What is preobesity, how to recognize it and what to do?

What is preobesity, how to recognize it and what to do?
What is preobesity, how to recognize it and what to do?

Find out unconventional ways to deal with obesity, and what consequences improper diets can lead to you. Today we will talk about what pre-obesity means and how you can deal with it. You've probably heard of such a concept as body mass index. Preobesity is an intermediate stage between normal weight and obesity. If we talk about the body mass index, then in the case of preobesity, it is 25-29.9. If you unexpectedly find that your body mass index is within the above limits, then do not panic, but rather pull yourself together.

At this point, obesity as such has not yet occurred and the symptoms of the disease are not yet clearly manifested. However, not everyone knows what pre-obesity means, and cannot determine this phase. As a result, they gradually move on to the first stage of obesity, which is already a disease. To avoid such troubles, you need to monitor your weight and take appropriate measures in time.

At the same time, body mass index is not always an objective indicator for determining pre-obesity. First of all, this applies to athletes whose body weight exceeds that of ordinary people. We also recommend that people over 65 years of age use a special table rather than the body mass index to diagnose obesity.

The main symptoms of preobesity

Man sleeping
Man sleeping

Knowing what pre-obesity means, it is necessary to determine the main symptoms of this condition. I would like to warn right away that the stage of pre-obesity is sometimes extremely difficult for an inexperienced person to detect. This is true even when you know what pre-obesity means. To simplify this task, we will tell you about the main symptoms of this condition:

  1. Feeling drowsy and the more you sleep, the more difficult it is to wake up and want more sleep.
  2. The state of chronic fatigue and in the morning after waking up you do not experience the usual surge of energy.
  3. Increased appetite and even after a hearty meal, you still feel hungry.
  4. Metabolic reactions slow down, and even eating small portions of food does not stop the accumulation of fatty tissues.
  5. The quality of the skin is deteriorating, the indicators of its fat content increase, and even the appearance of pustules is possible.
  6. Even with minimal physical exertion, you get shortness of breath.

If you notice at least two of the above symptoms, then you should undergo a medical examination.

What to do with pre-obesity?

Girl at the pre-obesity stage and slender
Girl at the pre-obesity stage and slender

Often times, people cannot understand why they are gaining excess weight. However, everything is quite simple here and fat reserves begin to be created by the body in the event that it receives more energy than it manages to spend throughout the day. If you are sure that you have pre-obesity, then there are two ways to combat it - increase physical activity or reduce the amount of energy entering the body.

They are both extremely effective, but the best results will be achieved when combined. By increasing physical activity, you increase the energy consumption of the body, and there will be no calories left that can be converted into fat. In fact, for weight loss, it is enough just to reduce the energy value of the daily diet. To achieve the task in a shorter time frame, it is recommended to play sports.

We did not accidentally mention medical examination, because pre-obesity can be the result of a malfunction in the endocrine system. In this case, the use of the considered methods of fighting fat will not be enough and the hormonal level must first be restored. However, let's get back to the issue of combating pre-obesity. Of course, if you know what pre-obesity means and how to diagnose it, then this is good. But at the same time, it is necessary to find out how to deal with this condition. Let us warn you right away that this is a rather complicated process. However, difficult does not mean impossible at all, and if you wish, you have excellent chances of returning to your previous body weight.

Before you start to deal with any problem, you need to find the cause of its occurrence. This statement is fully true in relation to weight loss. If you are just too lazy to take care of yourself, then you have to take up your mind, but you do not have to use a rigid dietary nutrition program. Moreover, it can be harmful to health.

Pre-Fat Nutrition Program

Fish, vegetables, tape measure
Fish, vegetables, tape measure

The optimal solution to the problem would be to revise your diet and start playing sports. You may not go to the gym, but train at home, but this must be done. Yoga, Pilates, or swimming can be excellent ways to fight fat. We are not saying that it will be easy for you. But you have to try. Once you put your body in order, then you definitely do not want to lose shape anymore. Also remember that it is not necessary to lose weight quickly, but correctly.

Many women make a serious mistake by using various methods to lose weight quickly. If you find yourself pre-obese, then do not panic, but take care of your own body. If you continue to do nothing, the consequences can be very serious.

We have already said that preobesity is an intermediate stage, followed by first degree obesity. This disease, in turn, can cause the development of other, rather serious diseases - diabetes or even oncology. While it is relatively easy to get rid of preobesity, medications are often needed to treat obesity.

All nutritionists unanimously declare that with pre-obesity it is necessary to reconsider your diet. Again, I want to reiterate that you do not need to give up a lot of products for this. First of all, it is necessary to draw up a balanced diet that will provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. Here are the basic rules for designing a nutritional program for the pre-obesity stage:

  1. Drink at least two liters of water throughout the day. This is a very important point in any nutrition program.
  2. Try not to eat more than three hours before bed. However, if you are hungry, then you can eat a salad of vegetables or drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  3. Reduce your serving size, but increase the number of meals throughout the day.
  4. You may not completely give up flour products with sweets, but do not consume them in large quantities.
  5. It is definitely worth giving up chips and fast food. Instead of these foods, it is better to eat vegetables.
  6. Your diet should be varied and you should not give up, for example, meat in favor of vegetables. The nutrition program should include a variety of sources of all nutrients.
  7. Replace sugar with honey, because it is a healthy product. It contains not only fructose, but also many nutrients.

By adhering to these simple rules, you can create a high-quality nutrition program with which you can get rid of excess weight. It is very important not to overeat so that the stomach does not overflow after eating. This will normalize the functioning of the digestive system. The fractional nutrition system is now recommended by all leading nutritionists, and not just overweight people.

Physical exercise

Gradual weight loss of a girl
Gradual weight loss of a girl

As mentioned above, to achieve the best possible results, proper nutrition must be combined with exercise. This will allow you to lose fat first and then maintain a normal body weight. We are well aware that today every person has a lot of everyday tasks that need to be solved.

However, the reluctance to go in for sports should not be attributed to a lack of free time. To lose weight, you do not have to work out for hours in the gym. Any physical activity increases the body's energy consumption and speeds up metabolism. For a start, try to walk more.

If work is not far from home, then walk to it and back. Use public transport only if absolutely necessary. Also, give up the elevator and go up the stairs to your floor. Of course, at first it will be difficult for you, because the body is not yet accustomed to new living conditions. However, it adapts quickly enough.

In addition to increasing energy costs, walking helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs, you can use them to tighten the buttocks. Do not forget about morning exercises, which will take you a maximum of a quarter of an hour to complete. If you do simple exercise on a regular basis, you yourself will not notice how you become involved. You will quickly find that more vigorous training will lead to great results. Start going to the gym or exercise at home twice a week. The duration of the lesson should be about an hour. The advantage of training in the gym is the possibility of consultation with a fitness instructor. He will help you create the right training program and select the optimal initial load.

Then you can train on your own and get excellent results. As soon as you regain your previous shape, you will immediately forget about pre-obesity, like a nightmare. However, you should not calm down and you will have to continue to eat right and play sports.
