Onion diet

Onion diet
Onion diet

After reading this article, you will find out what diet is, whether it benefits or harms your body. And also what is useful onion, and diet with its composition. Diet is the rules of nutrition. Each diet necessarily includes the chemical and physical composition of food and, of course, you must adhere to a certain time for which you will eat food. Each person's diet is very different depending on different cultures.

If you take any person and analyze well his habits and diet, then it is quite possible to say that he is on a diet. After all, he has already formed taste, and the time of meals. For example, many people say: "I'll start losing weight and stop eating after 18:00." Here the conclusion suggests itself that they have already accustomed their bodies and they have developed a reflex that they do not want to eat in the morning, and food consumption mainly comes in the evening. Here is a peculiar and already defined diet and eating habits that a person has imperceptibly created for himself.

The benefits and harms of diets

White onion
White onion

The most important thing is to always remember that a person's occupation is very important in losing weight. When you have a lot of physical activity during the day, then carbohydrates and vitamins must be present in the diet, and when you work intellectually - proteins. To reduce the harm of diets to the maximum, it is enough to minimize the consumption of fatty, sweet and fried foods. The choice of diet should be approached very carefully and deliberately. After all, if your diet is incorrectly selected, then this will lead to such problems:

  • bloating (constant consumption of raw fruits and vegetables);
  • malfunctioning of the kidneys when there is only protein in the diet;
  • serious liver problems when your diet consists only of mushrooms and nuts;
  • bile will be released if you drink orange or grapefruit juice on an empty stomach every day.

Remember, if during a diet you notice a deterioration in your condition, then be sure to switch to the diet that you had before. And only when the body returns to its natural way of life, you can try to go on a diet again, only necessarily under the supervision of a nutritionist.

In the modern world, there are about 28 thousand diets. And it is very important to take into account the individual characteristics of your body when choosing a diet for weight loss. After all, deciding to get rid of extra pounds, you need to minimize the possible risk to your health. One of the foods that effectively help you lose weight is onions.

Useful properties of onions

Blue bow
Blue bow
  • onion juice is an antibiotic (natural) that prevents colds and helps to recover faster when already sick;
  • this vegetable helps to cleanse the blood well and removes excess fluid from the body;
  • it also helps to remove spots on the skin, and if you wipe your face with a bulb every day, you will get rid of freckles;
  • this useful vegetable also helps against wasp bites, is a very good disinfectant, an excellent adaptogen;
  • onions are also an excellent fat burner.

It is about the fat-burning property of onions that we will talk about further, you will learn about its "magic" qualities in losing weight. Among all kinds of popular diets, one of them is the onion diet. You ask, what is special about her and why is she so good? It is a known fact that green vegetables have a negative calorie content, which is the factor when the body must spend more energy than is laid down by nature in the vegetables themselves. It was on the basis of this property of onions that the onion diet was formed. The word diet alone sets you up for a hunger strike, but this is not at all the case. Despite the fact that the onion diet, no one will force you to eat a bitter and tear-inducing vegetable. This diet is based on the popular French onion soup. Sitting on such a diet, you do not need to give up your favorite meat or fish. The main thing is to limit yourself in the amount of food eaten and not go off the food schedule. Such a diet allows you to lose from 5 to 8 kg per week.

Onion soup composition

Girl eating onion soup
Girl eating onion soup
  1. Onions - 5-6 pieces (medium size).
  2. Several tomatoes, can also be canned.
  3. Bulgarian or green peppers - 2 pieces.
  4. 1 not large white cabbage.
  5. Add celery - one small bunch.
  6. Salt to taste.

We cook the soup like this:

For 1, 5 liters of water, a mode with small cubes onions, tomatoes and peppers, and also chop cabbage. When it boils, simmer for 10-12 minutes over high heat, then reduce it and cook until the vegetables are soft. When cooked, use a blender to chop all vegetables and salt to taste.

Diet for a week on an onion diet

Green onion leaves
Green onion leaves
  • Day 1. Onion soup and fresh fruit, excluding bananas. Drink water to the maximum, you can also tea and coffee, only without sugar, milk or cream.
  • Day 2. Onion soup and vegetables at your discretion: raw, boiled, stewed and even canned. You can eat as many vegetables as you like without limiting yourself in them. You can even eat a little baked or boiled potatoes with butter.
  • Day 3. Again, our soup, vegetables and fruits. But here you can't have potatoes, but you can have fruit salads.
  • Day 4. Onion soup, fruits and vegetables. On this day, you can eat 1-2 bananas and a glass of low-calorie milk.
  • Day 5. Onion soup, tomatoes, chicken or fish, it already depends on your desire. The meat you choose should not be more than 400-500 grams. All fruits are prohibited on this day.
  • Day 6. Today we will delight ourselves with our favorite onion soup. We also replace with different herbs, lettuce leaves, tomatoes with cucumbers. Even on this day, you can eat a small piece of beef (200-250 gr.).
  • Day 7. Our diet consists of soup plus vegetables, brown rice and freshly squeezed juice without sugar, preferably orange.

It is very important, while following this diet, to observe the ban on sugar, bread, soda and any alcoholic beverages. Alcohol can be consumed when at least a day has passed after leaving the diet. It is strongly discouraged to eat only one soup, the result will not change, but health may not be affected for the better.

For more on the onion diet and onion soup, see here: