How to create a training program?

How to create a training program?
How to create a training program?

Learn how to independently write a training complex that will help you achieve the maximum effect for your goals in sports. Most beginners overly trust various training methods and sports nutrition, believing that with their help they will quickly gain mass. However, in practice this does not happen, and in the absence of progress, they begin to look for new systems and continue to remain at the same level of development.

But for the growth of muscles, you need to work hard and think. Bodybuilding is not just lifting iron. Very rarely, the very first training program can be effective, since it is impossible to predict the body's response to stress. You need to choose the right path, and then all that remains is to make adjustments. Today you will learn how to create a training program.

Rules for drawing up a training program

Workout scheme
Workout scheme

Define the goal of the training

The girl is engaged with the trainer
The girl is engaged with the trainer

Strength training can serve the following purposes:

  • Weight gain.
  • Improving the quality of the relief.
  • Burning fat (losing weight).
  • Increasing power parameters without gaining mass.
  • Form support.

It should also be remembered that no matter what direction you choose, you can focus on a specific muscle group. But the most important thing is to decide what you want to get out of your studies. If you want to achieve several goals at once, then as a result you will not progress in anything. This is a very important point for anyone who wants to know how to create a training program.

How often should you practice?

Girl performs crunches on a Roman chair
Girl performs crunches on a Roman chair

You must remember that large muscle groups (chest, legs and back) take significantly longer to recover than smaller ones (arms, shoulder girdle and calves). The duration of rest is also influenced by the intensity of the previous activity. The more active the training was, the more time the body will recover. The body of experienced athletes adapts better to stress, which makes it possible to train harder. However, in this case, large weights are used, and the muscles are of decent size. For these reasons, the restoration is being delayed. Let's say you need more time to recover from working with 110 kilos than with training with 60 kilos. Although in the first case, the muscles are large, they will also take longer to recover. For beginners, it will be optimal to conduct two classes during the week.

In addition to your capabilities, you must take into account the goals that you set for yourself. To gain weight, you will need to spend two to three sessions a week. If you are losing weight or want to improve the quality of the relief, then the ideal number of sessions would be four or five. At least you will have to visit the gym three times a week. But here the important question is whether you have free time.

Duration of the lesson

Bench press on Scott's bench
Bench press on Scott's bench

We continue to talk about how to create a training program. Try to do one hour at each session. This is primarily due to the fact that strength training for the body is a powerful stress and in response to this, cortisol begins to be secreted. This hormone reduces the anabolic background and, moreover, with prolonged exercise, muscles can begin to break down.

Which split system to use?

Concentrated dumbbell press
Concentrated dumbbell press

The less training experience you have, the less split should be. If you have been exercising for a long time, then you have more training days per week, and, therefore, more attention should be paid to each muscle group. For beginners, at first, you can generally train the whole body in one lesson. The most you can do is divide the body into upper and lower parts. More experienced athletes can use a 3-day or even 5-day soak.

Exercise selection


To do this, you should write down all the movements that you plan to use in your classes. It will be very good if you immediately divide them according to the muscle groups for which they are intended. The number of movements that need to be performed in one lesson can vary significantly depending on the goals of your training.

For example, exercising just to keep in shape twice a week, a dozen exercises are enough for you, five for each workout. But when fighting fats, the number of necessary movements can reach four dozen. If you want to gain mass, then you should focus on basic movements. Their implementation causes a greater hormonal response and brings several muscles to work at once. Also remember that if you have already started using isolated movements, then the basic ones should always be performed first. Let's say you first do a narrow grip bench press and then move on to block extensions.

This is practically all you need to remember about how to create a training program. In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the most important thing for you should not be the sequence of the movements and not even their set, but sufficient rest. Keep a class diary and start experimenting. This will make it easier for you to decide on the right training program.

Nikita Romanov tells in more detail about how to draw up a training program in this video: