Endurance is important in all sports. Today's article will provide recommendations on how to increase this indicator. Endurance is a multifunctional property and includes a variety of processes that occur both at the cellular level and throughout the body. However, according to the results of recent studies, energy metabolism is most often the main factors in the manifestation of endurance.
Endurance refers to the ability of a person to do work without getting tired and to resist fatigue. There are two forms of endurance:
- Duration of work at a certain power level until the first symptoms of fatigue appear;
- The rate of decline in working capacity at the time of onset of fatigue.
Types of endurance

There are two types of endurance:
- General;
- Special.
General endurance refers to the ability of the human body to perform any kind of work over a long period. In this case, various muscle groups are involved, and a rather high load on the cardiovascular system, as well as the central nervous system, is created.
In turn, special endurance is understood as the ability to endure loads associated with a certain type of activity. In this case, it is not only the ability to resist fatigue that is important, but also to perform the required work as efficiently as possible.
Endurance depends on a large number of factors, the main of which is the cerebral cortex, which regulates the state of the central nervous system, as well as the performance of other organs. In turn, it is the central nervous system that is responsible for the coherence of the actions of all organs, including muscles. During endurance training, all the nervous processes that are necessary to perform the necessary work are improved. Among the main factors that determine overall endurance are the body's energy conservation processes, such as aerobic (with the participation of oxygen) and anaerobic (without the participation of oxygen).
Thus, in sports, the concept of general endurance means aerobic performance, and anaerobic endurance means speed endurance.
General endurance development methods

Various methods are used in the development of endurance, which can be divided into two categories: continuous and discontinuous. They have their own characteristics and are used to work on various components of endurance.
- The Uniform Continuous Method consists of performing moderate to low power exercises once and evenly. The duration of the exercises is from half an hour to several hours. This way you can develop aerobic endurance.
- The variable continuous method differs from the previous one by periodic changes in the intensity of the continuously performed work. In this case, the body is forced to work in a mixed mode, using both aerobic endurance and anaerobic endurance. Therefore, these techniques can simultaneously develop speed and general endurance.
- The repeated method consists in using both the intensity and time period variables of the distance segments and the standard ones. The main requirement in this case is to perform the exercises with the required number of repetitions and the required speed.
- The interval method consists in strictly dosed repetition of exercises of short duration (no more than two minutes) with strict adherence to certain rest pauses.
Building a training process for the development of endurance

When training endurance, you should adhere to certain principles of building a training program:
- At the first stage, it is important to pay special attention to aerobic capacity, improving the performance of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It is also important to strengthen the musculoskeletal system.
- The second stage involves the combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise. At the last, third stage, the loads should be more voluminous, by increasing the intensity of the training.
Endurance is one of the main components of general physical fitness. Children are better adapted to aerobic activity than adults. It is in childhood and adolescence that the basic foundation of endurance should be laid.
When drawing up a training program, you must pay attention to the following requirements for the exercises:
- High and submaximal intensity (heart rate 160-180 beats / min and heart rate over 180 beats / min, respectively);
- Duration from 30 seconds to 2 minutes;
- Rest pauses should be gradually reduced from 3 or 5 minutes to one minute between repetitions and up to 10 minutes between sets. In this case, the rest should be passive;
- The number of repetitions in the set is from 3 to 5, and the number of series from 1 to 3.
When performing exercises to increase overall endurance, it is necessary to focus on five components of the load:
- Intensity of execution;
- Duration of exercise;
- Rest duration;
- The nature of the rest;
- The number of repetitions of segments of the distance.
With the growth of general endurance, more attention should be paid to special. This will be possible by overcoming changes in the body according to the athlete's individual resistance to fatigue. Methods for training special endurance are selected in accordance with the specialization of the athlete. Among the main training methods, one should highlight: variable, interval, competitive and repetitive. With the development of endurance, the aerobic capacity of the whole organism also increases. This is the main task of special endurance training.
For more on how to develop endurance, see this video: