Why is there not enough testosterone

Why is there not enough testosterone
Why is there not enough testosterone

In this article, we will try to understand the reasons for the insufficient production of the hormone testosterone by the body. Testosterone is able to increase strength and endurance, increase aggressiveness, in general, contribute to the survival of the species. The importance of aggressiveness in society was clearly confirmed by the studies of K. Primram, carried out on monkeys. When the leader of the group of tested primates was destroyed by the structure of the brain responsible for aggression, then the most aggressive male of the remaining ones took his place as leader.

When everything became clear with the functions of testosterone, you can move on to the topic of the article - why there is not enough testosterone. There may be several reasons for this.

Lack of testosterone due to heredity

Natural synthesis of testosterone
Natural synthesis of testosterone

With this, everything is quite simple: everything that was passed on by the parents to the person will determine both the structure of the body and the level of testosterone. In this case, it will no longer be possible to influence the synthesis of testosterone in a natural way. If the production of a relatively small amount of hormones is laid in the genes, then it will remain so. People are not yet able to change genes.

Decreased synthesis of testosterone depending on the social environment

Testosterone ampoules
Testosterone ampoules

On the example of K. Primram's research, one can judge the role of aggression in social society. However, there is also a downside. The more power a person has achieved, the less aggressive he becomes, which leads to a decrease in testosterone synthesis.

An equally important role in this issue is played by the person's environment. If he was born in a culture that preaches militancy (the Vikings are a typical example), in which every member of society always strives for power and its subsequent retention, then the level of testosterone synthesis will be quite high. Otherwise, the person simply will not survive. The law of natural selection also plays an important role here.

External influences can have a great impact on testosterone levels. When a person finds himself in a stressful situation, the production of hormones of the gonadotropic group, including sex hormones, is suppressed in the body. This leads to degeneration of the genitals or deterioration of their functionality. A stressful situation can be intense training or a struggle for muscularity. All this can lead to a decrease in testosterone synthesis.

Likewise, the production of the male hormone is influenced by low social status along with the corresponding lifestyle. With poor nutrition, the body does not receive the necessary nutrients, and it simply has nothing to synthesize the hormone from. In such a situation, no intense training can bring great results.

Also, do not forget about the moral principles and foundations that take place in each particular society. For example, in a society where children from an early age are forced to suppress sexuality and try to avoid sexual pleasure, this leads to a decrease in testosterone synthesis and atrophy of the entire reproductive system. But satisfaction of sexual needs is necessary for people for full physical and psychological development.

If you convince a person that sex life leads to a deterioration in the results in sports, then this will not lead to anything good. Of course, there will be a certain consumption of nutrients, but these are inevitable losses, and with sufficient nutrition they are easily replenished. But the refusal of sex life to achieve success in sports will only cause a decrease in testosterone levels, which will lead to low results.

Watch the video about testosterone levels:

Today, only a few factors have been cited that affect testosterone levels. Of course, there are significantly more of them. But in order to draw the correct conclusions, all of the above is enough. In order for the testosterone level in the blood to be as high as possible, you need good health, the absence of prolonged stress and good social status. Also, there should be no problems in personal and sexual life.
