Features and preparations for cleansing the liver

Features and preparations for cleansing the liver
Features and preparations for cleansing the liver

Effective drugs and methods for cleansing the liver. This is a very important question not only for athletes, but for any person. Learn how to organize the correct prevention of liver and gallbladder.

Varieties of drugs for cleansing the liver

Milk thistle for liver cleanse
Milk thistle for liver cleanse

To increase the functionality of the liver, hepatoprotectors are used. This is a group of drugs for cleansing the liver, and now we will consider the main ones.

These drugs include:

  • Bongigar … This preparation contains a large number of herbal ingredients. It is a high-quality and effective hepatoprotector with choleretic and antispasmodic effect. All toxins in the body are taken up by bile, and the acceleration of its synthesis allows an increase in the amount of poisons excreted. It is necessary to take the remedy three times throughout the day, 1 capsule (10 milligrams), and the entire course of treatment lasts about 6 weeks.
  • Vegetable oils … These foods have mild choleretic properties and are great for daily consumption. One tablespoon of any vegetable oil should be taken daily, twice a day. Among other things, vegetable oils contain unsaturated fats.
  • Allohol … This preparation contains condensed bile, nettle and garlic extracts, and activated carbon. Thanks to the use of allochol, the secretory ability of the liver increases and the efficiency of the gastrointestinal tract increases. The course of treatment continues for one month, followed by a three-month break. During the course, you should take one or two tablets of the drug 3 to 4 times a day.
  • Milk thistle … The active ingredient in the preparation is silymarin. It is an herbal ingredient derived from a variety of thistle. It is a very effective remedy and has been used to treat the liver for centuries. Thanks to milk thistle, liver recovery is accelerated, the effects of toxins on the body are more easily tolerated, and the liver's performance is normalized. The drug is a good antioxidant and has an immunomodulatory effect on the body.
  • Silymarin … It is part of a large number of medicines, for example, Geparsil, Simepar, Silibor, Levasil, Carsil, etc. When using Silymarin, the dosage is from 70 to 100 milligrams, and it is taken three times throughout the day. Allows doubling the dose. The course of treatment lasts at least three months.
  • Phospholipids … This substance forms the basis of cell membranes. Thanks to the use of preparations containing phospholipids (essliver, phosphogliv and essential), the restoration of the membranes of the organelles of the cellular structure of the liver is accelerated, the fat load on the organ is reduced, and biochemical parameters are normalized. It should also be noted that phospholipids are able to prevent the necrosis of hapatocytes. Drugs in this group should be used to restore the liver after a strong toxic effect, but if it continues, then they cannot be used. Otherwise, healthy membranes will inhibit liver detoxification, which can only exacerbate the situation. Thus, phospholipids cannot be used during the steroid cycle, but only after its completion. The dosage is 300 milligrams three times a day. The duration of use is not limited, but 30 days is quite enough.
  • Amino acid compounds … Ornithine, methionine and ademetionine should be used to restore the liver. You need to take drugs in a dosage of 5 to 10 milligrams throughout the day, and the duration of use has no restrictions.
  • Vitamins … Vitamins of groups E and B are also used as preparations for cleansing the liver. Vitamins of group B should preferably be taken in the form of injections, while B6 and B2 can be administered in combination, and B1 and B12 - separately. Vitamins of this group are taken in the amount of 1 injection within 20 days. Vitamin E is best taken in the form of Aevit. For 30 days, one capsule should be consumed twice a day.
  • Heptral … The drug has a powerful effect on the liver. Its use can be effective even with serious organ damage. Thanks to the remedy, cell renewal is accelerated, the liver is cleansed of accumulated toxins, and a choleretic effect is also exerted on the body. An injectable drug has a stronger effect. It should also be noted that the effect of Geptral on the liver continues for three months after the completion of the course. The daily dosage is 400 milligrams, and with severe organ damage - from 800 to 1200 milligrams.

Liver therapy

Therapy to cleanse the liver
Therapy to cleanse the liver

Let's consider examples of courses for cleansing the liver.

Therapy number 1

Course 1
Course 1

This course is intended for steroid cycles longer than 12 weeks, using high doses of alkylated anabolic steroids. You should also use a high-calorie nutritional program that is high in protein and fat. The use of liver cleansing drugs will compensate for the negative effects of the AAS and nutritional program. If the liver is in good condition, then no additional course of treatment is required after the end of the cycle.

Therapy number 2

Course 2
Course 2

This course of restorative therapy should be used when the liver has received serious damage from various toxic substances, for example, AAS, alcohol, medications, etc. During the course, it is necessary to use a special nutrition program.

How to cleanse the liver - watch the video:

Thus, the process of cleansing the body does not stop for a minute, and the liver is constantly at work. It is necessary to follow the correct nutrition program, and only in this case the organ will be able to function without interruption. You can also take special medications to cleanse the liver.
