Distinctive features of the plant, tips for caring for the Horny Goat goat on the site, do-it-yourself breeding rules, diseases and pests, interesting facts, species. Horny Goat Weed, or as it is also called in Latin Epimedium, is a member of the genus of plants with a long-term growth cycle and a herbaceous form. They all belong to the Berberidaceae family, which unites dicotyledonous flowering representatives of the flora. The genus includes about 50 species. But this is not the final number, since every year on Chinese lands, namely in the province of Sy-Chuan, new varieties are discovered by botanical scientists. The native habitat of the Mountain Goat Weed falls only on the territory of the Eastern Hemisphere, which includes the following countries: China, Japan and Turkey, and you can also find it in the foothills of Europe and the Caucasus. Even in the lands of the northwest of the African continent, one species of this plant grows. In natural conditions, the epimedium likes to grow in moist forests on mountainous areas or in mountain spurs. Many varieties have been found growing on limestone.
This specimen of the green world of the planet bears its name "Goryanka" precisely for its habitats, since it is mainly found in mountain forests or narrow mountain ranges. Also, the people go by the name - "flower of the elves", the plant received such a nickname in the lands of Germany and Holland, as well as in many countries located in the west of Europe. There, this representative of the Barberry family took root in amateur gardens.
The epimedium received such a poetic name for its incredibly delicate outlines during flowering, when the buds tremble from the light breath of the breeze. In prosaic English, the mountain woman bears the name of the "archbishop's cap", since there are spurs on the rim.
All representatives of this species are perennial grasses and have a creeping and branched rhizome. It grows almost horizontally, following from the center to the periphery, therefore, after 4–5 years in an adult epimedium, the central part of the "bush" dies off and the overall decorative effect falls. Better at this time to carry out the division of the mother plant of the Horny Goat Weed.
Thin leaf petioles originate from the rhizome, the length of which ranges from 15-50 cm. The distance between them determines the general outline of the Horny Goat Weed. If the petioles are placed at a distance of 1–2 cm, then such “shrubs” look dense and can cover the soil like a carpet. In the case when the distance between the petioles reaches 2-7 cm, then the "bushes" with looser contours.
Leaf plates are mainly located near the roots or on the stem, then there are only 1–2 units. The sheet can usually be with simple or double-triple-dissected outlines, the leaf lobes along the edge grow both smooth and have medium-sized denticles or waviness. The shape of the leaf plate is oval, heart-shaped or similar to the contours of an arrow. The surface of the leaf is leathery, dense. Some varieties have a beautiful purple or orange pattern on the leaves along the veins. The foliage can be winter-green or semi-winter-green, and fall off during the winter months.
There are four pairs of sepals and they are petal-shaped, colored. If the sepal is on the outside, then it is small and not so strongly colored. The number of petals is 4, they have the outlines of nectaries, spurs or caps are available, which are placed in pairs in relation to each other. The pistil is single, the stigma has a slight expansion, the number of ovules is large, they grow in two rows along the suture on the abdomen.
After flowering, the fruit ripens in the form of a pod-shaped capsule. It contains two leaves. The one that is located on the back is not so large, and as soon as the fruit is ripe, it falls off. Then the lower flap of large outlines opens and small seeds are located in it. On them, the seam has the contours of the seeding. The embryo is slightly curved. The seeds are often spread by ants, which are nutrient-rich appendages attracted to the Horny Goat Weed.
Recommendations for growing Horny Goat Weed on the site, care

- Location selection. Epimedium is famous for its unpretentiousness and almost all of its species and formed hybrids are perfectly resistant to any growing conditions. Therefore, it is possible to plant a bush of the "flower of elves" both in a sunny flowerbed and in full shade. But if you want abundant flowering, then it is better to provide a shaded place. It is required that the place is not flooded and you can plant the Horny Goat Weed under trees with roots, like pumps, will remove excess moisture. If this is not done, and in the spring the soil is highly moistened, then you can lose especially interesting specimens.
- The soil when growing mountain goat. The plant is very fond of the substrate when planting was fresh, moist and with sufficient air and water permeability. Sandy-manure soil or clay-manure soil, with good looseness and rich in nutrients, is suitable. The acidity should be neutral.
- General plant care. Immediately, as soon as the snow melts, it is required to shovel the foliage, which covered the "bush" of the epimedium for the winter. But spring frosts of 1-2 degrees below zero can harm the plant. Some growers still strongly recommend not to rush to remove the shelter from the mountain goat. If the variety is winter-green, then it still loses a little decorativeness over the winter and the leaves are trimmed to the soil level, this will help new leaves and flowers to develop. Since the plant grows very quickly and this operation is recommended to be carried out in early spring, after the snow has melted.
- Fertilizers for the mountain woman. Intensive feeding of this plant is not required. Before winter, you can mulch with compost and in the spring, feed it as standard once.
- Watering the mountain woman. If the weather is hot, then it is necessary to regularly moisten the soil under the "bush" of the epimedium. But here the main thing is not to flood, since the plant will tolerate light overdrying more easily than waterlogging the soil.
Epimedium breeding tips

You can get a new plant "flower of the elves" by dividing the rhizome or sowing seeds.
When the mother "bush" of the epimedium grows strongly, as its rhizome grows, then after 4–5 years it is required to divide it. This operation is performed in August or early autumn. It is necessary to cut the rhizome with a sharpened disinfected knife. Then the sections are sprinkled with crushed activated or charcoal for disinfection. The plots should contain 2-3 buds and they are planted in the ground to a depth of about 4-6 cm. After the parts of the Horny Goat Weed have been planted, cover them with a layer of foliage to protect them from frost. Usually, in the second year, the plant grows, forms a dense rug that covers the soil. In one place, the "cap of the archbishop" can spend up to 10 years.
When propagating by seeds, it will be necessary to carry out their two-stage stratification:
- 2-3 weeks in warm conditions at a temperature of 15-20 degrees;
- about a month in the cold at 2–5 degrees Celsius.
The seedlings are quite unpretentious and grow rapidly, but they begin to bloom only 3-4 years after planting. They are seated in the ground at a distance of 35–40 cm from each other.
Diseases and pests of the epimedium

Horny Goat Weed is rarely affected by pests and practically does not get sick. But if it grows in southern areas, then grape weevils can harm it, for the fight against which it is possible to spray with such preparations as "Iskra D" or "Karate". If the leaves are still young, then slugs can gnaw them. To prevent such negative "interference" use the following means: "Ferramol", "Thunderstorm" or "Metu", as well as others with a similar effect. It happens that shoots are gnawed by mice or voles.
Interesting facts about the elf flower

Epimedium is the raw material for numerous recipes for folk medicinal drugs, which are commonly consumed by the peoples of Korea, Japan, and especially the plant is popular in China. It is interesting that the properties and effect of the mountain goat goat on a person have been known to folk healers for more than a thousand years.
Medicinal compositions in which this plant is present can have a beneficial effect on the human body, namely:
- affects the kidneys and normalizes urination;
- blood pressure is kept within normal limits, as Horny Goat Weed helps to thin the blood and dilate blood vessels and capillaries;
- excess fluid is excreted from the body, and swelling decreases;
- helps to increase blood circulation in the vessels that feed the liver and kidneys;
- stimulates sensuality and prevents premature ejaculation in men;
- generally promotes rejuvenation of the body, maintains normal skin moisture and prevents the formation of wrinkles;
- eliminates the symptoms of dizziness, relieves fatigue and the effects of stress;
- inflamed processes of the throat and oral mucosa can be cured with decoctions;
- promotes the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases;
- with the help of decoctions, purulent wounds and boils are washed for their speedy healing.
Types of mountain woman

- Mountain Goat Weed (Epimedium alpinum) distributed mainly in Europe. The plant has a long-term growing period, its height reaches 15–25 cm. Over time, it develops sod with loose contours. There are no spurs in the flowers. The sepals are colored reddish, and the petals are yellowish.
- Colchis Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium pinnatum ssp.colchicum) is a perennial representative of the Barberry family, which has a rhizome and grows on the lands of the Caucasus and Turkey, in dry forests, with good shading. It is in the hemixerophilic and xeromesophilic forest plant societies (formations) located in the coastal zones of the Caucasus that this variety is attributed. The continuous cover, which forms over time, can reach 30 cm and has an average density. Shoots grow upright with leafy plates that do not fall off for the winter. Thanks to this, the plant does not lose its decorative effect from early spring before snow begins to fall. The leaves have a shiny surface and green color, and with the arrival of autumn days they show a variety of shiny metallic tones. In the process of flowering, which occurs between May and June, buds appear with a pure yellow color. On a plant, flowers can last for 10-15 days. The size of the flowers is small, reaching only 1.5 cm, there are no spurs. A rare racemose inflorescence is collected from the buds. It is important to grow this variety without strong soil moisture; the plant is not demanding on its composition.
- Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium x versicolor) is a bred hybrid by means of the Colchis Mountain Goat Weed and the Large-flowered Mountain Goat Weed. The leaves of this plant are up to 30–40 cm long and can winter under snow. The flowering process will last up to 3 weeks from mid-May. This species is quite drought-resistant. In our territory, the variety is popular Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium x versicolor var. Silphureum) flower petals which, according to the name, are cast in a yellow tone and their size is 1, 5 cm. Dernins are very dense and do not exceed 35–40 cm in height. When the leaves are young, their color is quite attractive. The plant covers the soil well.
- Korean Mountain Goat Weed (Epimedium koreanum). From the name of this plant, the territories of its distribution are clear, they fall on lands in the shady forests of the Far East. Perennial, not exceeding 15–20 cm in height. Sod forms are of a loose appearance. The leaf plates are thin, their color is light green, they do not winter under the snow. The flowers are very beautiful in shape, their diameter can reach 2.5 cm. The spur is present, a few racemose inflorescences, located one by one, are collected from the buds. The color of the petals in the buds is purple, and the center of the flower is whitish. During the 20 May days, you can admire the flowers of this species. Likes to "settle" in shaded areas. The growth rate is not very high, and in a year the growth can be only 2 cm. This Horny Goat Weed is completely unpretentious with sufficient frost resistance.
- Red Horned Goat Weed (Epimedium x rubrum) is a hybrid plant obtained by combining alpine hornbeam and large-flowered. Its height varies within 35–40 cm. The cover, located above the soil surface, is characterized by high density and height. Young foliage is very decorative. The color of the leaves along the edge and along the veins of the purple color. The flowers can reach 1.5 cm in diameter. The petals are red with yellow. This species is the most common in our gardens.
- Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium grandiflorum). The native habitat is spread over the lands of Manchuria and Japan. It is the basis for breeding many hybrid plants. The most common type. Depending on the variety, the height of the plant varies between 15-30 cm, the leaf plates are overwintering. Their shape is heart-shaped, the color is distinguished by a bronze bloom. The number of flowers on a sturdy stem can range from 4 to 15 units. The flowering process takes place from May to June. If the winter is snowless, then there is a possibility of freezing; in order to avoid this, it should be covered with spruce branches in the autumn-winter period. In the species plant, the flowers have a lilac color, the variety "Lilacinum" (Lilacinum), as well as "Lilafea" (Lilafea) have buds with purple petals, pink flowers are inherent in the variety "Rose Qween", the variety is famous for the white tint of flowers "White Queen" (White Queen).
- Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium pinnatum). The variety grows in the Caucasus and Iran, mainly found in the shade of mountain forests. Highly decorative look. A perennial plant with a strong cylindrical rhizome. The stem can reach a height of half a meter. The leaves are located at the roots, their shape is imparipinnate-dissected, there can be one or two pairs of lobes, or they are dvazhdytrychatye. When the leaf is young, its surface is covered with whitish or red hairs, which disappear over time and then the leaf is bare. From the very beginning, the leaf lobes have membranes, but after a certain period they become leathery, and have 3-5 veins. The contours of the leaf plate are heart-shaped at the base, along the edge they are cartilaginous or serrate. One or two flower arrows appear. The inflorescence is a thin, simple raceme with elongated outlines. The flower has 8 sepals, with a petal appearance, those that are inside are large in size and in shape they are ovoid or almost rhombic. There are two pairs of petals, they are very small, pale, the spur has an orange color and saccular contours. The flowering process takes place in March. After flowering, a fruit is formed in the form of a pod-shaped capsule with two valves. One of the valves is smaller, and when ripe, it tends to fall off, opening the lower valve in which small seeds are placed.
More about the mountain woman in the following video: