The appearance of a small lion dog, the appearance of a levhen, character, how to take care of the breed: walking a pet, which includes a diet, interesting facts. Puppy price. Lowchen is a very ancient dog. It seems to be nothing special: the head is like a lapdog, the body of a poodle. But, this combination is very unusual. The dog differs markedly from its counterparts with a spectacular, lion haircut. He has a mischievous character, a cheerful and obedient animal.
The appearance of the little lion dog

Levhen's exact origin is a matter of controversy. It is known that these animals are very ancient. Some researchers suggest that the breed has Mediterranean ancestry, closely related to Bichon-type breeds, including the Maltese, Bolognese and Bichon Frize. Other sources trace the origins of the leuchen to Belgium, Holland, France and Germany, where its name translates to "little lion" (although this is not related to "lion dogs" from Asia). This theory connects leuchen with the blood of the modern poodle.
Similar dogs with a shorn back of the body and a long, natural mane were depicted in old engravings dating back to the mid-1400s. The painter Francisco Goya, in the late 1700s, portrayed the beautiful Duchess of Alba with a lion dog. Regardless of their exact origins, Leuchen was undoubtedly an extremely popular and pampered pet for the royals and aristocrats of Europe, as far back as the Renaissance.
Noble ladies of the court cut these dogs in the likeness of a lion. Presumably, this lion image was created for two reasons. First, the dogs were deliberately cut under the lions, because these animals were symbols of strength and power. Secondly, the warm naked skin of these little dogs served as a living heating pad for their noble mistresses. The pets warmed their beds, keeping them from freezing on cold nights. Levhen was also a great companion and a fierce little hearth keeper.
The breed almost disappeared due to the period of the world wars. By the middle of the 20th century, Levhenes were considered one of the rarest dog breeds in the world. In 1960, the Guinness Book of Records named the Leuhena "the rarest breed in the world." In 1973, the Guinness Book of Records said: “The rarest dog breed is Levhen. In March 1973, only 65–70 breed specimens were recorded.”
Fortunately, the breed began to revive due to the unknown and small numbers. Little lion dogs have been given a new lease of life, largely thanks to the efforts of Mrs. M. Bennner from Brussels, Belgium. Beginning in 1945, the woman tracked down and gathered every surviving Levhen she could find and began a thorough breeding program to save them from extinction.
After her death, her work was continued by Dr. Hans Rieckert, a German veterinarian. The selective and well-controlled breeding programs of Mrs. Benner and Dr. Rickert have begun a slow but steady revival of interest in the breed. The small lion dogs that eventually arrived in the UK and North America were taken directly from Dr. Rickert's Von Den Dray Kennel.
The first leuchen was brought to the United States from England in 1971 and still bore the breed name - "little lion dog". In the same year, a club of this breed was founded in America, which changed the name of the breed to today's "levhen". The American Kennel Club registered and recognized its first leuchen in 1996. In January 1999, the breed received full recognition from the American Kennel Club as a member. In accordance with the registration of the International Cynological Association, the breed is still called the "Little Lion Dog" in England and other countries throughout Europe.
Although rare today, Levhen is no longer endangered and is recognized by all the major dog clubs and associations around the world. His popularity in America was reinforced by the American television series The Hart Spouses, where a similar dog played the pet of a wealthy couple who worked as amateur detectives. These dogs have no competitors, because of their excellent memory, obedience, developed intelligence, excellent learning ability and observation. Levhenes are also wonderful therapy dogs and wonderful pets.
Description of the external characteristics of levhen

Levhen is a small dog that has a square shape and a lion-like haircut. The height at the withers in males is 30–33 cm and in bitches 26–29 cm. The weight of males is 6–8 kg and bitches are 5–6 kg.
- Head - high set, short, neither large nor small with a broad skull that is flat between the ears.
- Muzzle - relatively wide, slightly shorter than the skull. The stop is quite pronounced. The bridge of the nose is smooth. The jaws are short. The complete dentition has a scissor bite.
- Nose - harmonious to the muzzle, dark, usually with black pigmentation.
- Eyes the dog is large, round, dark and fits well into the skull.
- Ears not large, set low, hanging, covered with long guard hair.
- Neck levhena of sufficient length, high landing.
- Frame - shortened fits into the square, perfectly balanced. The chest is of sufficient volume and prolapse. The back is horizontal. The croup is shortened. No ribs stand out. The bottom line is perfectly matched.
- Tail - placed slightly below the spine, medium in length. Moderately throws itself on the back, without touching it. The tassel end may touch the spine.
- Front limbs - directly placed. Hind levhen with elongated hips.
- Paws - small size, rounded. The fingers are well closed.
- Coat long and wavy, but not curly, without undercoat. Levhenes have a mix of thick and thin hair, which creates a unique texture. Must be trimmed under the lion. Hair is trimmed on the back of the body and hind legs, most of the tail, and part of the forelegs. When the coat is natural, it is long, fairly dense and moderately soft in texture.
- Color - quite versatile. The most popular colors are white, black and lemon, but levhen can also be spotted.
Distinctive features of Levhen's behavior

And although the name of the animal is "little lion dog", this breed has nothing in common in its character with the warlike name of a lion. Even in the standard it is written that a positive attitude comes from Levhen, which makes the dog a very pleasant companion and pet. These little dogs love people of all ages and are always sweet and level-headed.
For them there is no greater happiness than curling up in the lap of their beloved owner, and they usually beg to sleep in his bed. Lion dogs love to be outdoors and, despite their small size, take time to play. Like many decorative breeds, dogs are very sensitive and quickly warn all household members about an incoming guest. They are perfectly trainable and quickly adapt to their surroundings, which makes them excellent human companions.
If the Levhen are left alone for a long time, then the animals can show anxiety. This phenomenon is common for breed individuals, but highly preventable. Pets love to be with people and hate being left alone for long periods of time. By working with your pet correctly, the dogs will not be so restless. Most people don't realize what kind of physical activity this breed is capable of. But a lot of exercise means nothing if the pet is left alone all day all the time. Levheny is best suited for active retirees who are constantly at home.
Barking is also a common problem among lion dogs. These little guards will immediately let you know as soon as they hear someone approaching their house. Many Levhen owners say that their dogs' favorite place is on the back of the couch so that you can see everything that happens in the window. Teaching your pet to stop its barking on command will save your nerves and eardrums.
Levhen breed health

Levhena is an unusually healthy breed with an average lifespan of 12 to 14 years. Hereditary health problems of the species can include cataracts and patellar dislocation.
A cataract is a layer of cells in the retina of the eye that causes visual impairment. A eyesore forms on the dog's eye, which is visible visually. Cataracts usually occur when a pet begins to age and can be treated with surgery by replacing the affected lens with a new one.
Progressive retinal atrophy is a degenerative eye disorder. Retinal atrophy blindness is a slow process caused by the loss of photoreceptors in the inner wall of the eye. This disease is detected several years before the dog shows signs of blindness. Good breeders check their dogs' eyes annually.
Dysplasia or dislocation of the knee joint is a common problem in small dog breeds. It is caused when the patella, which is made up of three parts: the femur (thigh), the patella (patella), and the lower leg (calf), is in an abnormal position. This causes limb limp or abnormal gait in the dog. This condition is inherited at birth, although the actual displacement or dislocation occurs much later.
Friction caused by patellar dislocation can lead to arthritis, which is a degenerative joint disease. There are four classes of this disease, ranging from class I, which is an accidental dislocation causing temporary lameness in the joint, to class IV, in which tibial rotation is severe and the patella cannot be manually rebuilt. In fact, such a dog is disabled. Severe patellar problems may require surgery.
Features of Levhen care

- Wool Small Lion Dog is dense, long and moderately wavy with a soft texture. These dogs have no undercoat, so they practically do not shed. Regular brushing prevents hair from tangling. To do this, you need a metal comb. When combing Levhen, spray the coat with an antistatic spray. The dog is bathed once a week with professional shampoos and moisturizing masks. All detergents and cosmetics are diluted with water before application so that they do not have a negative effect on the skin of the animal. They also need to be washed off thoroughly. Dry the dogs with the warm air of a hair dryer, in the direction of hair growth, so that the coat lies well. Show levhenes need a haircut and pets can wear a natural coat. The grooming of show dogs should be special - under the lion. The hair is shortened to a length of 3-4 mm, from the last rib to the croup, the hind limbs are shaved, and cuffs are made on the forelegs just above the paws. The tail is also shaved almost completely, leaving hair at the tip of the tail. To develop the correct stance for your pet for the competition, you can train on the epilex simulators. Classes should be held for 5-10 minutes every day. The dog remembers the correct position at the physical level. When the pet is removed from the simulator, it is fixed on the ground in the same way.
- Teeth should be brushed weekly to prevent tartar build-up, odor and gum health.
- Ears should be checked every week for redness or bad odor, which could indicate an infection. When you clean your dog's ears, wipe them off with a cotton sponge after applying the herbal lotion. Do not insert anything into the ear canal, just wipe the outer ear.
- Eyes should be clear, without redness or discharge. Your careful examination and vigilance will help you identify potential eye problems at an early stage.
- Claws prune once or twice a month unless your dog grinds them down naturally to prevent painful gait and other problems. If you hear them banging on the floor, then they are too long. Dogs have blood vessels in their claws, and cutting too much can cause bleeding and soreness. Then your pet next time, will run away as soon as it sees how the clippers are taken out. So, if you are inexperienced in trimming your levhen's claws, visit your veterinarian or groomer to see if the procedure is correct.
- Feeding your dog depends on its age, size, metabolism and activity level. Dogs are like humans, and they don't all need the same amount of food. It goes without saying that a highly active pet will need a lot more than a sofa dog. The quality of the canine food you buy also matters a lot. The higher the quality of the feed, the better the effect it has on the Levhena organism. The pet will look great, feel good and stay full longer.
- Walking small lion dogs should be outdoors. Their size makes them great apartment animals, but they need to be walked well every day. They need to run and play a lot in the park area once or twice a week to satisfy their physical needs.
Looking at them, it is impossible to tell, but these dogs are quite active and mobile. They have good intelligence and need mental stress, as well as physical activity. With them you need not only to play, but also to come up with interesting exercises during training. This is important for their stable psychological state. For such activities, such sports as agility and coursing are perfect.
Levhen training

Small lion dogs are highly trainable. They are smart and human-oriented, so they really want to please their owners. Learning should always be done with positive reinforcement. Praise them and treat them with a treat for correctly executed commands. Levhenes are sensitive dogs and should not be abused.
When basic training is completed, pets should move on to more advanced obedience training, mastering tricks, or agility and coursing training. They love active games and activities, and this strengthens the bond between the dog and its owner.
Interesting facts about Levhen

During the Great Patriotic War, only a dozen of them remained. This type of canine was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest breed. Currently, there are only two of them in Russia.
Small lion dog puppy price

There is a lot of trouble with levhen: impeccable coat, teeth, beautiful posture. This is not a complete list of requirements for successful performance at exhibitions. Meanwhile, just the usual care of the dog's hairstyle takes about two hours.
If you are buying a puppy, find a good breeder who will provide you with medical records for both of your puppy's parents. The certificates prove that the dog has been tested and does not carry any genetic diseases.
In the largest kennel, which has established itself well in the world, it is very difficult to acquire a dog. The price of Levhen puppies is 3000–4000 $.
More about the Levhen dog in the following story: