Fear of germs

Fear of germs
Fear of germs

The reasons for the development of fear of microbes in humans. Symptoms of a mental disorder and how to deal with verminophobia. Verminophobia is one of the human fears that plays a significant role in psychiatry. Its essence lies in the panic fear of infection with any disease due to contact with microbes, viruses, insects, worms and microorganisms.

Description and mechanism of development of verminophobia

Fear of germs as a natural fear
Fear of germs as a natural fear

Fear of microbes is a natural human fear, it can be attributed to the reflex of survival or internal defense. The root of this phobia is far from being in relation to a person with the microcosm, everything is repelled by the fear of death. It is present in everyone, which is why every day a lot of antibacterial, antiviral drugs, as well as personal hygiene products fall on store shelves and pages of well-known food sites. This bypasses some people, while residents with an unstable psyche cause panic and fear. It is known that special "detergents" that supposedly destroy pests - representatives of the microcosm, fight only a small part of microbes, which, in fact, do not harm the human body, stronger viruses remain free, continuing their activities, with them the war will be much more difficult and time consuming.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands that in the most sterile environment, where there is no talk about microorganisms, the human immune system is endangered, it loses certain abilities, ceases to perform its functions, since it has nothing to fight with. Subsequently, the human body gradually weakens and attracts something new from the field of infectious diseases.

The biggest fear of all sufferers of this phobia is AIDS. In addition to the high level of influence of the media on a person, a large role in the formation of fear is played by ignorance and ignorance of the ways of transmission of this disease, so patients begin to look everywhere for the source of infection. These thoughts took on special significance during the late 20th century. The number of anxious population grew every day, in addition, the level of stress in people increased, depression and nervous breakdowns were more common, and the percentage of migration increased due to anxiety. This had a negative effect on more impressionable people, as fear intensified among the verminophobes due to the general fear and panic.

Over time, when a patient has been suffering from a mental illness for a long time, he has certain rituals, ceremonies that can be called stereotyped. Their essence lies in the fact that a person cannot give up and get rid of them in any way. As an example, you can cite frequent hand washing, basically it happens every 5 minutes, besides, the verminophobe wipes all the objects that surround him with alcohol, again for safety reasons.

In addition to negative emotions and anxiety, verminophobia has positive aspects. Due to its presence, the fear of microbes makes humanity live in cleanliness and comfort, because of constant thoughts about a possible disease and infection, a person observes certain rules of hygiene, thus, protecting himself from death in the first place and setting an example for others, this is inherent in each of us a long time ago.

Causes of the fear of microbes

Mass information as a cause of verminophobia
Mass information as a cause of verminophobia

Most phobias are the result of a certain traumatic event, often in childhood, that affected the human psyche, fear of microbes is no exception.

Consider the reasons for the formation of verminophobia:

  • Contact with the microcosm in childhood … One of the most common causes of verminophobia is contact with microbes in childhood, perhaps the child has suffered a serious infectious disease, a series of unpleasant procedures, or long-term treatment that remains in the child's memory as an unpleasant memory, and a fear of microbes has formed as a phobia.
  • Contact with the microcosm that happened with acquaintances … Unpleasant situations, which soon become the causes of any problems, often happen not only to us, but also to our relatives and friends. It is possible that an event that happened to your acquaintances could affect you. It is enough to tell a certain moment and embellish it for your imagination, as fear and phobia are guaranteed to you.
  • Mass media … Every modern, self-respecting person cannot do without daily "brainwashing", experts explain that the media is one of the reasons for the development of fear, constant programs about epidemics, special issues that call for maximum caution. The swine flu can be taken as an example, such shocking information includes a certain emotional color, which has a detrimental effect on the psyche of both a healthy, balanced person and representatives with mental disorders.

Manifestations of verminophobia in humans

Frequent hand washing as a sign of verminophobia
Frequent hand washing as a sign of verminophobia

As everyone knows, microbes and microorganisms are an integral part of the existence of all living things. Pushing away from itself various judgments that they can be harmful, humanity treats this rationally and with understanding. Verminophobes, on the contrary, look for threat and harm in everything, it is enough for someone in their environment to sneeze, as a feeling of anxiety for their health is ensured.

People who suffer from this disorder prefer to use public transport, toilets, showers as little as possible, they are unlikely to agree to go to dinner in a restaurant or to a night movie premiere, and they even try to appear as little as possible in crowded places, just like that the same in communication with others. Patients who suffer from verminophobia are alone and do not go out to people, because they believe that in this way they protect themselves. They also approach food with caution, in their opinion, even drinking water is dangerous.

The fear of infection and illness carries not only mental disorders, problems with the nervous system, but also the manifestation of anorexia, which sometimes leads to a fatal outcome. Sometimes the behavior of a verminophobe is inexplicable: severe patients, by their actions, worsen their state of health even before contact with the microcosm, since they can uncontrollably use pharmaceuticals in order to protect their body, as a result of which the resistance of the pathogenic flora is developed. In medicine, there have been cases when it was not possible to save a patient who was ill with pneumonia, powerful antibiotics did not have the desired effect and treatment. In addition to pneumonia, there is a likelihood of encountering intestinal dysbiosis, fungal infection, the formation of chronic renal failure, and toxic hepatitis. Every person who suffers from verminophobia has an individual manifestation of fear, but often this is expressed by regular washing of hands with soap. Often, a simple hygienic procedure develops into a real insanity: patients begin to treat their hands with alcohol, iodine and other disinfectants. If it is not possible to wash or treat hands, the person with the disorder may wear gloves.

In the case of clothing, there is exactly the same control and vigilance, patients choose an image that can protect them and protect them from external factors and the influence of the microcosm. As for the masks, they are also present in the "wardrobe" of verminophobes, because the fear increases with the fear of inhaling air, which is allegedly infected with microbes and viral infections.

When a minor cold occurs, the person suffering from verminophobia falls into serious depression and envelops himself in a panic state. Oddly enough, but even sleep for such a patient is a barrier. In his opinion, during sleep, dust mites and a number of dangerous bacteria that are in bed linen can enter the respiratory tract.

Due to the many far-fetched problems, sufferers of this disorder often develop apathy, as a result of which they withdraw into themselves, without explaining the reasons.

How to get rid of the fear of germs

Fear of microbes very rarely agree to treatment, only the most courageous patients will visit the psychiatrist's office and begin the recovery process.

Information in the fight against verminophobia

Explaining how to combat verminophobia
Explaining how to combat verminophobia

Initially, psychiatrists consider it necessary to educate the patient, since it is the lack of education that plays an important role. Systematic education includes full informing of the person suffering from the disorder, the doctor is obliged to tell about all possible types of diseases that, according to the verminophobe, are especially dangerous for his health and life. In addition to clarifying the types, the psychiatrist acquaints the patient with how the infection occurs, what measures should be taken to protect himself. Do not forget that especially sensitive patients need personalized “care”. Such people need to be explained in detail about their fear and problem, reveal all the details and nuances of the phobia, talk about the reasons for the emergence and development of the fear of microbes, how it is dangerous, and how to get rid of it.

Psychotherapy as a means of combating verminophobia

Hypnosis in the fight against verminophobia
Hypnosis in the fight against verminophobia

When simple conversations with a psychiatrist are powerless, it is important to adopt more effective treatments. Directions of psychotherapy against the fear of germs:

  1. Behavioral impact on the patient's psyche … The essence of this therapy is that a person suffering from verminophobia will voluntarily face his fear, so to speak, tete-a-tete, it is also a replacement of acquired skills with other habits, after which a person can control both himself and his fear. The technique is one of the most popular types of treatment for psychiatric disorders, since it has a 100% result and guarantees a successful recovery of the patient.
  2. Drug treatment … It is not permanent or basic. It has a short-term effect and is unlikely to have a 100% result. Alas, when taking medications, withdrawal syndrome may develop, that is, this is the reaction of the human body to taking medications. Antidepressants are often used in the treatment of fear from the group of medicines.
  3. Hypnotic trance … Hypnosis is more effective than combating phobia with medications, antidepressants. Most of the treatment takes place in the course of relaxation. The patient is taught to panic in a different way, that is, when a non-standard, frightening situation for a person is issued, he needs to relax as much as possible.
  4. Applying a paradoxical intention … The mentally ill patient is offered a controversial attempt to initiate contact with the things he fears the most, this is called mud exposure. Thus, a person's fear weakens; in the case of verminophobia, a patient with a mental disorder disappears from the fear of the microcosm. In the early stages of the manifestation of the phobia, this treatment is quite productive and successful. Therapy begins with simple steps and instructions to the patient.
  5. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy … It is a treatment by which the verminophobe begins to understand certain thoughts and feelings that affect his behavior. Psychologists who work with this therapy help their patients to free themselves from thoughts that influence the formation and development of a phobia.

Don't forget! Treatment of fear should take place exclusively in the presence of an experienced professional, because there is work with the psyche, which is easy to disrupt and, in addition to a certain fear, add problems to the patient. Before you begin treatment, get rid of the causes of your fear. How to get rid of the fear of germs - watch the video:

The fear of microbes can be really overcome only in the case of maximum return to the treatment of oneself, a trusting attitude towards the medical staff and timely therapy.