Telmisartan is a medication for the treatment of hypertension. Learn how to treat hypertension in bodybuilding. How to use the drug and what dosages are considered safe. Telmisartan is a prescription drug used in the treatment of hypertension. It is also well suited for the mild form of this disease, when the pressure is not greatly increased and has boundary values. We can say with confidence that this drug is the most optimal remedy for self-medication.
Since blood pressure often rises during anabolic cycles, telmisartan is very often used to treat hypertension in bodybuilding. It is effective enough to deal with this problem. It should be noted that this drug has other useful features.
One of these areas of application of the drug can be called "metabolic treatment". This term has never been found in the medical literature. This is an experimental field of application of various substances aimed at altering gene expression in order to eliminate damage associated with age, the occurrence of insulin resistance and poor nutrition over a long period. Telmisartan can also partially solve this problem.
In addition, the drug accelerates fat burning processes, increases endurance indicators, increases insulin sensitivity, reduces the risks of atherosclerosis, stroke and has a positive effect on the brain.
Application of Telmisartan

As mentioned above, the main area of use of the drug is hypertension. However, if there are no problems with blood pressure, then telmisartan can help in reducing the amount of visceral fats, increase insulin sensitivity in case of violations of this function, and can also improve brain function.
The reluctance to take the drug is most often caused by fear of side effects or a lack of desire to shift the focus of fat burning to fighting visceral fat instead of subcutaneous fat. Simply put, when using a special nutrition and training program, the athlete manages to achieve a positive effect from taking telmisartan, but at the same time the percentage of fat in the body remains unchanged, the muscles will acquire relief due to the burning of visceral fat, although the amount of body fat will not change. …
However, it should be remembered that if the purpose of using the drug is to accelerate the utilization of visceral fats in order to lower the percentage of body fat, then the relief of the muscles will not improve. For this reason, it is not recommended to take telmisartan several weeks before the start of the competition.
Telmisartan dosages

To reduce the risk of developing heart disease, the drug should be taken in an amount of 20-40 milligrams once a day. A similar dosage is used to enhance brain function.
If the main task of taking a medication is to combat excess weight and, especially to burn visceral fat, then the dosage should be increased and from 80 to 160 milligrams should be taken during the day. In this case, it is best to start with a daily intake of 40 milligrams of the drug in order to assess its tolerance by the body.
Together with telmisartan, it is desirable to consume oleuropein in an amount of 200 to 400 milligrams daily, as well as about 5000 IU of vitamin D during the day. The latter two drugs are optional, and it should be admitted that bodybuilders use them very rarely. However, thanks to vitamin D and oleuropein, 2 negative effects of telmisartan on the body are eliminated, which are not desirable for improving physique and stimulating brain function. On the other hand, they make the use of telmisartan for the treatment of hypertension in bodybuilding somewhat more effective. It is also important to note that telmisartan should not be combined with diuretics. This combination of drugs can lead to severe dehydration.
After starting to use the drug, you should carefully monitor the pressure. Almost always, it decreases to a level close to normal, and in people who do not have problems with high blood pressure, it will not fall. But it is necessary to monitor this, as there are always exceptions. It is also best to use telmisartan in courses. It should be noted that at the moment there is no exact information about which course is the most effective and safe. But most often the time of its application and rest is made the same. This is not due to the risk of any side effects, but simply because most of the potential of the drug is realized.
Pharmacological properties of Telmisartan

Telmisartan belongs to the class of angiotensin blockers, while strongly affecting metabolic processes, body composition and endurance. It is very useful when fighting overweight or simply improving the health of athletes. Thus, it is possible not only to use telmisartan for the treatment of hypertension in bodybuilding, but also for other purposes.
An equally important feature of the drug for athletes is its ability to affect muscle tissue cells, enhancing the oxidizing ability of fibers of the second type.
Telmisartan side effects

The drug in the vast majority of cases does not cause side effects. Headaches, dizziness and nausea can occur only if the body does not accept the drug. However, for this, it is recommended to start using the agent in the minimum dosage in order to understand how the body will react to telmisartan.
In general, the drug is quite safe, of course, for this you must strictly follow the recommendations for taking it. Telmisartan can be used to treat hypertension in bodybuilding both during anabolic cycles and to accelerate fat burning, increase strength and improve brain function.
Learn more about hypertension in bodybuilding and how to regulate pressure in this video: