The strength of the spirit as a factor of a person's self-discipline, the reasons for weakness and ways of dealing with the lack of an inner core are the topics that will be discussed in the article. Strength of mind is a character trait in which a person goes to his goal no matter what. And this is something that not everyone can boast of. But this concept should not be confused with willpower, because there is a difference between the ability to endure circumstances and the ability to deal with the problem. Some believe that it is almost impossible to cultivate such a quality in oneself. However, research by psychologists suggests otherwise.
The influence of fortitude on a person's life

At first glance, a person's life is influenced by the presence of such factors as love, health, wealth and career growth. Of course, all this is important for everyone who dreams of happiness and prosperity. However, all these indicators are interconnected as follows:
- Health … Some people often ask themselves why the tastiest things sometimes have a detrimental effect on a person's overall well-being. A small piece of chocolate will definitely not harm someone who loves to eat sweets. Against the background of the greedy and fanatical eating of everything that makes up the list of desserts in the world, obesity or diabetes mellitus can develop. An unhealthy passion for heavy food will also incorrectly affect the figure of a fanatic of harmful products and lead to the emergence of a large number of chronic diseases. If, against this background, the man in the street is an adherent of a sedentary (in the worst case - lying) lifestyle, then a victorious and impressive cross can be put on good health. The strength of a person's spirit in this case is capable of working miracles in terms of returning any individual to a healthy way of life.
- Love … It would seem, what relation can strength of mind have to amorous relationships. However, practice shows that hysterical and capricious persons can often lose the favorable disposition of their chosen one. Love is a fragile flower that withers from constant clarification of relationships. Adoring in spite of it has become an excuse for weak-willed people who are unable to keep their emotions under control. Lack of willpower in this case can destroy even the strongest and most close-knit family. However, fortitude is an opportunity not to give up and work on a relationship to the end. The easiest thing is to lose your love, but few can fight for it.
- Wellbeing … Financial wealth is either acquired through wealthy relatives, or profited through their own efforts. Lacking willpower, a child of rich parents will squander every penny. At the same time, the spender will manage to get into gambling debts or will abuse drugs. Money is a big test for any person. Most of all, you should be afraid of easy money, when even sane people may have an unhealthy appetite for waste. Well-being directly depends on the presence of a person's fortitude, because only a stingy man in the good sense of the word can preserve and fight for the capital received.
- Career advancement … In this case, you simply cannot do without training your fortitude. Competition in modern society is so high that tactful people will have a hard time fighting for a place in the sun. No one claims that you need to literally go over the heads of competitors, but it never hurts to show yourself a strong-willed person.
Psychologists insist that willpower and spirit are good in moderation. You cannot put yourself in such a rigid framework in which a person turns into a callous and calculating cynic. Such people are dangerous because they morally destroy everyone who gives the slightest slack under difficult life circumstances.
Signs of a lack of fortitude in a person

Sometimes even a weak-willed introvert does not believe that he lacks willpower and spirit. Psychologists have clearly identified the signs by which you can identify a person without voiced qualities:
- Inability to say "No" … A lot of problems in life are associated with this factor. We are afraid of offending someone with our refusal, putting ourselves in the position of a silent victim. A kind person who does not value himself and his personal time often becomes a passive and often controlled loser. The development of fortitude first of all implies the ability to say a clear "No" if his personal plans are at odds with the wishes of the applicant.
- Self-indulgence … There is a category of people who cannot deny just a wonderful person the reflection of the mirror. We look - we admire - we follow our bad habits. As a result, with the recommended rigid diet, gluttons eat the entire contents of the refrigerator with enviable pleasure. People prone to alcoholism and tobacco smoking argue with passion that with the onset of a bright tomorrow, everything will be rigidly eradicated and controlled. At the same time, they consider themselves to be the owners of iron willpower and spirit, which in essence is not.
- Addiction to fantasy … The question immediately arises about the comparability of elementary lies with the presence of a person's fortitude. However, keeping your mouth shut and self-improvement is an overwhelming task for many. Here it is appropriate to cite as an example a wonderful expression that often fools and roads are to blame for the problem. Abstracting from the problem with road supply, it is worth thinking about the second provocateur for many people. To fantasize to the face of representatives of creative professions, but in everyday life it looks like just a lack of willpower and spirit in a person.
- Lack of control of their behavior in society … Weak people and outright liars are comparable to aggressors who do not know how to control themselves. Each person should take his will into a fist with obvious provocation on the part of those who like to ruffle other people's nerves. You can talk for a long time about choleric people, for whom a loud cry and an outburst of emotions are only for joy. However, the fact remains that the type of temperament is not a reason for weak-willed actions. Strength of mind is the ability to resist fate, not the pursuit of adventure on your own head.
It should be remembered that all the factors described have nothing to do with people who are in a state of prolonged shock. The death of a loved one or the betrayal of loved ones can lead even the most persistent and strong to a state of severe depression. During this period, people with iron willpower simply withdraw into themselves and adapt to the situation that has arisen to recover from stress.
How to properly develop your fortitude
Psychologists have said a lot about active actions to acquire willpower. In this case, they broadly broadcast about the training of the mortal body, the fight against laziness and other attributes of the destruction of a person's weak character. However, much less is said about how to strengthen the strength of the spirit. It is a well-known fact that the psychology of men and women is fundamentally different in terms of reaction to certain life situations. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between training of strength of mind for the weaker and stronger sex in order to avoid annoying inaccuracies.
Development of fortitude in men

A strong half of humanity often denies such a pathology as lack of fortitude. To many of the stronger sex, this seems like a humiliation of their pride, so they bravely hide the problem from others. However, the strength of a man's spirit begins with a sober self-esteem, if only because it is positioned with the concept of an accomplished personality.
Experts in the field of the study of the human soul advise the stronger sex to develop it in this way:
- Positioning yourself as superman … In the end, of course, you will not have to save humanity from an impressive monster or a meteorite that has gone astray. It's just that in this situation it doesn't hurt to find qualities in yourself that will not only increase the seeker's self-esteem, but also become an example for others to follow. However, it should be understood that this does not mean simple posturing, lies and embellishment of one's merits, but real actions for the sake of children, family, society.
- Creating a situation "impossible is possible" … Everyone, even the most self-confident man (with the exception of Narcissists frozen in narcissism) has his own complexes. Even the most sought-after superboy is afraid of something, but only he and his nightmares know about it. The strength of the spirit in this case is trained in the way of meeting the horror face to face. A man can try to overcome a mountain peak with a fear of heights or defend his point of view in front of a tyrant mother-in-law. The latter, by the way, is unsafe and is recommended as a last resort.
- Improving physical fitness … Few will be inspired by a superman who will compete with the prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater. He will receive a lot of attention to his person, but all this will be expressed in mockery and outright mockery. Many hand-to-hand combatants are rather short, but everyday work and a tough regime allowed them to dictate terms to thugs with frail health. The strength of the spirit in this case is self-torture for the good.
- Exploring a positive example … Since childhood, the boy learns everything according to the scheme: mom - dad - school - friends. All this is very good if such an experience has positive roots. However, a man can change at any age if he positions himself as a strong personality. It is possible not to advertise the idol chosen for imitation, but it is really possible to train the strength of mind on the example of the best representatives of humanity.
Development of fortitude in women

Representatives of the fair sex are often capricious in their desires and do not want to improve themselves. All this does not apply to the improvement of external data, on which real coquettes are ready to spend 25 hours a day with a less generous daily time limit.
A woman's fortitude often lies in eating low-calorie meals with the opportunity to enjoy a veal chop with a great side dish. In this case, they hold on to the end, because admiring glances towards friends and simply unfamiliar ladies cause terrible torments of insolvency in many women.
However, even the most beautiful half of humanity can really develop the strength of mind under the following conditions:
- Understand the cause of the problem … Many ladies are simply not able to understand what is wrong with them. The biggest mistake in this case is comparing yourself to another woman. It is possible that the Valkyrie neighbor is not at all as cool as she tries to position herself. Even a fragile girl can fight for her place in the sun, so introspection should accompany any woman throughout her life.
- Always be ready … Any woman (with the exception of a nun with firm positions in the form of rejection of everything earthly) tries to be the most beautiful and desirable. Often, at home, she walks in a stretched tights and selflessly smokes through the window. But as soon as a lady gets ready to go out to people, then the signal "to clean the feathers" immediately acts. Mental strength training may involve self-grooming on a daily basis rather than on a demonstrative cruise around the area.
- Restricting the use of the forbidden fruit … For a woman who adores sweets, rejection of them is a manifestation of fortitude. Ladies who cannot live without shopping can be called heroes when removed from this activity. In this case, either self-hypnosis or a visit to a good psychotherapist will help. You should not be afraid of such visits, because a competent specialist will help you find the cause of the problem. After all, women often begin to eat or smoke a lot when the stress occurs.
How to develop willpower - watch the video:
[media = v = 5YjerPl24bs] It is known that fortitude is the acquired ability to adapt to life's difficulties. Very often, in this case, the support of true friends is important, who will help you get through a difficult period. How to develop fortitude is up to everyone individually. However, it is worth remembering that in the pursuit of an iron shell for the soul, you should not forget about your essence and the people around you.