How to deal with shopaholism

How to deal with shopaholism
How to deal with shopaholism

Definition of shopaholism, the main etiological factors of its occurrence, as well as the clinical picture of this disorder. The main aspects of the treatment. Oniomania or shopaholism is a common addiction to shopping, which manifests itself in an uncontrollable desire to purchase something, even without the necessary need for it. That is, a person seeks to buy some thing, purely because of the desire to experience the joy of buying.

Description and mechanism of development of oniomania

Shopaholism as a joy in the shopping process
Shopaholism as a joy in the shopping process

Almost most of all people love to go shopping and acquire new things. Naturally, this does not happen as often as we would like. The simple human joy of shopping dulls a significant budget gap a little, so this reflex is essential. Almost every day a person has to make various purchases to ensure his life and a comfortable existence. Starting from food, clothing and ending with appliances for various purposes. Usually, the more expensive the purchase, the more carefully it is planned, its estimated benefits and price are weighed. The decision is made taking into account the income of the individual. In most cases, the acquisition brings short-term satisfaction of their own needs and joy if the purchase has been planned for a long time.

For shopaholics, things are a little different. Their joy and satisfaction is caused not by the thing itself, but by the purchase process. Shopaholics do not tend to look at their goals for a long time on store shelves. They usually react to any advertised products that pass under questionable promotions. Very often, such people can pay attention to completely unnecessary things and buy them just like that. Naturally, such a lifestyle significantly hits the budget, and a person needs to earn more and more in order to satisfy his onomania.

Shopaholism develops like other addictions, along with alcoholism and drug addiction. An irresistible desire to perform this or that action, which intensifies with each attempt, leads to the formation of a persistent psychological habit. It has a detrimental effect on such people and gradually destroys the relationships in their lives. In particular, shopaholism leads to problems in the family, a person can get into loans without the ability to pay them back. The modern world has more and more addicted to purchases. Relatively recently, there were practically no shopaholics in the post-Soviet space. Over time, people received a huge selection of goods in the store, bright flyers with propaganda for the purchase and enticing packaging. They skillfully push those buyers who are at least a little inclined to purchase the thing they like.

Thus, in the current market conditions, the development of oniomania is very likely. Therefore, you need to know exactly how to get rid of shopaholism if you or someone close to you suffers from it.

The main reasons for shopaholism

Depression as a cause of shopaholism
Depression as a cause of shopaholism

There are a lot of etiological factors in the development of shopaholism, since any psychological problems and complexes can affect a person's will. He becomes completely weak and defenseless against the temptations of the outside world. Such sensitive individuals are prone not only to the development of oniomania, but also to other addictions. That is why shopaholism must be diagnosed in time, before the disorder has time to spill over into another form. The main reasons for the formation of addiction to purchases:

  • Childhood problems … Very often, in the history of shopaholics, you can find specific factors that can provoke the development of addiction. This usually happens if in childhood the child did not receive maternal attention, new toys were rarely bought for him. Children's envy of others in preschool, on the playground or just in the yard plays an important role. Children subtly react to the injustice of the outside world, feel the slightest changes in it. Those who have suffered from a lack of parental attention may in the future try to compensate for it with pleasant purchases for themselves. And such a substitution over time flows into the dependence of receiving joyful emotions from the acquisition of some things.
  • Depressed mood … A favorable background for the formation of shopaholism is the presence of depressive personality changes. That is, if a person is inclined to be in a bad mood, an extra dose of serotonin for him is perceived as a drug. And shopping is a well-known source of happiness, under the influence of which the hormone of joy is synthesized. Thus, shopaholism becomes an individual antidepressant agent that relieves secondary symptoms and improves a person's well-being. But, more often than not, the problem of depression remains, manifests itself in other, more difficult situations and is no longer so easy to correct.
  • Lowered self-esteem … A separate point in the etiology of the development of shopaholism should indicate this option. It is people with low self-esteem that most often give in to promotions, discounts, bonus systems and other enticing events. Moreover, the enthusiastic responses of sales assistants, their flattery and desire to help create the impression that the person is being cared for and worried about. Thus, the lowered self-esteem gets at least some kind of compensation. The ability to purchase any thing temporarily gives a person power over a small part of his life, gives him the opportunity to choose and control. This is extremely important for a person with low self-esteem, therefore it is this type that most often suffers from oniomania.
  • Stress … This factor is also very important among the reasons for shopaholism. The presence of constant stressful situations at work, an unfavorable atmosphere at home, as well as problems with relationships in the family, with friends, etc. represent a universal set of factors that force a person to become attached to something else. Thus, addictions, including oniomania, are formed. A person tries to realize himself at least in something and tends to the most pleasant and easy option - purchases. The ability to choose the thing you like makes you feel your importance and freedom. Such a person seems to be freed from conventions and problems in his personal life, career and is distracted by shopping. Over time, this method ceases to be effective, but becomes a new addiction and problem.

Manifestations of shopaholism in humans

Looking out as a sign of shopaholism
Looking out as a sign of shopaholism

Signs of the disease of shopaholism can be noticed far from immediately. A person tries to carefully disguise all purchases as necessary and hides the frustration even from himself. That is why its early diagnosis is so difficult. Moreover, the symptoms may differ in different people, depending on their individual characteristics. There are only a few main groups of oniomania symptoms that are found in the vast majority of shopaholics:

  1. Looking out … Simple shopping for such people is a pleasure. Attractively arranged goods, neat packaging, an abundance of things allow you not to limit yourself in your choice and enjoy the moment to the fullest. A person who is not inclined to shopaholism will more pragmatically approach the choice of the thing he likes, compare it with others and leave with the purchase. A shopaholic, in this case, must consider the entire assortment, probe, stroke, twist in his hands. The importance of this process for him is almost irreplaceable. That is why shopaholics are rarely found in an online store, where they are deprived of such joy.
  2. Non-profile … A person suffering from this disorder will definitely go to those departments of the store that he is not even close to interested in. For example, a woman who has no children will explore almost the entire range of children's clothing simply because she can do it. Or it may be a fishing rack, where a person among the goods does not recognize anything at all. Despite this, the desire to view the proposed product is no less than when visiting the current department for a specific person. Unfortunately, onomania does not choose which product to buy. A person suffering from this disorder does not really care what to acquire, the main thing is to do it.
  3. Irritability … If the shopaholic does not manage to go to the store or he is forced to leave without looking through all the departments, he is overtaken by a storm of emotions that are difficult to control. Most often it is apathy, insomnia, irritability, but sometimes it comes to aggression. People who are prevented from making a purchase are not shy in expressions and are ready to defend their right to purchase anything. In the event that a person does not have enough money for the thing he likes, he is haunted by a depressive mood, a breakdown. He will try to find means anywhere, just to drown out the inner emptiness of the failed shopping.
  4. Inconsistency … For most shopaholics, the price of a product plays a secondary role. This is just a number that separates them from the joy of shopping. And often such people do not think how much money they have to spend. An important symptom of shopaholism should be considered the discrepancy between the price category of the purchased items and what this person can afford, taking into account his income. That is, small pleasures in the form of purchases significantly reduce a person's budget and cause various financial difficulties, but for the person himself, this is not so important. The main thing is to satisfy the need.

Ways to combat oniomania

It is impossible to cure shopaholism without the desire of the person himself. This question, first of all, is of interest to relatives and loved ones who had a hard time, perhaps even debts appeared. That is why the question of how to deal with shopaholism often rises squarely due to the consequences caused by this disorder.

Independent action

Cash to limit shopaholism
Cash to limit shopaholism

Almost all marketing moves with sales and promotions are well thought out. Not only sales managers work on this, but also psychologists who increase the likelihood of buying a certain product. Therefore, it is not so easy to resist the temptation in the modern world. By adhering to some tips, you can significantly limit your options, thereby reducing the number of purchases:

  • Awareness of the problem … A person who believes that he is not sick will never get rid of shopaholism. The first stage on the way to recovery and a correct lifestyle is the awareness of one's own pathological state. The determination to eliminate the existing disorder, first of all, will help a person fight the urge to make purchases, give strength and will. Understanding the problem will also provide an opportunity for cooperation, and the person will gradually control himself, will adhere to some advice, not only because of the opinions of loved ones, but also for his own sake.
  • Lists … This unique thing helps to organize any set of products and things. A person needs to clearly indicate the quantity and quality of the purchased goods. A shopaholic needs to compose it so that it satisfies all basic needs clearly and unambiguously. For example, it is not advisable to write "something for tea." This uncertainty gives the individual the freedom to buy up most of the bakery department in the supermarket. It is better to specify and designate those products that should be put in the basket. For example, for a shopaholic, “Swallow biscuits 250 g, Chamomile sweets 300 g” would be more suitable. Thus, the buying process will be like a mechanical folding of things, rather than a bout of shopaholism.
  • Cash … It is best to pay in cash everywhere. For shopaholics, a credit card is an inexhaustible source of money that can be spent without hindrance. The bottom line is that they are banking and must be returned later. That is, even if a person does not have the opportunity to purchase something due to lack of funds, a credit card "kindly" saves in such cases. Still, for a shopaholic, having such a "lifesaver" means the opportunity to spend much more money than he actually has. Cash in your wallet allows you to more realistically relate to your own budget and limit bouts of shopaholicism. It is imperative to calculate the amount of money that is needed for the day, taking into account all the costs of travel, lunch and tea, if any. This amount of money is worth leaving in your wallet every day. You can add in addition no more than 20% for unforeseen circumstances. Thus, a person will not have the opportunity to make rash purchases.


Shopaholics Anonymous class
Shopaholics Anonymous class

Sometimes oniomania can be a reason for referring to a specialist. A qualified doctor knows best how to recover from shopaholism, even in the most severe cases. This is possible when rash spending creates significant difficulties in real life and serious problems that are difficult to get rid of. The arsenal of modern psychotherapeutic methods is so rich that almost everyone can find a more suitable option for themselves. The choice must be made taking into account the individual characteristics of the person. For some, it is better to deal with the problem in a support team for people with similar disorders, while for others it will be more acceptable to have a private conversation with a psychologist. Directions of psychotherapy against shopaholism:

  1. Shopaholic groups anonymous … Due to the spread of oniomania around the world, more and more psychological centers are treating this disorder. Many of them lean towards group therapy, which is a more acceptable option. People find support and have the opportunity to look at their problem from the outside.
  2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy … It is a more adapted version of psychotherapy that is used for many diseases and disorders. It is carried out by a specialist who has the appropriate qualifications. Cognitive behavioral therapy forms patterns that a person successfully applies in life when a crisis occurs. In other words, a pattern of behavior is established by rationalizing the existing problem together with the patient. The specialist discusses possible options and develops the response scheme that is optimal in a particular case.
  3. Auto-training … This technique represents a new direction in the treatment of psychological problems. Auto-training is more suitable for those who sincerely want to get rid of shopaholism and still have a little willpower left for this. There are many special programs that must be followed to achieve this goal. They are a list of special instructions that must be adhered to and followed strictly. The wording of a specific installation can be changed, depending on the goal of the auto-training.

Help from family and friends

Helping relatives with shopaholism
Helping relatives with shopaholism

One of the most significant influences on shopaholism therapy is support from loved ones. The feeling that someone with you is going through getting rid of the disorder makes this burden much easier. In addition, relatives can become a kind of mentors who will control a person's expenses and protect them from rash purchases. Fortunately, most of the goods in stores can be returned within a few days, so it will be much easier to save a family budget. Relatives and friends are also the voice of reason and rationalization in the case of shopaholism. An outside opinion will help determine the need to purchase a particular thing. Psychologists often recommend consulting in case of a desire to purchase something. For example, a person returns from school / work, but he does not need to buy anything home. The desire to purchase a product and to please oneself overpowers, and it will still be spent. In this case, you need to call your family or friends, ask if you need to buy something for them. If a person just spends money on a necessary thing for someone, the desire to buy something else will no longer be so strong. Satisfaction with the purchase of a product does not depend on the purpose of the purchase.

Also, relatives can monitor the family budget, limit and distribute expenses so that someone else has to spend them. It is best to go together for serious purchases in order to better approach the choice of the right thing.

How to deal with shopaholism - watch the video:

Oniomania or shopaholism is a rather serious problem of our time, despite the fact that many take it much easier than it really is. Glossy magazines describe the disorder as a fashion trend, but in psychiatry it is viewed as a serious addiction that requires appropriate help. That is why the treatment of shopaholism is an important issue in modern psychology that needs to be addressed by many people.
