How is microblading done?

How is microblading done?
How is microblading done?

Find out what a lip microblading procedure is. Features of its implementation, advantages and disadvantages.

Contraindications for microblading

A wound on the girl's lip, due to which microblading cannot be performed
A wound on the girl's lip, due to which microblading cannot be performed

Lip microblading has certain contraindications. First of all, it cannot be carried out during pregnancy and lactation, as well as if there is damage or inflammation of the skin and the presence of certain diseases, which include:

  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • diseases that are associated with disorders of the blood clotting process;
  • acute infectious and viral diseases;
  • hypertension.

Disadvantages of the microblading procedure

Lip microblading tool
Lip microblading tool
  1. If the skin of the lips is very sensitive, severe painful sensations and unpleasant discomfort during the procedure may appear.
  2. Only an experienced master should carry out the procedure, since the lack of the necessary skills can lead to not very pleasant consequences.
  3. There is a risk of infection if the procedure is performed poorly and under inappropriate conditions.
  4. The result can be evaluated only after the film has completely peeled off.

Lip microblading technique

Girl doing microblading in the salon
Girl doing microblading in the salon

Before you go directly to the procedure, you need to prepare in advance for the cosmetic session. It is important to start preparations two weeks before the procedure. First of all, special antiviral drugs are taken against herpes, which will help to avoid possible infection - this is a necessary prevention.

A preliminary consultation is mandatory, during which the master is obliged to tell the client about the existing contraindications for this procedure. Also, a pigment is selected that will be injected under the skin. If necessary, the correction of the shape of the lips is also discussed - the master must offer a sketch, according to which a new contour will be drawn.

According to the wishes of the client, the shade of the pigment will be selected, but it must also take into account not only the color type, but also the facial features, and of course, the shade of the hair. It is necessary to approach this stage with all responsibility, since the result obtained will last for about two years, and in the near future it will not be possible to change it. That is why it is better to abandon rash experiments with your own appearance.

A few days before the procedure is carried out, you must completely stop drinking any alcoholic beverages. Smoking is strictly prohibited on the day of the microblading session, and it is also recommended to refuse to take various energy drinks, including coffee.

The microblading procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, the skin of the lips is treated with a special disinfectant.
  2. According to the sketch created earlier, the wizard draws the contour of the lips using a special tool.
  3. At the next stage, pigment is implanted under the skin - a very thin needle is inserted under the skin no deeper than 3 mm. The fact is that during the procedure, only the upper layer of the epidermis is painted over.
  4. The duration of the manual permanent tattooing procedure is approximately 20 minutes.

What is the difference between lip microblading and classic tattooing?

Girl's lips after tattooing
Girl's lips after tattooing

Most girls mistakenly believe that the modern lip microblading procedure is tattooing. However, these two similar procedures have certain differences, namely:

  1. The way in which pigment is injected into the skin. During microblading, the pigment is injected using a special pen, which has a large number of fine needles. When performing tattooing, the master uses only one needle to implant the dye.
  2. Microblading is a gentle procedure, during which painful sensations are practically not disturbed. During the introduction of a bundle of thin needles under the skin, only slight discomfort appears. This is one of the main differences between microblading and tattooing.
  3. The puncture of the skin with a needle and the introduction of the coloring pigment occurs at a minimum depth, thereby minimizing the likelihood of negative consequences that may appear after the procedure. The delicate skin of the lips is not injured.
  4. After lip tattooing, swelling and inflammation of the tissues appear, and microblading allows you to avoid such side effects. Due to the fact that tissue injury does not occur, in just a few hours you can return to your usual business. At the same time, few people will notice that such a cosmetic procedure was recently carried out. Tissue healing occurs very quickly.
  5. One of the main disadvantages of microblading is that after the procedure, a thin film appears on the surface of the lips, which makes it difficult to evaluate the resulting skin tone. After a couple of days, the crust comes off on its own and the result will be visible.

You should not try to remove the formed crust on your own, as there is a risk of serious injury to delicate skin and a dangerous infection, which should not be allowed.

How long will the result of lip microblading last?

Girl undergoing microblading
Girl undergoing microblading

The effect obtained after this cosmetic procedure will last for about two years, without the need for additional correction or coming for additional sessions.

After the final healing of the epidermal tissues, the shade may change slightly and turn out to be a couple of tones lighter than after the procedure. The fact is that only 50% of the coloring pigment is absorbed into the top layer of the skin.

The color fastness is influenced by such factors as:

  • improper lip care after the microblading procedure;
  • the experience of the master and the availability of professional skills;
  • how deeply the coloring pigment is injected under the skin;
  • the quality of the pigment used.

How to care for your lips after microblading?

Girl examines her lips in the mirror
Girl examines her lips in the mirror

After this cosmetic procedure, the healing process of the skin of the lips takes place quite quickly. To speed up healing, it is necessary to treat delicate skin with a special healing agent during the first day, which the master will recommend to use.

It is important to apply the ointment in a thin layer. It is not recommended to touch the treated skin area with your hands or to wet it often. It is necessary to use only gentle care products - for example, baby soaps or soft gels. For two weeks after microblading, it is not recommended to visit the pool, sauna, steam your face or take hot baths. It is also worth giving up sunbathing for a while.

After the procedure, a crust appears on the surface of the skin of the lips, which is not recommended to be removed on your own; you should not use cosmetics such as peels or scrubs. You need to wait a little and after a couple of days the film comes off on its own.

The microblading procedure allows you to achieve an amazing result in just half an hour, which will last for several years. And with proper and regular lip care, you can forget about the need for constant lip tinting for a long time, because they will always look perfect. The most important thing is to choose an experienced craftsman who has a sufficient level of professionalism.
