The deadlift has become a very popular basic exercise, which is not surprising. Learn when to do the deadlift from the pit and how to do it right. Deadlift engages a large number of muscles to work, which largely explains the high popularity of this exercise. She most actively uses the quadriceps and muscle groups of the back. For athletes, some muscles lag behind in their development, for example, if it is the back, then deadlift from the plinths is necessary. In the event that the leg muscles are lagging behind in the development, then deadlift should be performed from the pit. The technique for performing these variants of a popular exercise will be discussed today.
Reasons for lag in muscle development

For most athletes, muscles do not develop harmoniously and some muscles lag behind. There may be many reasons for this: not adherence to the regime, not the correct program of training sessions, etc. Someone may simply pay insufficient attention, for example, to the legs, focusing on the chest or back. This is a completely wrong approach to training.
Nutrition and relaxation are very important in bodybuilding. If on the day of the back training you ate well and slept well, then the muscles will gain weight, and when on the day of the work on the muscles of the legs, sleep was bad and it was not possible to eat right during the day, then the result will be absent. For the harmonious development of your body, you should always follow diet and sleep patterns. Of course, nutrition and exercise programs, as well as sleep, are far from the only causes of possible muscle growth retardation. Much also depends on the genetic predisposition. Each athlete has both strengths and weaknesses. All athletes have muscle groups that require more effort to grow. For these purposes, techniques and exercises are created, such as, for example, deadlift from a pit.
Deadlift from skirting boards

One of the options for performing the deadlift is the pull from the skirting board. The skirting board is a box made of planks, and a rubber coating is fixed on top of it, so that the athlete feels confident on the structure. Also, a power frame, or, more correctly, a metal pipe connecting it, can act as a plinth.
All such structures are designed to be able to raise a sports equipment to the desired height. This version of the exercise in bodybuilding is not used very often, but in powerlifting, the deadlift from the plinth is very popular. Thanks to her, athletes quickly overcome the plateau state. However, before adding an exercise to your training program, you should correctly identify the lagging muscle group. For example, this exercise is not suitable for tightening the muscles of the legs. Rows using metal rods or planks are done to develop your back. With this exercise, you can work out the extension muscles well without using your legs. There are two options for performing this movement: when the sports equipment is located below and above the knee joints. In the first case, only the muscles of the back work, and in the second, the legs are also involved, but to a lesser extent than the muscles of the back. The height of the skirtings also means a lot. This has an impact on the place where the athlete will have more problems with lifting the sports equipment.
A very important positive feature of skirting traction is the even distribution of the load, which significantly reduces the risk of injury. Also, the positive aspects of performing the exercise include the ability to overcome the plateau state and a good study of the back muscles. This exercise is very useful for girls, for the development of the muscles of the buttocks.
Technique for performing deadlift from a plinth

The technique of performing the movement practically does not differ from the classical exercise. The back should be straight and the lower back should be slightly arched. The legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, and a sumo deadlift position can also be used. When using a power frame, or rather metal pipes from it as a plinth, you should be extremely careful. Often, athletes, after completing a movement, simply throw a sports equipment. You cannot do this, for the reason that you can damage the power frame. In addition, a sharp unloading of the spine can be very dangerous for him. After completing the movement, you should smoothly lower the projectile onto the rack.
As with the classic deadlift, a weightlifting belt should be used to protect the spine from possible injury. As with any basic barbell exercise, do the warm-up set with one bar, and use 70 or 80 percent of the working weight on the first normal set.
Deadlift from the pit

As mentioned above, the lower the knee joints the sports equipment is located, the more actively the legs are forced to work. If your quads and hamstrings are lagging behind, then the deadlift from the hole will be very useful to you. This exercise should be used as an adjunct to your training program.
In this regard, athletes are often interested in whether it is possible to simply replace the classic deadlift with any of the options described today. The answer is no. The reason lies in the fact that the deadlift in the classic embodiment is basic and cannot be replaced. Both types of deadlift are used only as additional exercises, and cannot act as alternatives to it.
Pit deadlift technique

The technique for performing this exercise corresponds to the classic version. It should be remembered that if you have not stretched the muscles well enough, then it will be very difficult to perform the exercise. You cannot be located very far from the sports equipment, as well as very high from it. A non-slip surface similar to a fitness step should be used as the platform on which the athlete is positioned.
Check out how to properly perform the deadlift from the pit in this video: