Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese: making and recipes

Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese: making and recipes
Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese: making and recipes

Peculiarities of making Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese, composition and calorie content. The main useful properties of the product, contraindications and harm. How to eat Puligny-Saint-Pierre and in what dishes is it better to add it?

Puligny-Saint-Pierre is a soft French goat cheese. The first goat cheese to be certified by the AOC, which guarantees the highest quality standard and a defined geographic production area. Today the product is manufactured in 22 certified communes of the Indre department. The "head" is atypical: the cheese is sold in the form of small truncated pyramids, for which it is often romantically called the Eiffel Tower. Size: at the base - 12-13 cm, at the top of the cone - 2-3 cm, weight - 250 g. Crust - wrinkled, covered with white mold Geotrichum candidum and foci of gray Penicillium album. The crust color of young cheeses is ivory; as it ripens, it "goes" into orange-brown. The pulp is white, creamy, but firm. The taste is sweet and creamy with a hint of herbs and hazelnuts. The cheese is great for making gourmet toasts and light salads, and is also used as a stand-alone snack accompanied by local fruit wines.

Peculiarities of making Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese

Cheese production Puligny-Saint-Pierre
Cheese production Puligny-Saint-Pierre

Puligny-Saint-Pierre is made from unpasteurized goat milk. However, if you decide to cook the cheese yourself, it is better to pre-pasteurize the product - of course, if you are not sure of its impeccability.

You can also buy pre-pasteurized milk from the store, but manufacturers often exceed the pasteurization temperature to get rid of the potential pathogens in fresh milk as much as possible. When overheated, the process of protein destruction occurs, and therefore the cheese curd is no longer obtained. The best option is purchasing fresh milk from a trusted farmer and home pasteurization (gradual heating to 60-80OC and fast cooling).

Before you start making Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese, be sure to sterilize all utensils and utensils that you intend to use, and also wipe with vinegar to avoid the formation of wild mold.

Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese recipe:

  1. Heat milk (4 L) in a saucepan to 22OC - adjust with a milk thermometer. If the milk is from the refrigerator, it will take about 20 minutes to heat up.
  2. Pour in calcium chloride 10% (4 ml), dissolved in water at room temperature (50 ml), mix immediately.
  3. Spread dry mesophilic starter culture (1/8 teaspoon) and Geotrichum candidum (1/16 teaspoon) over the milk surface, leave for 5 minutes and stir well.
  4. Pour in rennet (4-6 drops) previously dissolved in warm water (20 ml). Distribute the enzyme well throughout the volume, mix for 30 seconds.
  5. Cover the milk with a lid, leave for 10 hours at a temperature of 20-23OC - it is essential to maintain it, as milk can turn sour.
  6. Carefully remove the resulting curdled mass, place on a drainage container to drain the whey.
  7. Transfer the mass into a mold, condense.
  8. Leave the cheese without a press to mature for 11 hours, the temperature is the same - 20-23OWITH.
  9. Transfer the mold to a room with conditions that are optimal for drying and compaction, they are as follows: temperature - 11-13OС, humidity - 65-70%.
  10. After 12 hours, remove the cheese from the mold, weigh it and measure out the required amount of salt at the rate of 2% - for example, a piece weighing 100 g requires 2 g of salt - this is about half a teaspoon. Rub the salt over the entire surface of the cheese and remove for ripening, optimal conditions: temperature - 10-20OС, humidity - 85-95%.
  11. Cheese must be placed on a drainage mat, periodically it needs to be changed or wiped.
  12. After 10 days, the temperature needs to be changed to 4-6OC, humidity can be left the same, but ideally it should be as close as possible to 90%.
  13. If you want only white mold on the crust, wrap the cheese in wax paper. If you want the product to look more original and to have focal mold of other colors on it, you do not need to wrap it up.

Ripening time is 1-3 weeks. The production produces varieties of various "aging", the ripening period can reach 4-5 weeks.

Interesting! One of the varieties of ripe Puligny-Saint-Pierre is a cheese with an orange-brown crust, it is drier than its "younger brothers". This variety is matured under special conditions.

Composition and calorie content of Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese

French cheese Puligny-Saint-Pierre
French cheese Puligny-Saint-Pierre

The calorie content of Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese is about 300 kcal per 100 g, fat content is 45%

The product is rich in protein and saturated fat, carbohydrates are present in minimal quantities.

The main beneficial component of the composition is calcium. It also includes other minerals and vitamins in significant quantities. In particular, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins A, group B - especially B2, B3, B9.

Useful properties of Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese

What Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese looks like
What Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese looks like

In terms of health benefits, goat cheese is more valued than cow cheese. I must say that the protein contained in the product is, in principle, very valuable, since it is easily digested and contains a set of all amino acids necessary for a person. However, if you compare the protein of cow and goat cheese, the latter will benefit - its digestibility is much better, and it is less likely to cause allergic reactions and food intolerances.

The benefits of Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese:

  1. Strengthening the bone skeleton … Of course, first of all, cheese is a source of calcium, which is responsible for the strength of bones, teeth, nails, and healthy hair growth. Phosphorus plays an important role in the absorption of calcium, which is also present in the product. It is worth noting the particular importance of the regularity of the intake of this mineral in the body for women in menopause, since it is this population group that is most vulnerable to osteoporosis - a disease of fragility of bones.
  2. Normalization of the work of the heart and blood vessels … The composition of the product contains a large amount of essential minerals for the cardiovascular system - potassium and magnesium. They regulate the contractions of the heart muscle and are able to lower blood pressure and normalize the rhythm.
  3. Improving the functioning of the digestive system … When cheese ripens, beneficial bacteria are formed in it, which have a good effect on the intestinal microflora. Thus, regular use of the product is an opportunity to improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, removing problems such as flatulence, constipation, bloating, etc.
  4. Muscle growth … An easily digestible complete protein, which we have already mentioned, is responsible for this beneficial effect. That is why cheese is an excellent "ingredient" in the menu of athletes, as well as men engaged in hard physical labor. Goat cheese protein is able to not only accelerate muscle growth, but also keep them healthy.
  5. Strengthening reproductive function … A particularly valuable component of the composition of Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese is vitamin A. This nutrient ensures the health of all mucous membranes, including the genitals. In addition, it is an enzyme in the formation of eggs and sperm.
  6. Prevention of night blindness … Another merit of vitamin A is its participation in the synthesis of rhodopsin, an important component of vision, especially twilight. In addition, the nutrient keeps the mucous membranes of the eye hydrated, saving it from a common problem today - dry eye syndrome.
  7. Prevention of problems of the nervous system … B vitamins are very valuable for the whole organism as a whole; they participate in hundreds of biochemical reactions, playing the role of catalysts. It is especially important to note their importance for the central nervous system, with a deficiency of vitamins of this group, various kinds of mental disorders develop, starting with a bad mood and ending with depression, anxiety disorders.

One cannot fail to note the positive effect of Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese on the overall vitamin and mineral balance. This product is a source of almost all vital nutrients, although not all of them are found in high doses.

Read more about the health benefits of Port-Salu cheese

Contraindications and harm of Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese

Heart disease
Heart disease

While analyzing the composition of the cheese, we mentioned the saturated fat content in it. This nutrient is important and must enter the body, however, it is one of those components that, in reasonable measures, bring benefits, and in unreasonable ones, harm. This is why it is important to limit the amount of Puligny-St-Pierre cheese in your diet. The norm for a healthy person is 50-70 g per day.

As for people with certain diseases, Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese can be harmful:

  • Overweight - the fat content of cheese is 45%, such products should be excluded from the diet of those who are prone to obesity;
  • People with lactose intolerance - soft cheeses contain more lactose than hard ones, and therefore it is better to avoid them, even if the stage of the disease is mild;
  • Patients with heart disease - in this case, the salt content plays a key role, it is present in the composition of the product in considerable quantities, and therefore the use of cheese in this case should be agreed with the doctor.

Also, a consultation with a doctor is required before the introduction of Puligny-Saint-Pierre into the diet, if there are certain diseases that involve a therapeutic diet.

You should not try cheese for people with weakened immunity, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and young children. This is due to the presence of mold crops in the product.

Recipes with Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese

Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese salad
Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese salad

The French believe that the way Puligny-Saint-Pierre cheese is consumed depends on the ripening time. So, more mature varieties are eaten as an independent snack, served with honey, berry jams, your favorite nuts and fruits and, of course, a fresh baguette. Light fruit wines serve as an ideal accompaniment.

As for the young varieties, they perfectly complement various dishes. It is best to make interesting bruschetta and salads with Puligny-Saint-Pierre, cheese also goes well with pasta. Let's take a look at a few recipes:

  1. Bruschetta for a gourmet breakfast … Chop a crispy baguette (1 small), dry lightly in a dry frying pan or in a toaster. Melt honey (50 ml). Chop cheese slices (200 g), chop prunes (50 g), chop walnuts (20 g). Now collect the bruschetta: brush the bread with honey, put the cheese on top, sprinkle with walnuts and prunes.
  2. Light goat cheese salad … Rinse arugula (40 g), dry, put on portioned plates. Crumble the cheese (100 g). Fry pine nuts (20 g) in a dry frying pan. Cut a pear (1 piece) into thin slices and heat in a pan or grill. Gather all the ingredients, pour the olive oil, lemon juice and salt over the salad to taste.
  3. Broccoli pasta … Broccoli (1 piece) disassemble into inflorescences, cook for 5 minutes. Boil any pasta (500 g) as well, but orecchiette is best. Heat olive oil in a saucepan, fry finely chopped garlic (4 cloves) and chili pepper (1). Add lemon juice and zest (1 lemon) and broccoli. Put out everything together for 2-3 minutes. Mix with pasta, sprinkle with crumbled goat cheese (100 g).
  4. Green salad with honey sauce … Whisk melted honey (1 tablespoon) with 1 tablespoon olive oil and 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar in a deep bowl. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Crumble the goat cheese (50 g). Rinse green salad (50 g), dry, put in portioned plates. Add cheese, pour with dressing, stir and eat.
  5. Bruschetta with pesto and pepper … Chop a baguette or small ciabatta (1 piece) coarsely and fry in olive oil. Cut bell peppers (2 pieces) into wedges, place on a baking sheet, drizzle lightly with olive oil and bake for 10 minutes at 200OC. Basil leaves (20 g) finely chop, then place in a mortar and crush together with pine nuts (30 g), Parmesan (30 g), garlic (1-2 cloves), then add olive oil until the desired consistency and stir everything Ingredients. Spread the pesto on the bread, top with 200g goat cheese slices and baked pepper wedges.

However, it is not necessary to be tied to the specified recipes, you can always use cheese at your discretion, adding a new touch to everyday dishes.
