the tone evened out, the age spots in the cheeks were gone. Before microneedling, I tried various procedures to prevent early aging and I can say that it was the mesoscooter that turned out to be the most effective for me. In addition, this procedure benefits from a short rehabilitation period. I did not have bruises, as after injections, as well as inflammation, as after revitalization. In general, everyone who wants to keep their skin youthful for as long as possible is definitely worth a try.
Ekaterina, 34 years old
I read about this procedure, but somehow I was afraid to do it. I came to the salon for peeling, and I was offered to do microneedling. In general, I made up my mind and never regretted it! It didn't hurt at all, it even turned out to be a little pleasant. Such soothing tingling sensations, no discomfort, I even dozed off during the procedure. A special skin cocktail with hyaluron and collagen was selected for me. He had to slightly tighten the skin, restore its elasticity, and he did it perfectly! I also had a small scar on my cheek from an old injury. During the year I did eight procedures. So the scar became less noticeable, and the skin refreshed, began to glow from the inside. I am very pleased!
Karina, 40 years old
The daughter gave a coupon for microneedling to the salon. By the age of 40, I had pronounced "crow's feet" and the oval of my face swam a little. The beautician suggested that I use a mixture of hyaluronic acid, collagen and vitamins to refresh my skin. The procedure itself is a little unpleasant, but not very painful. After the session, the skin was reddened until the evening, and then the redness went away, the swelling subsided, but peeling appeared. However, it's okay, the doctor warned me that it would be so. But then the face became noticeably fresher, the wrinkles smoothed out. And this is just after one procedure! I will do it more unambiguously, because I see the effect and I like it.
Photos before and after microneedling of the facial skin

What is face microneedling - watch the video:

Microneedling is a low-traumatic and effective anti-aging procedure that can be performed both in the salon and at home. It is not accompanied by too painful sensations and a long rehabilitation period. Visibly tightens the skin, restores its elasticity and freshness, stimulates internal cellular rejuvenation.